Hi all,
I am running a model predicting mean_y of an individual, calculated from multiple observations y of that individual.
for(i in 1:N_obs ){
pred[i] = a[i] + b[i] * x[i];
mean_y[i] ~ normal (pred[i], sigma[i]);
Every individual is measured a certain number of times. Now, I would like to weight each individual according to the number of observations, using some kind of weight[i]. I was thinking to adapt the model like this:
for(i in 1:N_obs){
pred[i] = a[i] + b[i] * x[i];
target += normal_lpdf(mean_y[i] | pred[i] , sigma[i]) * weight[i];
However, I read in the linked discussion that using weights is generally not recommended, as it ‘is not a generative model’:
In the same discussion, it is said that it can be modeled if variances vary between observations, which, if I understand it well, is the case for my individuals: when there are more observations per individual, the variance generally decreases.
Now, I was wondering if
- I understood the discussion well and that what I want to model is possible and appropriate
- if so, how to implement this in my model.
It is important to note that my individuals are indeed measured repeatedly over time, but that I don’t want to weight more recent observations ‘heavier’ than previous ones. I just want to weight according to the number of observations, or some sort of measure related to it.
Thank you for your help!