January 31, 2021, 8:05am
it looks like you would need a categorical/multinomial model, which you then use to draw samples from the posterior to examine what differences there are between the categories?
Please see here for more information:
For statisticians, the categorical distribution is a special case of the multinomial distribution with one observation that has that simplex of probabilities. Lots of non-statisticians use the phrase categorical distribution to mean a multinomial distribution
You mean categorical to mean categorical.
Are you sure you only have three categories? Because, in brms, categorial() models are implemented using the first category as reference category, seeing mu1, mu2, mu3 indicates that you actually have four categories.
Hi Angelo, here’s a brief explanation of the difference. Suppose you have a negative binomial regression with a log link:
\eta_i = a + bx_i \\
\lambda_i = \exp(\eta_i) \\
y_i \sim {\rm NegBinom}(\lambda_i, \phi)
posterior_linpred() gives you posterior draws of \eta.
posterior_linpred(transform=TRUE), or equivalently posterior_epred(), gives you posterior draws of \lambda, that is, it does the inverse link transformation for you.
posterior_predict() gives you draws from {\rm NegBinom}(\l…