The link below is a survey of some analysis and prediction of golf scores using py-stan. I use three different models to understand and predict scores. It’s not ground breaking research, but could be good for a Stan conference presentation. The readme contains and embedded slide presentation with overview, analysis, and results.
Cool. You might be interested in presenting this at StanCon in January. You can go faster if you replace Stan constructs like
for (n in 1:N) {
y[n] ~ normal(alpha[t[n]] + tau[p[n]], sigma[p[n]]);
with the single line
y ~ normal(alpha[t] + tau[p], sigma[p]);
Since t is an integer array with size N, alpha[t] copies the elements of alpha the appropriate number of times so that the total size of alpha[t] is also N.
I was looking at “Different tournaments/different courses have different coefficients that fit SG to score”. Does that factor into the regression here: ? I think adding comments to the model there would be good (I wasn’t exactly sure what N_T is… Is it number of tournaments?)
Is it possible to plot the AR coefficients along with the score predictions for a few players?
Oh, if you can define alpha and tau to be vectors and then you can add them.
Either that or you can use to_vector(alpha) + to_vector(tau). Arrays and vector/matrix things are kept distinct in Stan (arrays are std::vectors, and vector/matrix things are Eigen types).