Which is the quickest/easiest way to find the R-squared from rstan (and not rstanarm)
Which is the quickest/easiest way to find the R-squared from rstan (and not rstanarm)
Hi Elef!
There are different flavors of Bayesian-R^2. You might want to check out this. The residual based R^2 is also described here. From these sources you get the function, that works with rstanarm
For the residal version:
bayes_R2_res <- function(fit) {
y <- rstanarm::get_y(fit)
ypred <- rstanarm::posterior_linpred(fit, transform = TRUE)
if (family(fit)$family == "binomial" && NCOL(y) == 2) {
trials <- rowSums(y)
y <- y[, 1]
ypred <- ypred %*% diag(trials)
e <- -1 * sweep(ypred, 2, y)
var_ypred <- apply(ypred, 1, var)
var_e <- apply(e, 1, var)
var_ypred / (var_ypred + var_e)
And for the modeled (approximate) variance version:
bayes_R2 <- function(fit) {
mupred <- rstanarm::posterior_linpred(fit, transform = TRUE)
var_mupred <- apply(mupred, 1, var)
if (family(fit)$family == "binomial" && NCOL(y) == 1) {
sigma2 <- apply(mupred*(1-mupred), 1, mean)
} else {
sigma2 <- as.matrix(fit, pars = c("sigma"))^2
var_mupred / (var_mupred + sigma2)
You can work from there. It’s easiest if your Stan model has the linear predictor mu
in either the transformed parameters or the generated quantities block, so you can easily extract this. Then do something like (for the second case - modeled variance):
bayes_R2 <- function(mu, sigma) {
var_mu <- apply(mu, 1, var)
sigma2 <- sigma^2
var_mu / (var_mu + sigma2)
Note that this is for a linear regression model.
Hi Mat_Mantei,
Thanks for the response and the resources. Unfortunately, I can’t use the first two suggested functions because the object I have is of class stanfit therefore I can’t use the functions from rstanarm. Since I am new with Bayesian analysis and Stan maybe is better to post the simple example I am working with.
dat1 <- Howell1
d2 <- dat1[ dat1$age >= 18 , ]
plot( d2$height ~ d2$weight )
lm(d2$height ~ d2$weight) %>% summary
model_stan2 <- '
int <lower=1> N;
vector[N] height;
vector[N] weight;
real alpha;
real beta;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters{
vector[N] height_hat;
height_hat = alpha + beta * weight;
vector[N] mu;
// Priors
alpha ~ normal(178, 20);
beta ~ lognormal(0,1);
sigma ~ exponential(1);
mu = alpha + beta*(weight);
// Likelihood
height ~ normal( mu, sigma);
stan_samples2 <- stan(model_code = model_stan2, model_name='Model height & weight',
data = list(
N= nrow(d2),
And then by using your last function
bayes_R2 <- function(mu, sigma) {
var_mu <- apply(mu, 1, var)
sigma2 <- sigma^2
var_mu / (var_mu + sigma2)
bayes_R2(ext_pred2$height_hat , ext_pred2$sigma ) %>% mean
I got a figure which looks reasonable
I’m wondering if there is a general solution for this problem for larger stan models. I think this might work, but just wanted to respond to this in case it’s useful (or perhaps not a good approach!) for others trying to calculate R squared from a stan model.
In the model below I added a generated quantities block that has two additional quantities. One is the posterior predictions, and one is the equivalent of expected value of the posterior predictions (e.g., like posterior_epred). I calculated the second with a user defined function.
model_stan2 <- '
functions {
real linear_predictor(real alpha, real beta, real x) {
real out;
out = alpha + beta*x;
return out;
int <lower=1> N;
vector[N] height;
vector[N] weight;
real alpha;
real beta;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters{
vector[N] height_hat;
height_hat = alpha + beta * weight;
vector[N] mu;
// Priors
alpha ~ normal(178, 20);
beta ~ lognormal(0,1);
sigma ~ exponential(1);
mu = alpha + beta*(weight);
// Likelihood
height ~ normal( mu, sigma);
generated quantities {
vector[N] y_pred_no_variance; // generated quantities for predicted values
vector[N] y_pred_w_variance;
for (i in 1:N) {
y_pred_no_variance[i] = linear_predictor(alpha, beta, x[i]);
y_pred_w_variance[i] = normal_rng(alpha + beta * x[i], sigma);
I then just followed similarly to this code, as cited above.
y_pred_solved <- rstan::extract(stan_samples2)$y_pred
residuals_y <- rstan::extract(stan_samples2)$y_pred_w_variance - rstan::extract(fit_out_tester)$y_pred
var_residuals <- apply(residuals_y, 1, var)
var_pred_out <- apply(y_pred_solved, 1, var)
hist(var_pred_out/(var_pred_out + var_residuals))