Zero-inflated negative binomial model with a Markov Switching state process

I want to implement a zero-inflated negative binomial model for longitudinal data (assume a balanced panel that is zero inflated where non-zero observations are positive counts that are negative binomial distributed) with a Markov-Switching process. I.e. instead of assuming that temporally adjacent states are independent I assume that they are informative about immediately adjacent states as in the DGP the discrete process that determines whether we see a 0 or a draw from a negative binomial is a first order Markov process.

I’ve two versions at this point though neither can recover the draws from the prior distributions and the distributions that are being recovered usually are far away from the prior draw. A specific ``problem’’ here is that I know the state with certainty when I observe counts, i.e. Pr(S_t = NB \vert y_{1:t}) = 1 and Pr(S_t = 0process \vert y_{1:t}) = 0 but I don’t know how to implement this correctly while also adding the correct density to the posterior. So one implementation ignores p(S_t\vert y_{1:t - 1}) by considering it as equal to 1 for NB and 0 for the 0 process. The other always adds the density for p(S_t\vert y_{1:t - 1}) but gives the other state a very small probability i.e. log(0.0000000001). Yet, that doesn’t represent the DGP accurately and feels like a bad workaround (which also doesn’t work).

I would greatly appreciate any ideas you might have.


dgp_zip_msm_tvtp_v5 <- function(N, T, Mz, Mx){
  # startstop
  Tn <- rep(T, N)
  if (N == 1){
    start.stop <- array(c(1, T), dim = c(1, 2))
  } else {
    start.stop <- cbind(c(1, cumsum(Tn[1:(N - 1)]) + 1), Tn)
  NT <- sum(Tn)

  # predictors
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(NT * Mz), ncol = Mz, nrow = NT)
  X <- matrix(rnorm(NT * Mx), ncol = Mx, nrow = NT)

  # parameters
  lambda <- rnorm(Mx, 0, 1)                             # nb parameters
  zeta   <- matrix(rnorm(Mz * 2), ncol = 2, nrow = Mz)  # discrete process
  theta  <- rnorm(1, 40, 10)                               # dispersion

  # TP
  A <- array(NA, dim = c(NT, 2, 2))
  for (nt in 1:NT){
    A[nt, 1, 1] = pnorm(Z[nt, ] %*% zeta[, 1])
    A[nt, 2, 2] = pnorm(Z[nt, ] %*% zeta[, 2])
    A[nt, 1, 2] = 1 - A[nt, 1, 1]
    A[nt, 2, 1] = 1 - A[nt, 2, 2]

  s <- rep(NA, times = NT)
  K.seq <- seq(1, 2)
  for (n in 1:N){
    t0 = start.stop[n, 1]
    s[t0] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = rep(0.5, 2))) %*% K.seq
    for (t in 2:T){
      t0 = start.stop[n, 1] + t - 1
      t1 = start.stop[n, 1] + t - 2
      s[t0] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = A[t0, s[t1], ])) %*% K.seq

  y <- rep(NA, times = NT)
  for (n in 1:N){
    for (t in 1:T){
      t0 <- start.stop[n, 1] + t - 1
      if (s[t0] == 1){
        y[t0] <- 0
      } else {
        y[t0] <- rnbinom(1, size = theta, mu = exp(X[t0, ] %*% lambda))
  stan_data <- list(N = N, T = T, NT = NT, y = y, Mz = Mz,
                    Mx = Mx, Z = Z, X = X, startstop = start.stop)
  parameters <- list(A = A, lambda = lambda, zeta = zeta, S = s, theta = theta)
  return(list(stan_data = stan_data, parameters = parameters))

Stan version 1

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  int<lower=0> NT;
  int<lower=0> y[NT];
  int startstop[N, 2];

  // Predictors dimensions
  int<lower = 0> Mz;
  int<lower = 0> Mx;

  matrix[NT, Mz] Z;
  matrix[NT, Mx] X;
parameters {
  simplex[2] pi1[N];

  // discrete
  matrix[Mz, 2] zeta;

  // continuous
  vector[Mx] lambda; //predictors
  real<lower = 0> theta;           // dispersion
transformed parameters {
  vector[2] logalpha[NT];
  simplex[2] A[NT, 2];
  vector[2] logA[NT, 2];
  vector[NT] lambda_;

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    A[nt, 1, 1] = normal_cdf( Z[nt] * zeta[:, 1], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 2, 2] = normal_cdf( Z[nt] * zeta[:, 2], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 1, 2] = 1 - A[nt, 1, 1];
    A[nt, 2, 1] = 1 - A[nt, 2, 2];
  logA = log(A);

  lambda_ = exp(X * lambda);

  for (n in 1:N){
    // t = 1
      int t0 = startstop[n, 1];
      if (y[t0] > 0){
        logalpha[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta);
        logalpha[t0, 1] = 0.0;
      } else if (y[t0] == 0) {
        logalpha[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + log(pi1[n, 2]);
        logalpha[t0, 1] = log(pi1[n, 1]);
    // t = 2:T
    for (t in 2:startstop[n, 2]){
        int t0 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 1;
        int t1 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 2;
        if (y[t1] > 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta);
            logalpha[t0, 1] = 0.0;
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta);
            logalpha[t0, 1] = logA[t0, 2, 1];
        } else if (y[t1] == 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta);
            logalpha[t0, 1] = 0.0;
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + logalpha[t1, 1],
              logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + logalpha[t1, 2]);
            logalpha[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 1] + logalpha[t1, 1],
              logA[t0, 2, 1] + logalpha[t1, 2]);

model {
  for (n in 1:N) target += dirichlet_lpdf(pi1[n] | rep_vector(1, 2));
  for (m in 1:Mx) target += normal_lpdf(lambda[m] | 0, 3);
  for (j in 1:2) target += normal_lpdf(zeta[j] | 0, 3);
  target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0, 2);

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    if (y[nt] > 0){
      target += logalpha[nt, 2];
    } else {
      target += logalpha[nt];

generated quantities {
  vector[2] prS[NT];
  // prS
  for (nt in 1:NT){
    if (y[nt] > 0){
      prS[nt, 2] = 1; prS[nt, 1] = 0;
    } else {
      prS[nt] = softmax(logalpha[nt]);

Stan version 2

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  int<lower=0> NT;
  int<lower=0> y[NT];
  int startstop[N, 2];

  // Predictors dimensions
  int<lower = 0> Mz;
  int<lower = 0> Mx;

  matrix[NT, Mz] Z;
  matrix[NT, Mx] X;

transformed data {
  real pointllh = 0.00000000001;

parameters {
  simplex[2] pi1[N];

  // discrete
  matrix[Mz, 2] zeta;

  // continuous
  vector[Mx] lambda; //predictors
  real<lower = 0> theta;           // dispersion
transformed parameters {
  vector[2] logalpha[NT];
  simplex[2] A[NT, 2];
  vector[2] logA[NT, 2];
  vector[NT] lambda_;

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    A[nt, 1, 1] = normal_cdf( Z[nt] * zeta[:, 1], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 2, 2] = normal_cdf( Z[nt] * zeta[:, 2], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 1, 2] = 1 - A[nt, 1, 1];
    A[nt, 2, 1] = 1 - A[nt, 2, 2];
  logA = log(A);

  lambda_ = exp(X * lambda);

  for (n in 1:N){
    // t = 1
      int t0 = startstop[n, 1];
      if (y[t0] > 0){
        logalpha[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta);
        logalpha[t0, 1] = log(pointllh);
      } else if (y[t0] == 0) {
        logalpha[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + log(pi1[n, 2]);
        logalpha[t0, 1] = log(pi1[n, 1]);
    // t = 2:T
    for (t in 2:startstop[n, 2]){
        int t0 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 1;
        int t1 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 2;
        if (y[t1] > 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta) + logalpha[t1, 2],
              logA[t0, 1, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta) + logalpha[t1, 1]);
            logalpha[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(
              log(pointllh) + logalpha[t1, 2] + logA[t0, 2, 1],
              log(pointllh) + logalpha[t1, 1] + logA[t0, 1, 1]);
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = logalpha[t1, 2] + logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta);
            logalpha[t0, 1] = logalpha[t1, 2] + logA[t0, 2, 1] ;
        } else if (y[t1] == 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
              logalpha[t1, 1] + logA[t0, 1, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta),
              logalpha[t1, 2] + logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta));
            logalpha[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(
              log(pointllh) + logalpha[t, 2] + logA[t0, 2, 1],
              log(pointllh) + logalpha[t, 1] + logA[t0, 1, 1]);
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){
            logalpha[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + logalpha[t1, 1],
              logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + logalpha[t1, 2]);
            logalpha[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 1] + logalpha[t1, 1],
              logA[t0, 2, 1] + logalpha[t1, 2]);

model {
  for (n in 1:N) target += dirichlet_lpdf(pi1[n] | rep_vector(1, 2));
  for (m in 1:Mx) target += normal_lpdf(lambda[m] | 0, 3);
  for (j in 1:2) target += normal_lpdf(zeta[j] | 0, 3);
  target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0, 2);

  for (n in 1:N){
      int end = startstop[n, 1] + startstop[n, 2] - 1;
      target += logalpha[end];

generated quantities {
  vector[2] prS[NT];
  // prS
  for (nt in 1:NT){
    if (y[nt] > 0){
      prS[nt, 2] = 1; prS[nt, 1] = 0;
    } else {
      prS[nt] = softmax(logalpha[nt]);


An alternative version that also doesn’t work. Here, I normalize p(S_{t - 1} = j\vert y_{1:t - 1}) and store only the log likelihood p(S_t \vert y_{1:t}) = \sum_j\sum_i \xi_{i,j}p(S_{t - 1} = i) p(y_t\vert S_{t} = j) before adding it the target distribution. This also doesn’t work though.

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  int<lower=0> NT;
  int<lower=0> y[NT];
  int startstop[N, 2];

  // Predictors dimensions
  int<lower = 0> Mz;
  int<lower = 0> Mx;

  matrix[NT, Mz] Z;
  matrix[NT, Mx] X;
parameters {
  simplex[2] pi1[N];

  // discrete
  matrix[Mz, 2] zeta;

  // continuous
  vector[Mx] lambda; //predictors
  real<lower = 0> theta;           // dispersion
transformed parameters {
  vector[2] llh[NT];
  vector[2] prS[NT];
  simplex[2] A[NT, 2];
  vector[2] logA[NT, 2];
  vector[NT] lambda_;

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    A[nt, 1, 1] = normal_cdf( Z[nt] * zeta[:, 1], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 2, 2] = normal_cdf( Z[nt] * zeta[:, 2], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 1, 2] = 1 - A[nt, 1, 1];
    A[nt, 2, 1] = 1 - A[nt, 2, 2];
  logA = log(A);

  lambda_ = exp(X * lambda);

  for (n in 1:N){
    // t = 1
      int t0 = startstop[n, 1];
      if (y[t0] > 0){
        llh[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta);
        llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
        prS[t0, 1] = 0.0; prS[t0, 2] = 1;
      } else if (y[t0] == 0) {
        llh[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + log(pi1[n, 2]);
        llh[t0, 1] = log(pi1[n, 1]);
        prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);

    // t = 2:T
    for (t in 2:startstop[n, 2]){
        int t0 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 1;
        int t1 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 2;
        if (y[t1] > 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){
            llh[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta);
            llh[t0, 1] = 0.0; // just don't add this to the posterior duh
            prS[t0, 1] = 0; prS[t0, 2] = 1;
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){
              llh[t0, 2] = logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta);
              llh[t0, 1] = logA[t0, 2, 1];
              prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);
        } else if (y[t1] == 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){
            llh[t0, 2] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda_[t0], theta);
            llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
            prS[t0, 1] = 0; prS[t0, 2] = 1; // normalized alpha_t
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){
            llh[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + log(prS[t1, 1]),
              logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda_[t0], theta) + log(prS[t1, 2]));
            llh[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 1] + log(prS[t1, 1]),
              logA[t0, 2, 1] + log(prS[t1, 2]));
            prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);

model {
  for (n in 1:N) target += dirichlet_lpdf(pi1[n] | rep_vector(1, 2));
  for (m in 1:Mx) target += normal_lpdf(lambda[m] | 0, 3);
  for (j in 1:2) target += normal_lpdf(zeta[j] | 0, 3);
  target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0, 2);

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    target += llh[nt];

1 Like

Here the most recent version. It does a relatively good job at recovering the parameters of the NB process but really fails at recovering the parameters affecting the transition probability. Comparing it to a ZINB, the ZINB is better at recovering sth close to the prior realization, but the spread of the predicted values for y is wider even though the MSM version if it messes up predicts values that are far further away than what the ZINB predicts. Any thoughts?

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  int<lower=0> NT;
  int<lower=0> y[NT];
  int startstop[N, 2];

  // Predictors dimensions
  int<lower = 0> Mz;
  int<lower = 0> Mx;

  matrix[NT, Mz] Z;
  matrix[NT, Mx] X;
parameters {
  simplex[2] pi1[N];

  // discrete
  matrix[Mz, 2] zeta;

  // continuous
  vector[Mx] beta; //predictors
  real reciprocal_phi;           // dispersion
transformed parameters {
  vector[2] llh[NT];
  vector[2] prS[NT];
  simplex[2] A[NT, 2];
  vector[2] logA[NT, 2];
  vector[NT] lambda;
  real phi;

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    A[nt, 1, 1] = normal_cdf(Z[nt, :] * zeta[:, 1], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 2, 2] = normal_cdf(Z[nt, :] * zeta[:, 2], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 1, 2] = 1 - A[nt, 1, 1];
    A[nt, 2, 1] = 1 - A[nt, 2, 2];
  logA = log(A);

  lambda = exp(X * beta);
  phi = 1./reciprocal_phi;

  for (n in 1:N){
    // t = 1
      int t0 = startstop[n, 1];
      if (y[t0] > 0){
        llh[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
          neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi) + logA[t0, 2, 2] + log(pi1[n, 2]),
          neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi) + logA[t0, 1, 2] + log(pi1[n, 1]));
        llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
        prS[t0, 1] = 0.0; prS[t0, 2] = 1.0;
      } else if (y[t0] == 0) {
        llh[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
           logA[t0, 2, 2] + log(pi1[n, 2]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi),
           logA[t0, 1, 2] + log(pi1[n, 1]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi));
        llh[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(
          logA[t0, 1, 1] + log(pi1[n, 1]),
          logA[t0, 2, 1] + log(pi1[n, 2]));
        prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);

    // t = 2:T
    for (t in 2:startstop[n, 2]){
        int t0 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 1;
        int t1 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 2;
        if (y[t1] > 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){ // checked theta = logA[t0, 2, 1]; 1 - theta = logA[t0, 2, 2]
            llh[t0, 2] = logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi);
            llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
            prS[t0, 1] = 0; prS[t0, 2] = 1;
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){ // checked theta = logA[t0, 2, 1]
              llh[t0, 2] = logA[t0, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi);
              llh[t0, 1] = logA[t0, 2, 1];
              prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);
        } else if (y[t1] == 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){//checked
            llh[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 2] + log(prS[t1, 1]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi),
              logA[t0, 2, 2] + log(prS[t1, 2]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi));
            llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
            prS[t0, 1] = 0; prS[t0, 2] = 1; // normalized alpha_t
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){ //checked
            llh[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 2] + log(prS[t1, 1]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi),
              logA[t0, 2, 2] + log(prS[t1, 2]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi));
            llh[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(
              logA[t0, 1, 1] + log(prS[t1, 1]),
              logA[t0, 2, 1] + log(prS[t1, 2]));
            prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);

model {
  for (n in 1:N) target += dirichlet_lpdf(pi1[n] | rep_vector(1, 2));
  for (m in 1:Mx) target += normal_lpdf(beta[m] | 0, 3);
  for (j in 1:2) target += normal_lpdf(zeta[j] | 0, 3);
  //target += normal_lpdf(reciprocal | 0, 2);

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    if (y[nt] > 0){
      target += llh[nt, 2];
    } else {
      target += llh[nt];

generated quantities {
  vector[NT] yrep;
  for (nt in 1:NT){
      int comp = categorical_rng(prS[nt]);
      if (comp == 1){
        yrep[nt] = 0;
      } else {
        yrep[nt] = neg_binomial_2_rng(lambda[nt], phi);

For those interested, the below is a working implementation. Does it provide a great fit? Not really, but then again, I don’t think that one can expect too much with this DGP.

Visual fit here:

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  int<lower=0> NT;
  int<lower=0> y[NT];
  int startstop[N, 2];

  // Predictors dimensions
  int<lower = 0> Mz;
  int<lower = 0> Mx;

  matrix[NT, Mz] Z;
  matrix[NT, Mx] X;
parameters {
  simplex[2] pi1[N];

  // discrete
  matrix[Mz, 2] zeta;

  // continuous
  vector[Mx] beta; //predictors
  real reciprocal_phi;           // dispersion
transformed parameters {
  vector[2] llh[NT];
  vector[2] prS[NT];
  simplex[2] A[NT, 2];
  vector[2] logA[NT, 2];
  vector[NT] lambda;
  real phi;

  for (nt in 1:NT){
    A[nt, 1, 1] = normal_cdf(Z[nt, :] * zeta[:, 1], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 2, 2] = normal_cdf(Z[nt, :] * zeta[:, 2], 0, 1);
    A[nt, 1, 2] = 1 - A[nt, 1, 1];
    A[nt, 2, 1] = 1 - A[nt, 2, 2];
  logA = log(A);

  lambda = exp(X * beta);
  phi = 1./reciprocal_phi;

  for (n in 1:N){
    // t = 1
      int t0 = startstop[n, 1];
      if (y[t0] > 0){
          llh[t0, 2] = log(pi1[n, 2]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi);
          llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
          prS[t0, 1] = 0.0; prS[t0, 2] = 1.0;
      } else if (y[t0] == 0) {
          llh[t0, 1] = log(pi1[n, 1]);
          llh[t0, 2] = log(pi1[n, 2]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi);
          prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);

    // t = 2:T
    for (t in 2:startstop[n, 2]){
        int t0 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 1;
        int t1 = startstop[n, 1] + t - 2;
        if (y[t1] > 0){
          if (y[t0] > 0){ // checked theta = logA[t0, 2, 1]; 1 - theta = logA[t0, 2, 2]
            llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
            llh[t0, 2] = log(prS[t1, 2]) + logA[t1, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi);
            prS[t0, 1] = 0; prS[t0, 2] = 1;
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){ // checked theta = logA[t0, 2, 1]
            llh[t0, 1] = log(prS[t1, 2]) + logA[t1, 2, 1];
            llh[t0, 2] = log(prS[t1, 2]) + logA[t1, 2, 2] + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi);
            prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);
        } else { // y[t1] == 0
          if (y[t0] > 0){
            llh[t0, 1] = 0.0;
            llh[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(logA[t1, 1, 2] + log(prS[t1, 1]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi),
                                     logA[t1, 2, 2] + log(prS[t1, 2]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y[t0] | lambda[t0], phi));
            prS[t0, 1] = 0; prS[t0, 2] = 1; // normalized alpha_t
          } else if (y[t0] == 0){ //checked
              llh[t0, 1] = log_sum_exp(logA[t1, 1, 1] + log(prS[t1, 1]), logA[t1, 2, 1] + log(prS[t1, 2]));
              llh[t0, 2] = log_sum_exp(logA[t1, 1, 1] + log(prS[t1, 1]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi),
                                       logA[t1, 2, 1] + log(prS[t1, 2]) + neg_binomial_2_lpmf(0 | lambda[t0], phi));
            prS[t0] = softmax(llh[t0]);

model {
  for (n in 1:N) target += dirichlet_lpdf(pi1[n] | rep_vector(1, 2));
  for (m in 1:Mx) target += normal_lpdf(beta[m] | 0, 1);
  for (j in 1:2) target += normal_lpdf(zeta[j] | 0, 2);
  target += normal_lpdf(reciprocal_phi | 3, 1);
  for (nt in 1:NT){
    if (y[nt] == 0){
      target += log_sum_exp(llh[nt]);
    } else {
      target += llh[nt, 2];

generated quantities {
  vector[NT] yrep;
  for (nt in 1:NT){
    if (y[nt] > 0){
      yrep[nt] = neg_binomial_2_rng(lambda[nt], phi);
    } else {
        int comp = bernoulli_rng(prS[nt, 2]);
        if (comp == 0){
          yrep[nt] = 0;
        } else {
          yrep[nt] = neg_binomial_2_rng(lambda[nt], phi);