Plotting pp_check interactions

I am trying to model ordinal data with an interaction of two predictors. However, I have issues with plotting interactions and individual data with the BRMS functions.

My model is of the type

rating ~ category*distortion+ (1|id)

I can use this type of code:

pp_check(mcatxdistRDpCexp, type = “bars_grouped”, group = “category”, ,
ndraws = 500, prob = 0.95)

pp_check(mcatxdistRDpCexp, type = “bars_grouped”, group = “distortion”, ,
ndraws = 500, prob = 0.95)

which returns these two plots:


however something like

pp_check(mcatxdistRDpCexp, type = “bars_grouped”, group = “category:distortion”, ,
ndraws = 500, prob = 0.95)


pp_check(mcatxdistRDpCexp, type = “bars_grouped”, group = “c(category,distortion)”, ,
ndraws = 500, prob = 0.95)

… does not give me what I want.

It could be very elegant to plot a 4x4 plot with the observed and predicted data for each possible interaction of category and distortion. Essentially, I would like to have something like what conditional effects returns but with the observed data underneath.

conditions ← brms::make_conditions(mcatxdistRDpCexp, vars = c(“category”))
plot(brms::conditional_effects(mcatxdistRDpCexp, ask = FALSE, categorical = T, conditions = conditions))

I know I can add datapoints using code as the following but I have not been able to get anything similar to work for ordinal data:

plot(testa, points = TRUE) # Add data points to the plot

Thank you for reading. I hope my problem is clearly stated and someone knows a straightforward solution to it.

I am writing to follow up on my previous request for assistance with modeling ordinal data and plotting interactions using BRMS (Bayesian Regression Models using Stan). I have made progress in some areas but still don’t have a perfect solution.

On the positive side, I was able to create a model in the form
df$catDist <- interaction(df$distortion, df$category)
which allowed me to visualize all interactions effectively using:
pp_check(brm3, type = "bars_grouped", group = "catDist ", ndraws = 500, prob = 0.95)

Nonetheless, this model is different from the desired distortion* category model.

Another way, I have tried has been to create predictions for the different interactions myself. However, I have not had too much luck with this compared to the above.

# Step 1: Create the new data frame with all combinations of `imAge`, `category`, and `distortion`
new_data <- expand.grid(
  imAge = levels(df$imAge),
  category = levels(df$category),
  distortion = levels(df$distortion)

# Step 2: Get the expected predicted values and uncertainty intervals for each combination
predictions <- posterior_epred(brm2, newdata = new_data, ndraws = 500)

# Step 3: Normalize the probabilities for each combination of `imAge`, `category`, and `distortion`
normalized_probs <- apply(predictions, c(1, 2), function(x) x / sum(x))

# Step 4: Calculate the `predicted_rating`, `Q2.5`, and `Q97.5` within each `imAge`, `category`, and `distortion` combination
new_data <- new_data %>%
  group_by(imAge, category, distortion) %>%
    rating_probs = list(colMeans(normalized_probs[imAge, category, distortion, , drop = FALSE])),
    predicted_rating = sum(seq_len(5) * rating_probs[[1]]), # Calculate the weighted average
    Q2.5 = sum(ifelse(seq_len(5) <= quantile(predictions[imAge, category, distortion, , drop = FALSE], prob = 0.025), rating_probs[[1]], 0)),
    Q97.5 = sum(ifelse(seq_len(5) >= quantile(predictions[imAge, category, distortion, , drop = FALSE], prob = 0.975), rating_probs[[1]], 0))
  ) %>%
  ungroup() # Remove the grouping for the resulting data frame

# Reshape the data for plotting
plot_data <- new_data %>%
  mutate(rating = 1:5) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c("Q2.5", "predicted_rating", "Q97.5"), names_to = "interval", values_to = "value") %>%
  mutate(interval = factor(interval, levels = c("Q2.5", "predicted_rating", "Q97.5")),
         interval_label = ifelse(interval == "predicted_rating", "Predicted Rating", "Uncertainty Interval"))

# Step 5: Create the plot with error bars
ggplot(plot_data, aes(x = factor(rating), y = value, fill = imAge, group = interaction(imAge, category, distortion))) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), alpha = 0.7, width = 0.6) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Q2.5, ymax = Q97.5), width = 0.2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), alpha = 0.5) +
  facet_wrap(~ category + distortion, ncol = 1) +
  theme_classic() +
  labs(x = "Rating", y = "Probability", title = "Predicted Probabilities with Uncertainty Intervals") +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, max(plot_data$value) + 0.05)) +
  theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "right",
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14))

I am thus still facing challenges in visualising the interactions for the desired distortion* category model. Any insights or alternative approaches would be highly appreciated. Please feel free to share any ideas or suggestions to help me move forward.

Best regards,


I’m having a difficult time following what’s going on, here. Perhaps it would help if we used an open data set and you uploaded a picture of the current version of your visualization. How about we use the VerbAgg data set, like Paul did in his IRT paper? However, that data set is a bit on the long side, which makes for long model computation times. So I recommend we subset to quicken things up. Here’s my proposed data set:

# load packages

# load the data
data("VerbAgg", package = "lme4")

# make a random sample of `id` numbers
rand_id <- sample(1:316, size = 150) %>% sort()

# subset the data 
d <- VerbAgg %>% 
  # subset to just N = 150 cases
  filter(id %in% rand_id)

With this data set, the focal variable would be resp, and the two categorical predictors could be btype and situ. Here’s a plot of the sample counts.

d %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = resp)) +
  geom_bar() +
  facet_grid(situ ~ btype)

I believe the model that would correspond to yours would be this:

fit <- brm(
  data = d,
  family = cumulative,
  resp ~ btype * situ + (1 | id),
  seed = 1

If this all seems reasonable, where are you at with your visualization?

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Thank you for your answer. This looks reasonable, indeed. The next step I would like to add is the model prediction on top of that exact plot.

So far I have only had success with plotting the prediction for one factor or the other using code like:

pp_check(fit , type = “bars_grouped”, group = “btype ”, ndraws = 500, prob = 0.95)


pp_check(fit , type = “bars_grouped”, group = “situ”, ndraws = 500, prob = 0.95)

Best, Simon

So far, this is the best I have been able to come up with. It still seems a little off, but perhaps that’s just a consequence of the partial pooling you get from a multilevel model:


d %>% 
  add_epred_draws(fit) %>% 
  group_by(btype, situ, .category, .draw) %>% 
  summarise(count = sum(.epred)) %>% 
  group_by(btype, situ, .category) %>% 
  mean_qi(count) %>%  
  rename(resp = .category)  %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = resp)) +
  geom_bar(data = d,
           fill = "grey70") +
  geom_pointrange(aes(y = count, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper),
                  size = 1/6) +
  facet_grid(situ ~ btype)


Oh, and it might also be a consequence of modeling the latent means by the predictors instead of either modeling the latent means AND discrimination parameters, or just modeling the thresholds themselves.

Yep, that was it. This basic pp-check method works, but to reproduce the data, you want a model with conditional thresholds instead. Here’s what that looks like:

# new conditional threshold model
fit2 <- brm(
  data = d,
  family = cumulative,
  resp | thres(gr = interaction(btype, situ)) ~ 1 + (1 | id),
  cores = 4, seed = 1

# new pp-check
fit2$data %>% 
  add_epred_draws(fit2) %>% 
  group_by(btype, situ, .category, .draw) %>% 
  summarise(count = sum(.epred)) %>% 
  group_by(btype, situ, .category) %>% 
  mean_qi(count) %>%  
  rename(resp = .category) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = resp)) +
  geom_bar(data = d,
           fill = "grey70") +
  geom_pointrange(aes(y = count, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper),
                  size = 1/6) +
  facet_grid(situ ~ btype)


Thank you very much for your feedback. It was super helpful. It took a bit of work, but I managed to employ it for my specific case. One thing I will highlight for others that may want to employ this method is that it requires a ton of RAM for a larger dataset (35K rows in my case).

I “solved” this issue by using “thin=15” when specifying the model which reduced the number of post-warmup draws significantly. It still took > 50 Gb of RAM so it may not work for everyone.

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Another option to reduce the post-warmup draws on the post-processing side is to set the ndraws argument within the add_epred_draws() function to something like 100 or 1000.

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Thank you for this post all, this was a great starting place for me for similar requirements. Reviving this as I found that similar plots can be generated using bayesplot, which is somewhat more concise.


#This is Solomon's code replicated from above
# load the data
data("VerbAgg", package = "lme4")

# make a random sample of `id` numbers
rand_id <- sample(1:316, size = 150) %>% sort()

# subset the data 
d <- VerbAgg %>% 
    # subset to just N = 150 cases
    filter(id %in% rand_id)

fit <- brm(
    data = d,
    family = cumulative,
    resp ~ btype * situ + (1 | id),
    seed = 1, chains=2, cores=2

#Here is the bayesplot code, basically verbatim from the relevant help page
yrep_char <- posterior_predict(fit)
yrep_int <- sapply(data.frame(yrep_char, stringsAsFactors = TRUE), as.integer)
y_int <- as.integer(d$resp)

    y = y_int,
    yrep = yrep_int,
    group = interaction(d$btype, d$situ),
    prob = 0.5,
    fatten = 1,
    size = 1.5


This plot is replicating Solomon’s above example without conditional thresholds.


Brilliant. It never occurred to me to use the interaction() function that way, but it’s clearly a smart choice. I look forward to stealing this soon.