- Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
- brms version: 2.13.5
I have run an ordinal regression using brms and now am trying to plot the effect of three categorical predictors (Morphology, Cluster2, CountryExperiment) on the response variable (a Likert scale with 7 points). Following the information on the link to conditional_effects, I used the following code:
fit_sc1 <- brm(
formula = response ~ 1 + Cluster2*Morphology*CountryExperiment + (1|id) + (1|UnaccentedWord),
data = datafile.for.model,
family = cumulative("probit")
conditions <- make_conditions(fit_sc1, "Morphology")
conditional_effects(fit_sc1, "Cluster2:CountryExperiment", conditions = conditions, categorical=TRUE)
But I get the following warning:
Error: No valid effects detected.
In addition: Warning message:
Interactions cannot be plotted directly if 'categorical' is TRUE. Please use argument 'conditions' instead.
I am not sure to understand the message here because I have used the ‘conditions’ argument. Note that everything works fine if I remove categorical=TRUE from the code above: the plot shows the three predictors in facets. But then the predictions are treated as continuous variables (instead of ordinal) on the plot, and this is likely invalid for ordinal families.
Has anyone managed to get around this issue? Thanks!