Latent variables, divergent transitions and prior selection

Hello, I got some problems when I fit the model of latent variables.
The stan code like this

data {
  int<lower=0> T; //the number of sample
  int<lower=1> K; //number of K years
  real y1[T];     //data1
  matrix[T,K] y2; //data2
  matrix[T,K] y3; // data3
  vector[K] tau;  // represent K different year 

// The parameters accepted by the model. Our model
// accepts two parameters 'mu' and 'sigma'.
parameters {
  //parameters for mu
  real mu1;                    //the mean for x1 
  real mu2;                    //the mean for x2
  real mul1;                   //the mean for l1
  real mul2;                   //the mean for l2
  real mup;                    //the mean for p
  real muh;                    //the mean for h
  //parameters for sigma
  real<lower=0> sigma1;        //the standard deviation(sd) for x1
  real<lower=0> sigma2;        //the sd for x2
  real<lower=0> sigmal1;       //the sd for l1
  real<lower=0> sigmal2;       //the sd for l2
  real<lower=0> sigmap;        //the sd for p
  real<lower=0> sigmah;        //the sd for h
  //parameters for kappa
  real<lower=0> kappa1;        
  real<lower=kappa1> kappa2;
  real<lower=0> kappal1;
  real<lower=0> kappal2;
  real kappa1q;
  real kappa2q;
  real kappal1q;
  real kappal2q;
  real<lower=0> kappap;

  real<lower=0> sigy;         
  real<lower=0> sigdr;
  real<lower=-1,upper=1> phi_h; 
  //parameter for intercept
  real cg;
  real gr;
  real cr;
  // latent variables
  vector[T] x1;  //latent variabe vector x1
  vector[T] x2;  //latent variabe vector x2
  vector[T] l1;  //latent variabe vector l1
  vector[T] l2;  //latent variabe vector l2
  vector[T] p;   //latent variabe vector p
  vector[T] h;   //latent variabe vector h
  vector[T] ep;  //latent variabe vector ep

transformed parameters{
  real F1[5];
  real F2[5];
  real Fa3[5];
  real Fg3[5];
  real Ag[5];
  real Gg[5];
  real Ha[5];
  real Hg[5];
  real<lower=0> sigr1;
  real<lower=0> sigr2;
  real<lower=0> sigl1;
  real<lower=0> sigl2;
  real<lower=0> sigp;
  vector[T] my1;
  matrix[T,K] my2;
  matrix[T,K] my3;
  for (j in 1:5){
  F1[j] = 1/ kappa1q *(1- exp(-kappa1q *tau[j]));
  F2[j] = 1/ kappa2q *(1- exp(-kappa2q *tau[j]));
  Fa3[j] = 1/ kappal2q *(1- exp(-kappal2q *tau[j]));
  Ag[j] = (cr) *tau[j] - sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q)-
          sigmal2^2 *(tau[j]-Fa3[j])/(2*kappal2q^2)+sigmal2^2 *Fa3[j]^2/(4*kappal2q);
  Fg3[j] = 1/ kappal1q *(1- exp(-kappal1q *tau[j]));
  Gg[j] = (cg+cr*gr) *tau[j] - gr^2 *sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+gr^2 *sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          gr^2 *sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+gr^2 *sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q)-
          sigmal1^2 *(tau[j]-Fg3[j])/(2*kappal1q^2)+sigmal1^2 *Fg3[j]^2/(4*kappal1q);
  Ha[j] = cr *tau[j] - sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q);
  Hg[j] = (cg+cr*gr) *tau[j] - gr^2 *sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+gr^2 *sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          gr^2 *sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+gr^2 *sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q);   
  for (t in 1:T){
    my1[t]= cr+x1[t]+x2[t]+p[t]+ep[t]; //we have data y1~normal(my1,sigmadr^2) after
    for (j in 1:5){
      //we have data y2~normal(my2,sigmay^2) after
      //we have data y3~normal(my3,sigmay^2) after
      my2[t,j]= F1[j]*x1[t]/tau[j]+F2[j]*x2[t]/tau[j]+Fa3[j]*l2[t]/tau[j]+Ag[j]/tau[j];
      my3[t,j]= gr*F1[j]*x1[t]/tau[j]+gr*F2[j]*x2[t]/tau[j]+Fg3[j]*l1[t]/tau[j]+Gg[j]/tau[j];

model {
  //set the parameters prior
  mu1 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  mu2 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  mul1 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  mul2 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  muh ~ cauchy(0,5);
  mup ~ cauchy(0,5);
  sigma1 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  sigma2 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  sigmal1 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  sigmal2 ~ cauchy(0,5);
  sigmap ~ cauchy(0,5);
  sigmah ~ cauchy(0,5);
  kappa1 ~  cauchy(0,10);
  kappa2 ~ cauchy(0,10);
  kappal1 ~ cauchy(0,10);
  kappal2 ~ cauchy(0,10);
  kappa1q ~ cauchy(0,10);
  kappa2q ~ cauchy(0,10);
  kappal1q ~ cauchy(0,10);
  kappal2q ~ cauchy(0,10);
  kappap ~ cauchy(0,10);
  phi_h ~ uniform(-1, 1);
  cg ~ normal(0,5);
  cr ~ normal(0,5);
  gr ~ normal(0,5);
  sigy ~ cauchy(0,1);
  sigdr ~cauchy(0,1);
  x1[1] ~ normal(mu1, sigma1/sqrt(2*kappa1));
  x2[1] ~ normal(mu2, sigma2/sqrt(2*kappa2));
  l1[1] ~ normal(mul1,  sigmal1/sqrt(2*kappal1));
  l2[1] ~ normal(mul2,  sigmal2/sqrt(2*kappal2));
  p[1] ~ normal(mup,  sigmap/sqrt(2*kappap));
  h[1] ~ normal(muh, sigmah/sqrt(1-phi_h^2));
  ep[1] ~ normal(0, exp(h[1] / 2));
  for (t in 2:T){
    p[t] ~ normal((1-exp(-kappap/52))*mup+exp(-kappap/52)*p[t-1],sigp);
    h[t] ~ normal(muh + phi_h * (h[t - 1] -  muh), sigmah);
    ep[t] ~ normal(0, exp(h[t] / 2));
  for(t in 1:T){ 
    y1[t] ~ normal(my1[t],sigdr);
    for (j in 1:K){
      y2[t,j] ~ normal(my2[t,j], sigy);
      y3[t,j] ~ normal(my3[t,j], sigy);

generated quantities{
  real fit_y1[T];
  real r[T];
  matrix[T,K] fit_y2;
  matrix[T,K] fit_y3;
  matrix[T,K] R_a;
  matrix[T,K] R_g;
  for(t in 1:T){
    fit_y1[t] =  normal_rng(my1[t],sigdr);
    r[t] = cr+x1[t]+x2[t];
    for(j in 1:K){
      fit_y2[t,j] = normal_rng(my2[t,j],sigy);
      fit_y3[t,j] = normal_rng(my3[t,j],sigy);
      R_a[t,j] = F1[j]*x1[t]/tau[j]+F2[j]*x2[t]/tau[j]+Ha[j]/tau[j];
      R_g[t,j] = gr*F1[j]*x1[t]/tau[j]+gr*F2[j]*x2[t]/tau[j]+Hg[j]/tau[j];

And the results like this:

Warning messages:
1: There were 212 divergent transitions after warmup. See
to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them. 
2: There were 3788 transitions after warmup that exceeded the maximum treedepth. Increase max_treedepth above 10. See 
3: There were 3 chains where the estimated Bayesian Fraction of Missing Information was low. See 
4: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
5: The largest R-hat is 5.51, indicating chains have not mixed.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 
6: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 
7: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 

some parameter estimations:

                  mean se_mean     sd    2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff  Rhat
mu1              -3.00    1.01   1.83   -4.89    -4.59    -3.60    -1.76     1.46     3  1.67
mu2              -5.16    1.25   2.00   -9.75    -6.12    -4.71    -2.94    -2.94     3  3.69
mul1              2.05    0.86   1.40    0.28     0.66     2.39     2.95     4.77     3  2.32
mul2              0.62    1.22   1.78   -1.38    -0.68     0.28     1.79     4.34     2  4.36
mup               0.01    0.38   0.64   -1.06    -0.52    -0.04     0.41     1.33     3  1.87
sigma1            0.32    0.08   0.12    0.16     0.21     0.31     0.41     0.52     2  4.95
sigma2            0.29    0.01   0.03    0.22     0.28     0.29     0.32     0.32     4  2.24
sigmal1           2.36    1.66   2.37    0.29     0.39     0.83     5.21     6.14     2  7.34
sigmal2           1.57    1.37   2.02    0.17     0.25     0.52     1.51     6.29     2  4.24
sigmap            0.68    0.04   0.08    0.52     0.62     0.70     0.72     0.83     4  1.43
sigmah            0.57    0.04   0.14    0.35     0.51     0.51     0.64     0.91    11  1.30
kappa1            0.11    0.02   0.10    0.00     0.05     0.06     0.15     0.36    21  1.11
kappa2            0.25    0.01   0.13    0.02     0.19     0.19     0.32     0.54    86  1.08
kappal1           1.34    0.26   0.79    0.03     0.68     1.37     2.03     2.76     9  1.33
kappal2           2.05    1.41   2.38    0.03     0.04     0.41     3.89     7.35     3  2.06
kappa1q           0.18    0.14   0.21    0.00     0.00     0.12     0.27     0.62     2  6.11
kappa2q           0.12    0.04   0.06    0.04     0.05     0.12     0.19     0.20     2  9.05
kappal1q          7.97    5.45   7.78    0.36     0.38     5.28    17.52    17.52     2  8.32
kappal2q          3.05    3.24   4.68    0.08     0.36     0.50     2.45    13.02     2  5.97
kappap            1.10    0.44   0.87    0.15     0.65     0.70     1.38     3.52     4  1.50
sigy              0.06    0.00   0.00    0.06     0.06     0.06     0.07     0.07     2  4.62
sigdr             0.02    0.00   0.01    0.01     0.01     0.02     0.03     0.06    16  1.34
phi_h             0.94    0.02   0.05    0.83     0.92     0.95     0.98     0.99     6  1.35
muh              -5.12    0.43   1.28   -6.39    -6.39    -5.04    -4.51    -2.14     9  1.26
cg               -0.10    0.60   0.88   -2.01    -0.01     0.37     0.41     0.55     2  8.74
gr                0.78    0.13   0.19    0.63     0.65     0.69     0.76     1.19     2 10.26
cr               10.90    1.32   1.99    8.07    10.16    10.50    11.39    15.38     2  6.95
x1[1]            -3.14    1.20   1.72   -4.78    -4.60    -3.86    -2.21     0.13     2 10.67
x1[2]            -3.18    1.19   1.71   -4.80    -4.63    -3.92    -2.38     0.06     2 10.67
x1[3]            -3.16    1.18   1.70   -4.77    -4.62    -3.90    -2.36     0.08     2 10.64
x1[4]            -3.14     NaN   1.68   -4.74    -4.59    -3.86    -2.34     0.05   NaN 10.74
x1[5]            -3.12    1.16   1.67   -4.70    -4.53    -3.83    -2.34     0.04     2 10.63
x1[6]            -3.13    1.15   1.65   -4.69    -4.50    -3.82    -2.37     0.02     2 10.62
x1[7]            -3.14    1.13   1.62   -4.67    -4.50    -3.84    -2.36    -0.03     2 10.45

Ok, I have some questions about that :

  1. I have divergent transitions about 212 after warmup, if it is important for my conclusions if I wanna use the parameters and latent variables.
  2. R_hats are too large, if there some ways to decrease it?
  3. in my model, I set a series of priors simply, if these priors’ distributions bring some troubles.

Some suggestions?

And, I think my code takes too much time to get results. If I can make the parameters become vectors?

I modified some prior:

model {
  //set the parameters prior
  sigma1 ~ inv_gamma(1,5);
  sigma2 ~ inv_gamma(1,5);
  sigmal1 ~ inv_gamma(1,5);
  sigmal2 ~ inv_gamma(5,4);
  sigmap ~ inv_gamma(1,5);
  sigmah ~ inv_gamma(5,4);
  phi_h ~ uniform(-1, 1);

  sigy ~ inv_gamma(1,10);
  sigdr ~ inv_gamma(1,10);
  x1[1] ~ normal(mu1, sigma1/sqrt(2*kappa1));
  x2[1] ~ normal(mu2, sigma2/sqrt(2*kappa2));
  l1[1] ~ normal(mul1,  sigmal1/sqrt(2*kappal1));
  l2[1] ~ normal(mul2,  sigmal2/sqrt(2*kappal2));
  p[1] ~ normal(mup,  sigmap/sqrt(2*kappap));
  h[1] ~ normal(muh, sigmah/sqrt(1-phi_h^2));
  ep[1] ~ normal(0, exp(h[1] / 2));
  for (t in 2:T){
    p[t] ~ normal((1-exp(-kappap/52))*mup+exp(-kappap/52)*p[t-1],sigp);
    h[t] ~ normal(muh + phi_h * (h[t - 1] -  muh), sigmah);
    ep[t] ~ normal(0, exp(h[t] / 2));
  for(t in 1:T){ 
    y1[t] ~ normal(my1[t],sigdr);
    for (j in 1:K){
      y2[t,j] ~ normal(my2[t,j], sigy);
      y3[t,j] ~ normal(my3[t,j], sigy);

I can get:

Warning messages:
1: The largest R-hat is 4.41, indicating chains have not mixed.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 
2: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 
3: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 

But my results become strange!

                       mean       se_mean            sd    2.5%     25%            50%            75%          97.5%
mu1            -2.640000e+00  8.600000e-01  1.290000e+00   -5.26   -3.32  -2.340000e+00  -1.020000e+00  -1.010000e+00
mu2            -4.360000e+00  1.010000e+00  1.690000e+00   -8.61   -4.10  -4.020000e+00  -3.600000e+00  -2.070000e+00
mul1            1.230000e+00  7.300000e-01  1.110000e+00    0.25    0.32   6.100000e-01   2.950000e+00   3.030000e+00
mul2            1.630000e+00  6.400000e-01  1.050000e+00    0.52    0.57   1.830000e+00   1.940000e+00   3.960000e+00
mup             4.500000e-01  1.400000e-01  4.700000e-01   -0.27    0.09   5.700000e-01   6.200000e-01   1.350000e+00
muh            -6.120000e+00  1.580000e+00  2.320000e+00  -10.44   -7.47  -5.350000e+00  -4.200000e+00  -2.990000e+00
sigma1          3.100000e-01  2.000000e-02  4.000000e-02    0.25    0.27   3.300000e-01   3.400000e-01   3.600000e-01
sigma2          3.200000e-01  2.000000e-02  4.000000e-02    0.28    0.29   3.000000e-01   3.600000e-01   4.100000e-01
sigmal1         1.520000e+00  1.090000e+00  1.660000e+00    0.34    0.43   4.400000e-01   4.020000e+00   4.300000e+00
sigmal2         2.320000e+00  1.090000e+00  1.590000e+00    0.46    0.63   2.730000e+00   4.170000e+00   4.360000e+00
sigmap         9.269759e+103 1.131021e+104 1.718191e+104    0.59    0.72   9.256549e+76  3.585698e+103  5.240584e+104
sigmah          9.100000e-01  3.500000e-01  5.600000e-01    0.39    0.42   6.900000e-01   9.400000e-01   2.430000e+00
kappa1          9.000000e-02  4.000000e-02  9.000000e-02    0.01    0.01   6.000000e-02   1.300000e-01   3.100000e-01
kappa2          2.500000e-01  1.200000e-01  2.100000e-01    0.03    0.03   1.800000e-01   3.700000e-01   7.900000e-01
kappal1         2.430000e+00  1.050000e+00  1.710000e+00    0.46    1.29   1.330000e+00   4.860000e+00   5.130000e+00
kappal2         2.760000e+00  1.160000e+00  1.920000e+00    0.38    0.39   2.650000e+00   4.660000e+00   5.910000e+00
kappa1q         2.300000e-01  1.300000e-01  1.800000e-01    0.01    0.05   2.500000e-01   4.100000e-01   4.200000e-01
kappa2q         1.700000e-01  8.000000e-02  1.200000e-01    0.07    0.08   1.100000e-01   2.400000e-01   4.100000e-01
kappal1q        3.310000e+00  2.790000e+00  4.230000e+00    0.38    0.48   5.200000e-01   1.000000e+01   1.005000e+01
kappal2q        5.450000e+00  2.970000e+00  4.360000e+00    0.62    0.70   6.810000e+00   9.920000e+00   1.010000e+01
kappap         1.133535e+211           NaN           Inf    0.13    0.59  4.584664e+155  1.434805e+210  8.236715e+211
sigy            7.000000e-02  0.000000e+00  1.000000e-02    0.06    0.07   7.000000e-02   8.000000e-02   8.000000e-02
sigdr           2.400000e-01  8.000000e-02  1.100000e-01    0.15    0.17   1.800000e-01   2.600000e-01   4.400000e-01
phi_h           1.800000e-01  4.200000e-01  6.300000e-01   -0.69   -0.36   2.500000e-01   8.800000e-01   8.900000e-01
cg              5.500000e-01  9.000000e-02  1.400000e-01    0.30    0.49   5.200000e-01   6.800000e-01   7.600000e-01
gr              6.600000e-01  1.000000e-02  2.000000e-02    0.63    0.63   6.600000e-01   6.800000e-01   6.800000e-01
cr              8.810000e+00  1.530000e+00  2.300000e+00    6.95    7.54   7.680000e+00   8.460000e+00   1.414000e+01

Cauchy distribution may be a good prior, but there still are some divergent

I would recommend you do prior predictive checks. You have a seriously misspecified model. Start from the beginning and build the model step by step. Currently you can’t trust anything this model says (if we ever should “trust” models…) :-)


Thanks for this suggestion.
But, sorry I can’t understand the prior predictive checks. Would you mind tell me how to do it? Or where I can find some solutions?

Sorry, in my model, I don’t have predictors, which means that I decompose y to several latent variables, so I can’t give prior to latent variables:

y1= c + x_{1t} +x_{2t}+l_{1t}

y1 is a vector I got. I want to estimate incept c and latent variable x_{1t} , x_{2t}, l_{1t}
only data y1 can’t decompose this
So I have y2 and y3,

y2 = g + x_{1t} +x_{2t}+l_{2t}
y3 = h + x_{1t} +x_{2t}+h_t

If there isn’t a Bayesian method, we ever use the Kalman filter.
Some suggestions?

Eh, now I’m a bit uncertain but I guess @Solomon could perhaps provide some input?

Thank you~ your suggestions give me some help.

Can you describe the model in more detail? It seems you are trying to estimate an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with multiple factors predicting each item, is this correct? These models are harder to identified.
If you are looking for a variation of Confirmatory factor Analsysi (CFA), I would recommend you to look into the blavaan package. It works for a wide variaty of CFA models, and estimates the models with Stan, with a much easier syntax for the user.
Also, you can approximate the idea of all factors for each item with strong priors to identfied the model

1 Like

Thanks for your answer~
I think my model is a Confirmatory factor Analysis (CFA), but I don’t have real data to directly definite the latent variable. The examples used in “blavaan” may not suit my model?

I simulated many times and the results such as parameters’ mean same like variate in the around of some true value.

The model detail is :
y_{1t}=c+x_{1t} + x_{2t} + p_{t} +\epsilon_t
x_{1,t+1} \sim N([1-exp(-\kappa_1)]\mu_i+exp(-\kappa_1)x_{1t}, \frac{\sigma_1^2}{2\kappa_1}[1-exp(-2\kappa_i)])

The distribution of x_{2t} ,l_{1t},l_{2t}, p_{t} are similar with x_{1t}

\epsilon_t is a stochastic volatility model

I only have y_{1t},y_{2t},y_{3t} I want to know the latent variables and the parameters.

Expect your suggestions

Dear Mauricio,

just a quick question: are you aware of any resources (journal articles etc.) that I could read about identification restrictions for EFA-like models with cross-loadings?

Best wishes

I have no real experience fitting latent variable models in Stan, so I’m no help, here.


If you use the cross-loadings approach, for all possible cross-loadings with strong priors (and subsequentely release some priors), you can do this directly with CFA funtionality in blavaan. But this would be closer to the ESEM approach instead of EFA. So, in this case you would use the same identification constraints as in CFA. For a full EFA, you would need more changes, you could look at the functions of efa in the semTools package, they write the lavaan syntax with the required constraints for EFA
For the general idea of using cross-loadings with srtong priors, can check the paper


You cant do stochastic models in blavaan

So, you have 5 unknown latent variables, 3 observed variables, and 12 parameters?
What do you mean by “the distributions are similar”?

Latent variables are not directly observed, so yeah you shouldnt have these as observed variables. But the latent variables should be defined by a set of items. Are the y1, y2 and y3 inditicators of the respective latent variables? Sorry, I am not clear “what are” your latent variables and data structure

More specifically, I have 5 unknown latent variables, and 27 parameters. The distribution of

x_{2t} ,l_{1t},l_{2t}, p_{t} are
x_{2t} \sim N([1-exp(-\kappa_2)]\mu_2 +exp(-\kappa_2)x_{2t},\frac{\sigma_2^2}{2\kappa_1}[1-exp(-2\kappa_2)])
l_{1t} \sim N([1-exp(-\kappa_{l1})]\mu_{l1} +exp(-\kappa_{l1})l_{1t},\frac{\sigma_{l1}^2}{2\kappa_{l1}}[1-exp(-2\kappa_{l1})])
l_{2t} \sim N([1-exp(-\kappa_{l2})]\mu_{l2} +exp(-\kappa_{l2})l_{2t},\frac{\sigma_{l2}^2}{2\kappa_{l2}}[1-exp(-2\kappa_{l2})])
p_{t} \sim N([1-exp(-\kappa_{p})]\mu_{p} +exp(-\kappa_{p})p_{t},\frac{\sigma_{p}^2}{2\kappa_{p}}[1-exp(-2\kappa_{p})])

You can see the model about y_{2t}, y_{3t} have its special parameters in front of latent variables G_g, G_a, F_1, F_2, F_{a3}, F_{g3} these all combined with parameters a little complex
but my stan code “transformed parameters” write these formula:

for (j in 1:5){
  F1[j] = 1/ kappa1q *(1- exp(-kappa1q *tau[j]));
  F2[j] = 1/ kappa2q *(1- exp(-kappa2q *tau[j]));
  Fa3[j] = 1/ kappal2q *(1- exp(-kappal2q *tau[j]));
  Ag[j] = (cr) *tau[j] - sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q)-
          sigmal2^2 *(tau[j]-Fa3[j])/(2*kappal2q^2)+sigmal2^2 *Fa3[j]^2/(4*kappal2q);
  Fg3[j] = 1/ kappal1q *(1- exp(-kappal1q *tau[j]));
  Gg[j] = (cg+cr*gr) *tau[j] - gr^2 *sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+gr^2 *sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          gr^2 *sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+gr^2 *sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q)-
          sigmal1^2 *(tau[j]-Fg3[j])/(2*kappal1q^2)+sigmal1^2 *Fg3[j]^2/(4*kappal1q);
  Ha[j] = cr *tau[j] - sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q);
  Hg[j] = (cg+cr*gr) *tau[j] - gr^2 *sigma1^2 *(tau[j]-F1[j])/(2*kappa1q^2)+gr^2 *sigma1^2 *F1[j]^2/(4*kappa1q)-
          gr^2 *sigma2^2 *(tau[j]-F2[j])/(2*kappa2q^2)+gr^2 *sigma2^2 *F2[j]^2/(4*kappa2q);   

Sorry, the latent variables I only have a theoretical explanation , I can just write the distribution of the latent variables. my data structure like this

data {
  int<lower=0> T; //the number of sample
  int<lower=1> K; //number of K years
  real y1[T];     //data1
  matrix[T,K] y2; //data2
  matrix[T,K] y3; // data3
  vector[K] tau;  // represent K different year 

And I upload my data
y1.csv (2.3 KB)
y2.csv (10.3 KB)
y3.csv (10.3 KB)

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I use “shinystan” find that “my1,my2,my3,h, ep” actually convergent. So,why "x1,x2, l1, l2"divergent? Maybe I need to set an initial value? These latent variables are difficult to estimate?


I dont think I fully understand your model. But in general terms, latent variables are unidentified. You have to set identifications constraints for them. In CFA the most common is the fix a factor loadings to 1, or to fix the factor variance to 1, and mostc ommonly having the mean fix to 0.
So, I would recommend to look at each factor regression and what parameters can be fix to set an identifcation for them

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very thanks~
But I don’t know whether I express clearly. Some interesting: I try several different priors, although the latent variables have different values, the curve of the latent variable has a similar shape. It may be a good signal that my model should be true.