Rejecting initial value:

Im trying to estimate some parameters (rc and tB0) for this model, but i dont know why RStan says that logprob is Nan, i did the same problem in emcee with no issues.

Could you help me to see the error? Thank you so much!

My program:

functions {

  real tBB(real r,         // Comovil Position
             real tb0,         // initial time
             real rc       // Void
) {
		return (tb0)*exp(-(r/rc)^4.0);
  real tBBprima(real r,         // Comovil Position
             real tb0,         // initial time
             real rc       // Void
) {
    real t0=13.7;
		return (-4.0)*tBB(r,tb0,rc)*((r^3.0)/(rc^4.0));

  real invmpom(real r,         // Comovil Position
         real tb0,         // initial time
         real rc       // Void
) {
    real t0 = 13.7;
    real t1 = (2.0/9.0)^(-1.0/3.0);
    real t2 = (t0 - tBB(r,tb0,rc))^(5.0/3.0);
    real t3 = 3.0*(t0 - tBB(r,tb0,rc))+2.0*r*tBBprima(r, tb0, rc);
    return (t1*t2)/t3;
  real R(real r,         // Comovil Position
		     real t,         // Comovil Time
         real tb0,         // initial time
         real rc       // Void
) {
  real t0=13.7;
	return r*(((t-tBB(r,tb0,rc))/(t0-tBB(r,tb0,rc)))^(2.0/3.0));
  real Nr(real r,         // Comovil Position
		     real t,         // Comovil Time
         real tb0,         // initial time
         real rc       // Void
) {
    real t0=13.7;
    real t1 = (8.0/3.0)*(r/rc)^4.0;
    real t2 = tBB(r,tb0,rc)/(t0 - tBB(r,tb0,rc));
    real t4 = tBB(r,tb0,rc)/(t - tBB(r,tb0,rc));
    real t3 = 1.0/(1.0 - t1*t2);
    return t1*t4*t3;
  real dL(real z,         // Redshift
          real r,         // Comovil Position
		      real t,         // Comovil Time
          real tb0,         // initial time
          real rc       // Void    
	return ((1+z)^2.0)*R(r,t,tb0,rc);

  real Ev(real z         // Redshift
) {
	return 0;

  real mb(real z,         // Redshift
			real r,         // Comovil Position
		    real t,         // Comovil Time
                 real tb0 ,       // Local Hubble Rate
                 real rc    
) {
	return 5*log10(dL(z,r,t,tb0,rc))+Ev(z)-25.0;
  real Errorsum(real[] e,int N){
    real suma=0;
    for (i in 1:N){
    return suma;
  real MargFactor(real[] z,real[] m,real[] r, real[] t, real[] e,int N,real tb0,real rc){
    real suma=0;
    for (i in 1:N){
    return suma;
  real [] dgz(real z,         // Redshift
			      real r,         // Comovil Position
		        real t,         // Comovil Time
            real tb0 ,       // Local Hubble Rate
            real rc    
) {
    real cc = 0.306595;
    real z1 = 1.0 + z;
    real c1 = (9.0/2.0)^(-1.0/3.0);
    real c2 = t - tBB(r,tb0,rc);
    real c3 = 1.0 - Nr(r,t,tb0,rc)/2.0;
    real f1 = (((c2)^(1.0/3.0))*invmpom(r,tb0,rc))/c3;
    return { -1.5*(1.0+Nr(r,t,tb0,rc))*c2/(c3*z1), (9.0/2.0)*cc*c1*f1/z1 };

  real[] GeodesicEquation(real z,          // Redshift
					                real[] c,        // Comovil Coordinates
                          real[] theta,    // Parameters
                          real[] x_r,      // unused data
                          int[] x_i
) {
    real r=c[1];
    real t=c[2];

    real tb0 = theta[1];   
    real rc = theta[2]; 
    return dgz(z,r,t,tb0,rc);
data {
  int<lower = 0> N;          // number of measurement 
  real zobs[N];                 // Redshifts
  real<lower = 0> mobs[N];      // Supernovaes magnitude
  real<lower = 0> errorm[N];      // Supernovaes error

parameters {
  real<lower = 0.1> tb0;         // Initial time
  real<lower = 0.1> rc;         // Void size parameter

transformed parameters {
  real t0=13.7;
  real ComovilCoordinates[N,2]
    = integrate_ode_rk45(GeodesicEquation, {t0,0.0}, 0, zobs, {tb0,rc},
                         rep_array(0.0, 0), rep_array(0, 0),
                         1e-5, 1e-3, 5e2);

model {
  tb0 ~ normal(3, 10);
  rc ~ normal(2,2);
  //sigma ~ lognormal(log(10), 1);
  //alpha ~ lognormal(log(10), 1);
  //beta ~ lognormal(log(10), 1);
  for(i in 1:N){
      mobs[i] ~ normal(mb(zobs[i],ComovilCoordinates[i,2],ComovilCoordinates[i,1],tb0,rc), errorm[i]); 
target+=0.5*(MargFactor(zobs, mobs, ComovilCoordinates[,2],ComovilCoordinates[,1], errorm, N,tb0,rc)*MargFactor(zobs, mobs, ComovilCoordinates[,2],ComovilCoordinates[,1], errorm, N,tb0,rc))/(Errorsum( errorm, N))-log(Errorsum(errorm,N)/(2*pi()));

And the error is something like:

Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1:   Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: normal_lpdf: Location parameter is nan, but must be finite! (in 'string', line 59, column 1 to column 10)
Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1:   Error evaluating the log probability ...

The key part of the error is:

Chain 1: Exception: normal_lpdf: Location parameter is nan, but must be finite!

Which refers to your likelihood here:

  for(i in 1:N){
    mobs[i] ~ normal(mb(zobs[i],ComovilCoordinates[i,2],ComovilCoordinates[i,1],tb0,rc), errorm[i]); 

The error indicates that the value being returned from the mb() is NaN, which means that either an uninitialised or an invalid input is being used somewhere within the function. I’d recommend using print() statements within the stan code to check the arguments being passed, as well as the values being returned within each of the functions that mb calls internally.

Additionally, you could use expose_stan_functions in rstan for testing the individual functions as well

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HI! thank you for the response. I put many print statements to see what happens and this are some results that i dont understand:

1) The initial value of r in the beggining of the run is giving NAN. This is completely strange to me, cause before the programm call any function the parameter r that enter to the function is already NAN. I could fix this changing the initial condition 0.0 in:

transformed parameters {
  real t0=13.7;
  real ComovilCoordinates[N,2]
    = integrate_ode_rk45(GeodesicEquation, {t0,0.0}, 0, zobs, {tb0,rc},
                         rep_array(0.0, 0), rep_array(0, 0),
                         1e-5, 1e-3, 5e2);

to something like 0.00001:

transformed parameters {
  real t0=13.7;
  real ComovilCoordinates[N,2]
    = integrate_ode_rk45(GeodesicEquation, {t0,0.00001}, 0, zobs, {tb0,rc},
                         rep_array(0.0, 0), rep_array(0, 0),
                         1e-5, 1e-3, 5e2);

The code now run, but i dont understand why it throws me a NAN value before being 0.0. I have another similar code for other cosmological models with the same 0.0 conditions and it works very well. Also i wish to put 0.0 initial condition cause it seems that some models are very sensitive to little variations around 0.

2) Even if the code works, it doesn’t give me reasonable values (speaking in terms of literature and my other samples in Emcee and Zeus for python) and i found that when the code runs, it just throw all the information away cause interpret the first function of the code just to 0 all the time:

functions {

  real tBB(real r,         // Comovil Position
             real tb0,         // initial time
             real rc       // Void
) {
		return (tb0)*exp(-(r/rc)^4.0);

The prints output are something like:


So always tBB act like 0. There is something that i can do to the program doesnt take little values to 0? Cause i am losing all the information.

Thank you for your ncie help

The issue here is that the calculation of tBB is underflowing, because the result is so small that it can’t be distinguished from 0.

Using the printed values above to illustrate, tBB is calculated as:

tBB = (tb0)*exp(-(r/rc)^4.0)


tb0 = 0.141183
(r/rc)^4.0 = 1.4423e+08

Substituting those values into the calculation of tBB:

tBB = 0.141183 * exp(-1.4423e+08)

The underflow will first occur here due to the call to exp, since exp will always return 0 for inputs < -708.

I believe you may need to rewrite your likelihood/calculations to the log scale, so that you’re not exponentiating and multiplying such massively large (either positive or negative) values

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Oh, thats unfortunate. Is almost impossible rewrite all in log scale cause the math between this relations is very complicated and tbb is related to a sum between a variable and a really complex integral. I think i’m gonna pass to use STAN in this opportunity.

If you know a solution that doesn’t involve modify all the physics please i’m gonna stay tune! Thank you so much for your time!

I’m gonna come back

tBB underflowing is not a problem in itself. Zero is a perfectly acceptable number. The problem comes on line 45

    real t4 = tBB(r,tb0,rc)/(t - tBB(r,tb0,rc));

At the initial point with t = 0 and this amounts to undefined division 0/0.
If I change the initial condition for the integral to avoid this problematic point

  real ComovilCoordinates[N,2]
    = integrate_ode_rk45(GeodesicEquation, {t0,0.0000001}, 0, zobs, {tb0,rc},
                         rep_array(0.0, 0), rep_array(0, 0),
                         1e-5, 1e-3, 5e2);

then the model initializes, at least with the small dataset I made up.