Hey everyone, as a side project I have been working on creating a rating system for pool players from the 1980s.
I have about 2500 match results from major tournaments and fit a Bradley-Terry model using a Gamma prior as laid out on page 6 of this paper: https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~doucet/caron_doucet_bayesianbradleyterry.pdf
The iterative process in equation 7 is super fast and seems to work well.
I tried replicating this setup in Stan with the following:
data {
int<lower=0> N; // N games
int<lower=0> P; // P players
int player1[N]; // Indicator arrays for player 1
int player2[N]; // Indicator arrays for player 2
int player1_wins[N]; // Number of wins by player 1
int match_length[N]; // Match length
int alpha; // Gamma paramater
parameters {
simplex[P] ratings; // Vector of ratings for each player
model {
ratings ~ gamma(alpha, 100);
for (i in 1:N) {
player1_wins[i] ~
ratings[player1[i]] / (ratings[player1[i]] + ratings[player2[i]])
This compiles, runs, and gives predictions that are similar but not identical to my older model. It also results in worse performance compared to the older model across a variety of priors with some obviously misrated players.
Any ideas about what might be going on? Am I setting up what I think I’m setting up?