Categorical_logit_lpmf: log odds parameter[3] is nan, but must be finite!

Here is my stan code below:

data {
  int<lower=1> N;                        // Number of subjects
  int<lower=1> T;                        // Max trials per subject
  int<lower=1> B;                        // Number of bet options
  int<lower=1,upper=T> Tsubj[N];         // number of trials/subject
  int<lower=0,upper=2> col_chosen[N,T];  // chosen color index
  int<lower=0,upper=B> bet_chosen[N,T];  // chosen bet indexs
  vector[B] bet_delay;                   // vector of bet delays
  real gain[N,T,B];                      // gain: ( capital * bet_prop)
  real loss[N,T,B];                      // loss: (- capital * bet_prop)
  real prop_red[N,T];                    // proportion of red boxes
  real prop_chosen[N,T];                 // proportion of chosen boxes

parameters {
  // Declare all parameters as vectors for vectorizing
  // Hyper(group)-parameters
  vector[6] mu_pr;
  vector<lower=0>[6] sigma;

  // Subject-level raw parameters (for Matt trick)
  vector[N] alpha_pr;
  vector[N] rho_pr;
  vector[N] gamma_pr;
  vector[N] c_pr;
  vector[N] beta_pr;
  vector[N] delta_pr;

transformed parameters {
  // subject-level parameters
  vector<lower=0,upper=5>[N] alpha;
  vector<lower=0>[N] rho;
  vector<lower=0>[N] gamma;
  vector<lower=0,upper=1>[N] c;
  vector<lower=0>[N] beta;
  vector<lower=0>[N] delta;

  for (i in 1:N) {
    alpha[i] = Phi_approx( mu_pr[1] + sigma[1] * alpha_pr[i] ) * 5;
    c[i]     = Phi_approx( mu_pr[4] + sigma[4] * c_pr[i] );
  rho   = exp(mu_pr[2] + sigma[2] * rho_pr);
  gamma = exp(mu_pr[3] + sigma[3] * gamma_pr);
  beta  = exp(mu_pr[5] + sigma[5] * beta_pr);
  delta  = exp(mu_pr[6] + sigma[6] * delta_pr);

model {
  // Hyperpriors (vectorized)
  mu_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
  sigma ~ normal(0, 0.2);

  // Individual parameters
  alpha_pr ~ normal(0,1);
  rho_pr   ~ normal(0,1);
  gamma_pr ~ normal(0,1);
  c_pr     ~ normal(0,1);
  beta_pr  ~ normal(0,1);
  delta_pr ~ normal(0,1);

  // subject loop and trial loop
  for (i in 1:N) {
    // Define vectors
    vector[B] gain_util;
    vector[B] loss_util;
    vector[B] bet_util;
    vector[2] col_util;

    // Model
    for (t in 1:Tsubj[i]) {  // Need to set trial/vectorized parts correctly
      // Assign probability of choosing color (fix bias red)
      col_util[1] = (c[i] * pow(prop_red[i,t], alpha[i])) / (c[i] * pow(prop_red[i,t], alpha[i]) + ((1 - c[i]) * pow(1 - prop_red[i,t], alpha[i])));
      col_util[2] = 1 - col_util[1];

      // Increment log likelihood for color choice
      col_chosen[i,t] ~ categorical(col_util);

      // For each bet option
      for (b in 1:B) {
        // Assign gain/loss utilities
        gain_util[b] = log(1 + gain[i,t,b] * rho[i]);
        loss_util[b] = - delta[i] * log(1 + loss[i,t,b] * rho[i]);

      // Utility of all bets
      bet_util = gain_util * prop_chosen[i,t] + loss_util * (1 - prop_chosen[i,t]);
      // Utility of bet with delays
      // bet_util = ((beta[i] + bet_util) / beta[i]) - beta[i] * bet_delay;
      bet_util = bet_util - beta[i] * bet_delay;

      // Increment log likelihood for choosing bet
      bet_chosen[i,t] ~ categorical_logit(bet_util * gamma[i]);

generated quantities {
  // Define group level parameters
  real<lower=0,upper=5> mu_alpha;
  real<lower=0>         mu_rho;
  real<lower=0>         mu_gamma;
  real<lower=0,upper=5> mu_c;//raw stan file here the upper is 5, i changed it into 1 to fit formal setting
  real<lower=0>         mu_beta;
  real<lower=0>         mu_delta;

  // Define log likelihood vector
  real log_lik[N];
  real y_hat_col[N,T];
  real y_hat_bet[N,T];
  real bet_utils[N,T,B];

  for (j in 1:N) {
    for (k in 1:T) {
      y_hat_col[j,k] = 0;
      y_hat_bet[j,k] = 0;
      for (b in 1:B) {
        bet_utils[j,k,b] = 0;

  // Assign group level parameters
  mu_alpha = Phi_approx(mu_pr[1]) * 5;
  mu_rho   = exp(mu_pr[2]);
  mu_gamma = exp(mu_pr[3]);
  mu_c     = Phi_approx(mu_pr[4]);
  mu_beta  = exp(mu_pr[5]);
  mu_delta  = exp(mu_pr[6]);

  { // local section, this saves time and space
    for (i in 1:N) {
      // Define vectors
      vector[B] gain_util;
      vector[B] loss_util;
      vector[B] bet_util;
      vector[2] col_util;

      log_lik[i] = 0;

      // Model
      for (t in 1:Tsubj[i]) {  // Need to set trial/vectorized parts correctly
        // Assign probability of choosing color (fix bias red)
        col_util[1] = (c[i] * pow(prop_red[i,t], alpha[i])) / (c[i] * pow(prop_red[i,t], alpha[i]) + ((1 - c[i]) * pow(1 - prop_red[i,t], alpha[i])));
        col_util[2] = 1 - col_util[1];

        // Increment log likelihood for color choice
        log_lik[i] = log_lik[i] + categorical_lpmf(col_chosen[i,t] | col_util);
        // Posterior prediction for bet
        y_hat_col[i,t] = categorical_rng(col_util);

        // For each bet option
        for (b in 1:B) {
          // Assign gain/loss utilities
          gain_util[b] = log(1 + gain[i,t,b] * rho[i]);
          loss_util[b] = -delta[i] * log(1 + loss[i,t,b] * rho[i]);

        // Utility of all bets
        bet_util = gain_util * prop_chosen[i,t] + loss_util * (1 - prop_chosen[i,t]);
        // Utility of bet with delays
        // bet_util = ((beta[i] + bet_util) / beta[i]) - beta[i] * bet_delay;
        bet_util = bet_util - beta[i] * bet_delay;

        // Increment log likelihood for choosing bet
        log_lik[i] += categorical_logit_lpmf(bet_chosen[i,t] | bet_util * gamma[i]);
        // Posterior prediction for bet
        y_hat_bet[i,t] = categorical_rng(softmax(bet_util * gamma[i]));
        // Save bet utility
        for (b in 1:B) {
          bet_utils[i,t,b] = bet_util[b];

And the error reports like:

Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1:   Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: categorical_logit_lpmf: log odds parameter[5] is nan, but must be finite!  (in 'model45fc5c821ad2_cgt_im' at line 93)

(Here line 93 is where bet_chosen[i,t] ~ categorical_logit(bet_util * gamma[i]) is located.

The model is a specific model for fitting prospect theory in a gambling task.But previously similar models can run perfectly and fit my data. I am confused why this one reports error.

I suppose there is something wrong with this line but don’t know how to fix it
loss_util[b] = - delta[i] * log(1 + loss[i,t,b] * rho[i])

Hope someone can help me with my problem, though I am not very adept at understanding stan code. Thank you guys in advance!

Was that an error or just a warning? Did the model eventually sample and do the right thing?

I am not very adept at understanding stan code.

It’d be a lot simpler without all the doc getting in the way of reading the code! What you want to do is start simple with a model that works and then build up its complexity. It’s hard to debug a large model like this as a whole.

To debug a large program in place, it can help to print values before and after tricky lines. here, you want to know why the log odds is giving you a naN value. Is it a problem with bet_util or gamma? Print them both before the line and see (and make sure whatever software you’re using to fit doesn’t swallow warnings and other messages).

Why did you think the following was to blame?

loss_util[b] = - delta[i] * log(1 + loss[i,t,b] * rho[I])

I would suggest going back and instrumenting all the inputs to track things down. Print variables before and after to track down where things go wrong.

For arithmetic stability, I would suggest replacing log(1 + x) with log1p(x) wherever possible. It lets the code succeed numerically when x is close to 0.

This code could be made much much more efficient by collapsing a bunch of the loops, but no reason to worry about that until it works.

Thank you for your advice, actually i solved this problem by adding fabs() function to loss[i,t,b]. But this warning still existed when i was doing parameter recovery.