This might be due to numerical difficulties, depending on the magnitude of the counts. One thing you can do is “compress” the counts. By this I mean you’d count how many times each value occurs in the sample, using, for instance table()
in R or the equivalent in Python.
Your program would look something like this:
data {
int<lower=1> n;
int<lower=1> y_value[n];
int<lower=1> y_freq[n];
parameters {
real<lower=0> lambda;
model {
lambda ~ gamma(20, 20);
for (a in 1:n) {
target += y_freq[a] * ( poisson_lpmf(y_value[a] | lambda) - log1m_exp(-lambda)); // truncated poisson
Notice that n
now will be a much smaller number than the “original” n