Hi all, I am new to stan while I got the error message like this when initializing.
Chain 3: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 3: Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 3: Exception: normal_lpdf: Location parameter is nan, but must be finite! (in ‘model339674e1a53_f0754ff79b50e64febd5efec7c18a911’ at line 87)
Any suggestion would be great appreciated!
New_Stan.stan (2.1 KB) Rstan_NewStan.R (1.8 KB)
line 87 is :
y_ijk[(n-1)*5+k] ~ lognormal(mu[(n-1)*5+k], sigma);
my Stan file is:
// This Stan program defines a simple model, with a
// vector of values ‘y’ modeled as normally distributed
// with mean ‘mu’ and standard deviation ‘sigma’.
// Learn more about model development with Stan at:
// http://mc-stan.org/users/interfaces/rstan.html
// https://github.com/stan-dev/rstan/wiki/RStan-Getting-Started
// The input data.
data {
// Define variables in data
// Number of level-1 observations (an integer)
int<lower=1> N; //number of units
// Number of level-2 clusters
int<lower=1> K; //number of conditions
// RH from the data
real RH[NK];
// Temp from the data
int<lower=1> T[NK];
// Continuous outcome
vector[NK] y_ijk;//number of the outputs
// Continuous predictor
real t_ijk[NK];
//Prepocessing of the data
transformed data{
real x1[NK];
real x2[NK];
x1[NK] = log(RH[NK]);
x2[NK] = 11605/(T[NK]+273.15);
// The parameters accepted by the model.
parameters {
// Define parameters to estimate
// Random effect
matrix[N,2] mat;
// Level-1
real<lower=1> sigma;
// Hyperparameters
vector[2] mu_mat;
real<lower=100> A[NK];
real<lower=1> B[NK];
real<lower=1> delta_H[N*K];
corr_matrix[2] sigma_mat;
corr_matrix[2] sigma_for_prior;
//Parameters processing before the postier is computed
transformed parameters{
// Random effect
real beta0[N];
real gamma[N];
row_vector[NK] beta1;
row_vector[NK] mu;
for(n in 1:N){
beta0[n] = mat[n,1];
gamma[n] = mat[n,2];
// Population slope
for(k in 1:K){
for(n in 1:N){
beta1[(n-1)5+k] = exp(log(A[nk]) + B[n*k]*x1[(n-1)5+k] + delta_H[nk]*x2[(n-1)*5+k]);
mu[(n-1)*5+k] = beta0[n] + beta1[(n-1)*5+k] * (t_ijk[(n-1)*5+k]^gamma[n]);
model {
sigma ~ gamma(1e-3,1e-3);
mu_mat[1] ~ normal(1e-3,1e-3);
mu_mat[2] ~ normal(1e-3,1e-3);
A ~ normal(0,1e-3);
B ~ normal(0, 1e-3);
delta_H ~ normal(0,1e-3);
mat[2] ~ multi_normal(mu_mat,sigma_mat);
sigma_mat ~ wishart(3,sigma_for_prior);
sigma_for_prior ~ lkj_corr(1);
for (k in 1:K){
for (n in 1:N){
y_ijk[(n-1)*5+k] ~ lognormal(mu[(n-1)*5+k], sigma);
in the R:
#load libraries
#where the STAN model is saved
Data generation
#set up the model data
N <- 90
K <- 5
t_ijk <- ISO_data$Hours # Predictors
t_ijk <- rep(seq(100,2500,500),90)
y_ijk<- ISO_data$Deg. data
T <- ISO_data$Temp.
RH <- ISO_data$HR
logRH <- log(RH,base=exp(1))
#set the transformed data x1 and x2
x1_stan <- (logRH-log(40))/(log(85)-log(40))
x2_stan <- (11605/(T+273.15)-11605/(15+273.15))/(11605/(85+273.15)-11605/(15+273.15))
Set up the initial value of parameters
mu <- rnorm(450,1,1)
sigma <- rnorm(450,7,2)
mat <- matrix(runif(450,1,3),nrow=N, ncol=2)
mu_mat <- matrix(runif(450,1,3),nrow=N,ncol=2)
sigma_mat <- matrix(runif(450,0,2),nrow=2, ncol=2)
A <- rnorm(90,100,1)
B <- rnorm(90,10,3)
delta_H <- rnorm(90,10,1.5)
sigma_for_prior <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1),2,2)
for(n in 1:N){
for(k in 1:K){
beta1[(n-1)*5+k] <- exp(log(A[n]) + B[n]*x1_stan[(n-1)*5+k] + delta_H[n]*x2_stan[(n-1)*5+k])
beta0 <- mat[,1]
gamma <- mat[,2]
Set up the initial value of outcome
for(n in 1:N){
for(k in 1:K){
mu[(n-1)*5+k] <- beta0[n] + beta1[(n-1)*5+k] * (t_ijk[(n-1)*5+k]^gamma[n])
y_ijk[(n-1)*5+k] <- mu[(n-1)*5+k] + sigma[(n-1)*5+k]
Set model data
stan_data <- list(N=N,
Load Stan file
fileName <- “New_Stan.stan”
stan_code <- readChar(fileName,file.info(fileName)$size)
Run Stan
runStan <- stan(model_code=stan_code,data=stan_data,
chains = 3, iter = 3000, warmup = 500, thin = 10, init_r = .1)
print(runStan, pars=c(“mat”,“A”,“B”,“delta_H”,“sigma_mat”,“sigma”))