considering that in RStan ~ beta_binomial should not be used with the current release (Very different sampling with ~beta_binomial than with += beta_binomial_lpmf - #4 by jonah) I have implemented the truncated version as shown in the manual
y ~ poisson(3.7);
if (y < 2 || y > 10)
target += negative_infinity();
target += -log_sum_exp(poisson_lpmf(2 | 3.7),
log_diff_exp(poisson_lcdf(10 | 3.7),
poisson_lcdf(2 | 3.7)));
My function is this
real beta_binomial_truncated_lpmf(int p, int exposure, real alpha, real beta, int lower, int upper){
real lp = 0;
lp += beta_binomial_lpmf(p | exposure, alpha, beta );
if (p < lower || p > upper)
lp += negative_infinity();
lp += -log_sum_exp(
beta_binomial_lpmf(lower | exposure, alpha, beta),
log_diff_exp(beta_binomial_lcdf(upper | exposure, alpha, beta),
beta_binomial_lcdf(lower | exposure, alpha, beta))
return (lp);
However, a simple model takes an unreasonable amount of time
1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 37900 seconds.
Does anyone know about any bug in any of those densities calculations? Or Am I implementing it wrong?