Bayesian Confirmatory Factor Analysis with known latent covariance

Hello, I am trying to learn Bayesian methods using RStan to tweak examples I have seen online.

In particular I am trying to recreate this example of Bayesian CFA, except I want to encode the fact I do have some existing knowledge about the off-diagonal elements of the correlation structure of the latent factors.

My current challenge seems pretty straightforward: I have tweaked the CFA model above to have a latent covariance structure instead (so I can draw this from an Inverse Weibull and encode my knowledge), and fixed a single factor loading of each factor to 1.

However, for some reason my code doesn’t run. It compiles fine but once I hit run It stays stuck, doesn’t produce an error either. Not sure where I went wrong here! My Stan and R code (should be reproducible, I’ve removed the Wishart sampling for simplicity and kept the “known” latent covariance matrix fixed and even this doesn’t work):

//confirmatory factor analysis code
    // N: number of subjects
    int N ;
    // k: number of items
    int k ;
    // y: matrix of outcomes
    matrix[N,k] y ;
    // d: number of latent factors
    int d ;
    // y_fac: list of which factor is associated with each outcome
    int<lower=1,upper=d> y_fac[k] ;
    // Prior matrix for latent covariance
    matrix[d,d] Sigma_z ;

transformed data{

    // scaled_y
    matrix[N,k] scaled_y ;
    vector[d] zeros;

    for(i in 1:k){
        scaled_y[,i] = (y[,i]-mean(y[,i])) / sd(y[,i]) ;
    zeros = rep_vector(0, 3);


    // latent variables
    matrix[N,d] Z ;
    // scaled_y_means: means for each outcome
    vector[k] scaled_y_means ;
    // scaled_y_noise: measurement noise for each outcome
    vector<lower=0>[k] scaled_y_noise ;
    // betas: how each factor loads on to each outcome.
    //  Must be postive for identifiability.
    vector<lower=0>[k] betas ;

transformed parameters{
    // fixed loadings of first item to 1
    vector<lower=0>[k] fixed_betas;
    fixed_betas = betas;
    fixed_betas[1] = 1;
    for (i in 2:k){
        if (y_fac[i] == y_fac[i-1])
            fixed_betas[i] = betas[i];
            fixed_betas[i] = 1;

    // draw latent factors
    for(i in 1:N){
        Z[i,] ~ multi_normal(zeros, Sigma_z) ;
    // normal prior on y means
    scaled_y_means ~ normal(0,1) ;
    // weibull prior on measurement noise
    scaled_y_noise ~ weibull(2,1) ;
    // normal(0,1) priors on betas
    betas ~ normal(0,1) ;
    // each outcome as normal, influenced by its associated latent factor
    for(i in 1:N){
        for(j in 1:k){
        scaled_y[,j] ~ normal(
            scaled_y_means[j] + Z[i,y_fac[j]] * fixed_betas[j],

generated quantities{
    // y_means: outcome means on the original scale of Y
    vector[k] y_means ;
    // y_noise: outcome noise on the original scale of Y
    vector[k] y_noise ;
    for(i in 1:k){
        y_means[i] = scaled_y_means[i]*sd(y[,i]) + mean(y[,i]) ;
        y_noise[i] = scaled_y_noise[i]*sd(y[,i]) ;
# In R:
# Load necessary libraries and set up multi-core processing for Stan
options(warn=-1, message =-1)
library(dplyr); library(ggplot2); library(rstan); library(reshape2); require(lavaan)
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

stan_cfa_model <- stan_model("stan_cfa.stan") # refer to Stan code above

HolzingerSwineford1939 %>%
  ) -> dat

stan_dat <- list(
  # n_y: number of outcomes
  N = nrow(dat)
  # n_subj: number of subjects
  , k = ncol(dat)
  # y: matrix of outcomes
  , y = as.matrix(dat)
  # n_fac: number of latent factors
  , d = 3
  # y_fac: list of which factor is associated with each outcome
  , y_fac = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3)
  # ''known'' latent covariance matrix
  , Sigma_z = matrix(c(1.0,0.5,0.0,

stan_fit <- sampling(stan_cfa_model, stan_dat, 
                     cores = 3, chains = 3, iter = 4000,
                     refresh = 0)

You need and i as in scaled_y[i, j] ~ normal( ...

Even more importantly, I think you only want a size d vector for Z (ie vector[d] Z) since you index by y_fac[j] for all i in N in the model.

I modified it using cholesky factors. Not sure if this will work well for your expanded model or not. It runs pretty quick.

//confirmatory factor analysis code
    // N: number of subjects
    int N ;
    // k: number of items
    int k ;
    // y: matrix of outcomes
    matrix[N,k] y ;
    // d: number of latent factors
    int d ;
    // y_fac: list of which factor is associated with each outcome
    int<lower=1,upper=d> y_fac[k] ;
    // Prior matrix for latent covariance
    matrix[d, d] Sigma_z ;

transformed data{
    // scaled_y
    matrix[N, k] scaled_y ;
    vector[d] zeros = rep_vector(0, d);
    cholesky_factor_corr[d] L_z = cholesky_decompose(Sigma_z);

    for(i in 1:k){
        scaled_y[,i] = (y[,i]-mean(y[,i])) / sd(y[,i]) ;
    // latent variables
    vector[d] Z ;
    // scaled_y_means: means for each outcome
    vector[k] scaled_y_means ;
    // scaled_y_noise: measurement noise for each outcome
    vector<lower=0>[k] scaled_y_noise ;
    // betas: how each factor loads on to each outcome.
    //  Must be postive for identifiability.
    vector<lower=0>[k] betas ;
transformed parameters{
    // fixed loadings of first item to 1
    vector<lower=0>[k] fixed_betas;
    fixed_betas = betas;
    fixed_betas[1] = 1;
    for (i in 2:k){
        if (y_fac[i] == y_fac[i-1])
            fixed_betas[i] = betas[i];
            fixed_betas[i] = 1;

    // draw latent factors
    Z ~ multi_normal_cholesky(zeros, L_z) ;
    // normal prior on y means
    scaled_y_means ~ normal(0,1) ;
    // weibull prior on measurement noise
    scaled_y_noise ~ weibull(2,1) ;
    // normal(0,1) priors on betas
    betas ~ normal(0,1) ;
    // each outcome as normal, influenced by its associated latent factor
    for (j in 1:k)
      scaled_y[ , j] ~ normal(
            scaled_y_means[j] + Z[y_fac[j]] * fixed_betas[j],
generated quantities{
    // y_means: outcome means on the original scale of Y
    vector[k] y_means ;
    // y_noise: outcome noise on the original scale of Y
    vector[k] y_noise ;
    for(i in 1:k){
        y_means[i] = scaled_y_means[i]*sd(y[,i]) + mean(y[,i]) ;
        y_noise[i] = scaled_y_noise[i]*sd(y[,i]) ;