I’m trying to model a problem where I have reason to believe that certain observations matter more than others (or, put another way, I consider some observations to be more important in the overall final fit than others). I found another post that recommended replacing:
for(i in 1:N_obs ){
pred[i] = a[i] + b[i] * x[i];
mean_y[i] ~ normal (pred[i], sigma[i]);
What would the right way to weight those be in order for arviz.loo to respect the importance of each observation? Should I just multiply the bernoulli_logit_lpmf by the weight?
From a modelling perspective, I understand that maybe I shouldn’t be adding into my model manually. However, in this particular case, the parameter I’m focused on understanding is supposed to capture something about the dynamics of a game when it’s played optimally, so I want it to most-closely match the performance of the highest level players. If there’s a way to represent that in my model definition, then I’d love to hear about it, but I couldn’t figure out any way to do it except to weight the observations (the results of games played) based on knowledge of who the top players are.
No and you don’t weight win_chance_logit[n]. If you want to get draws from the weighted marginal, then you can after the sampling to subsample from each win_hat[n] according to the weights, but I don’t see what would be the need for that in this case.
data {
int<lower=0> NG; // Number of games
int<lower=0> NM; // Number of matchups
int<lower=0> NP; // Number of players
int<lower=0> NC; // Number of characters
int<lower=0, upper=1> win[NG]; // Did player 1 win game
int<lower=1, upper=NM> mup[NG]; // Matchup in game
vector<lower=0, upper=1>[NG] non_mirror; // Is this a mirror matchup: 0 = mirror
int<lower=1, upper=NC> char1[NG]; // Character 1 in game
int<lower=1, upper=NC> char2[NG]; // Character 2 in game
int<lower=1, upper=NP> player1[NG]; // Player 1 in game
int<lower=1, upper=NP> player2[NG]; // Player 1 in game
vector[NG] elo_logit; // Player 1 ELO-based logit win chance
vector[NG] obs_weights;
parameters {
vector[NM] mu; // Matchup value
vector<upper=0>[NP] char_skill_raw[NC]; // Player skill at character
vector<upper=0>[NC] char_skill_mean; // Average player skill at character
vector<lower=0>[NC] char_skill_variance; // Player skill variance per character
real elo_logit_scale; // elo_logit scale
transformed parameters {
vector[NG] player_char_skill1;
vector[NG] player_char_skill2;
vector[NG] win_chance_logit;
vector<upper=0>[NP] char_skill[NC]; // Player skill at character
for (c in 1:NC) {
char_skill[c] = char_skill_mean[c] + char_skill_raw[c] * char_skill_variance[c];
for (n in 1:NG) {
player_char_skill1[n] = char_skill[char1[n], player1[n]];
player_char_skill2[n] = char_skill[char2[n], player2[n]];
win_chance_logit = (player_char_skill1 - player_char_skill2) + non_mirror .* mu[mup] + elo_logit_scale * elo_logit;
model {
for (n in 1:NC) {
char_skill_raw[n] ~ std_normal();
mu ~ normal(0, 0.5);
elo_logit_scale ~ std_normal();
char_skill_mean ~ uniform(-4, 0);
char_skill_variance ~ normal(0, 3);
for (n in 1:NG) {
target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(win[n] | win_chance_logit[n]) * obs_weights[n];
generated quantities{
vector[NG] log_lik;
vector[NG] win_hat;
for (n in 1:NG) {
log_lik[n] = bernoulli_logit_lpmf(win[n] | win_chance_logit[n]) * obs_weights[n];
win_hat[n] = bernoulli_logit_rng(win_chance_logit[n]);
So, I’m weighting the update to target, and I’m weighting the log likelyhoods. Does that seem right? Like @realkrantz, I’m a bit confused by "you don’t weight win_chance_login[n]"
You don’t weight win_chance_logit[n] in the model block, and you don’t weight win_chance_logit[n] when computing log_lik in generated quantities. Why would you then weight when you use it to generate 0’s and 1’s from the predictive distribution? Think again what win_chance_logit[n] and win_hat[n] are and then answer why would you like to weight either of them?
Is it possible to compare the accuracy of a weighted model with an unweighted one? The values I get from arviz.loo seem to scale differently based on what my weight values are. Do I need to normalize the weights so that they sum to the number of observations?
I’m pretty sure you don’t want to weight the predicted values inside generated quantities. In particular, you don’t want to scale y_pred down, you want to scale the likelyhood of specific y values in your observations. So, you want to scale the probability mass/density functions (to make those observations less likely), but not the output generated by apply the model to make predictions from your existing data.