Want to confirm my data is in the correct structure for brms regression given output

Hi Stan Forum, It is my first time here, and I don’t write code in Stan, just code in brms, but I will write ```Stan before my code chunks

I am wondering if you can just tell me how to reformat my data so I can do the analysis that the reviewer asked me to do–my friend thinks the reviewer suggests that I am supposed to be getting a coefficient for each question from the brms output and I am not yet getting that.
I attach my data environment here along with an abbreviated version of code I have developed for you to run.
To review, the reviewer suggested the following:"An alternative approach to investigate the effects on both general attitudes and specific components would be to use multilevel linear modeling with items nested within participants, including random effects of the term. In R lme4 notation, the formula for this model would look like: response ~ undocumented + (1 | participant) + (undocumented | item). Fixed effects would indicate the general trend, while random effects estimates would show how these effects differ depending on the item used. "
Model seems to match their description.The difficulty for me as always is getting my data into a format that allows me to do this sort of analysis. my friend earlier suggested the following:

First read in the attached mydata2.csv file into R as mydata2

  1. Step one: recode each item-variable so that it goes in the same (e.g. pro immigrant direction) and has the same number of levels:#this is for the coding where don’t know is 0
mydata2$immfavor_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immfavor, c("-2"="5", "-1"="4", "0"="3", "1"="2", "2"="1"))
mydata2$immrights_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immrights,  c("-2"="5", "-1"="4", "0"="3", "1"="2", "2"="1"))
mydata2$immlang_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immlang,  c("-2"="5", "-1"="4", "0"="3", "1"="2", "2"="1"))
mydata2$immcrime_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immcrime,  c("-2"="5", "-1"="4", "0"="3", "1"="2", "2"="1"))
mydata2$immjob_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immjob,  c("-2"="5", "-1"="4", "0"="3", "1"="2", "2"="1"))
mydata2$immunit_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immunit, c("2"="5", "1"="4", "0"="3", "-1"="2", "-2"="1"))
mydata2$letin_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$letin, c("2"="5", "1"="4", "0"="3", "-1"="2", "-2"="1"))
mydata2$immideas_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immideas, c("2"="5", "1"="4", "0"="3", "-1"="2", "-2"="1"))
mydata2$immgrowth_proimm<-revalue(mydata2$immgrowth, c("2"="5", "1"="4", "0"="3", "-1"="2", "-2"="1"))
  1. Step two: make sure all the variables are ordered in the right direction:
mydata2$letin_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$letin_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immrights_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immrights_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immfavor_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immrights_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immlang_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immlang_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immcrime_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immcrime_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immideas_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immideas_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immjob_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immjob_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immgrowth_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immgrowth_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
mydata2$immunit_proimm<-ordered(mydata2$immunit_proimm, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
  1. step three: restructure the data into long format where each row is a response to an individual question/item for a particular participant (with individual questions nested within each participant):
responses.df <- mydata2%>%
    select(turkID = turkID,
           immunit_proimm, female, hispanic, white, age, northeast, south, midwest, lnincome, educ, born_usa, democrat, republican, media, polview, auth, ethnocentrism)%>%
    distinct(turkID, .keep_all = TRUE)%>%#Headsup don't forget the full inclusion criteria in the writeup.
    pivot_longer(c(letin_proimm, immrights_proimm, immfavor_proimm, immlang_proimm, immcrime_proimm, immideas_proimm, immjob_proimm, immgrowth_proimm, immunit_proimm),
                 names_to = "question")%>%
    mutate(ppnt_response = factor(value,
                                    ordered = TRUE,
                                    levels = c(1,2,3,4,5)) )#probably this is the default anyway but nice to be explicit.

  1. run the model with the following code–I believe this is correct if participant would be MTurkID and “item” is supposed to be question–but the output provided only gives the output alone which contains only one coefficient “undocumented” which I believe its composite association on all variables:
fit13<- brm(ppnt_response ~
             undocumented + (1 | turkID) + (undocumented | question),
           data = responses.df, init="0",
           family = cumulative("probit"), chains = 10, cores = 2,
           control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99))

output: Family: cumulative 
  Links: mu = probit; disc = identity 
Formula: value ~ undocumented + undocumented + (1 | turkID) + (undocumented | question) 
   Data: responses.df (Number of observations: 3582) 
  Draws: 1 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 1000

Group-Level Effects: 
~question (Number of levels: 9) 
                            Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
sd(Intercept)                   0.38      0.13     0.21     0.74 1.00
sd(undocumented)                0.18      0.08     0.04     0.39 1.00
cor(Intercept,undocumented)    -0.14      0.38    -0.77     0.65 1.00
                            Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)                    351      696
sd(undocumented)                 290      414
cor(Intercept,undocumented)     1126      726

~turkID (Number of levels: 398) 
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)     0.68      0.03     0.62     0.74 1.00      456      558

Population-Level Effects: 
             Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept[1]    -1.14      0.15    -1.45    -0.83 1.00      404      514
Intercept[2]    -0.42      0.15    -0.73    -0.12 1.00      400      469
Intercept[3]    -0.12      0.15    -0.43     0.18 1.00      400      435
Intercept[4]     0.83      0.15     0.51     1.13 1.00      411      503
undocumented    -0.08      0.10    -0.29     0.12 1.00      581      703

Family Specific Parameters: 
     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
disc     1.00      0.00     1.00     1.00   NA       NA       NA

Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Is this not what the reviewer asked me to do? I thought that what question here is the equivalent of what the reviewer calls item and ppnt_response is hte same as what the reviewer called response, but my colleague seems to suggest i should get a coefficient for every item in the output. However, that is not what I see here.
if I need to create other variables from the data by coding to what the reviewer suggests, let me know how I do that. What I see from the output is not an estimate for each of the 9 items/questions but only a general estimate for the undocumented variable.If that is what I should expect from this model and everything is fine, then I could move ahead with providing you results and my results based on this minimal output.
Thank you!
datax.csv (73.8 KB)
Reproducible example of data prepration and analysis for BRMS.R (3.2 KB)

Welcome, @Jacob_Richard_Thomas, and thank you for providing resources in your question that will make it easier for the community to help!

1) How to translate the reviewer’s suggestion into brms syntax (+ any necessary data recoding)

I’m not an expert in this area, but the place I would start are @Solomon’s writings on these models, including a brms “recoding” of a basic cumulative probit model from Doing Bayesian Data Analysis and a follow-up blog post that unpacks more complex elaborations that look more like what you want to use.

It’s not clear to me why the reviewer says,

but then proceeds to give an lme4-style model formula without items nested within participants:

It seems like something is missing or a typo has been made. Others with expertise on the forum might be able to correctly spot it, or you could consider asking the reviewer for clarification via the editor.

2) How to extract the item-specific random intercepts and slopes

Here I can offer more direct help. The summary output table for a brmsfit object won’t show the slopes and intercepts summaries for each level of the group-level (“random effect”) terms. Instead, you’ll see sd(Intercept) and similar terms under the Group-Level Effects: headings. These are the standard deviations among each group (i.e., question or person).

I think you want to see the estimates/posterior distributions for each of these groups. That will tell you the effect of each question, how undocumented impacts the effect of each question, and the differences among people responding. You can see a more granular view of summary(fit13) that pulls out summary estimates for the group-level effects using ranef(fit13).

> ranef(fit13)
, , Intercept

                    Estimate Est.Error
immcrime_proimm   0.05993917 0.1536151
immfavor_proimm  -0.03666122 0.1510792
immgrowth_proimm -0.05571383 0.1512908
immideas_proimm   0.38248635 0.1525529
immjob_proimm     0.27862128 0.1549286
immlang_proimm    0.27753051 0.1520281
immrights_proimm -0.03637593 0.1517003
immunit_proimm   -0.33907326 0.1550383
letin_proimm     -0.52451566 0.1523668
                        Q2.5       Q97.5
immcrime_proimm  -0.24094627  0.37006485
immfavor_proimm  -0.33349147  0.26102922
immgrowth_proimm -0.35074575  0.25372635
immideas_proimm   0.08475944  0.69325640
immjob_proimm    -0.02071322  0.59515912
immlang_proimm   -0.02023435  0.58587575
immrights_proimm -0.33705357  0.27245965
immunit_proimm   -0.64750718 -0.03913366
letin_proimm     -0.82953900 -0.22384713

, , undocumented

                    Estimate Est.Error
immcrime_proimm  -0.11902737 0.1127292
immfavor_proimm  -0.04257315 0.1039264
immgrowth_proimm  0.08113268 0.1067476
immideas_proimm   0.07551285 0.1117620
immjob_proimm    -0.13751275 0.1187651
immlang_proimm    0.04853609 0.1086151
immrights_proimm -0.04346779 0.1054498
immunit_proimm    0.20934671 0.1264697
letin_proimm     -0.07107657 0.1131264
                         Q2.5      Q97.5
immcrime_proimm  -0.362290850 0.07403659
immfavor_proimm  -0.257397625 0.16221480
immgrowth_proimm -0.113613400 0.31477790
immideas_proimm  -0.129205150 0.31260805
immjob_proimm    -0.389393325 0.06724027
immlang_proimm   -0.156766225 0.28019660
immrights_proimm -0.263013050 0.15920500
immunit_proimm   -0.004393781 0.48018745
letin_proimm     -0.310093475 0.13647187

, , Intercept

                          Estimate Est.Error
A074332538R4YYDPXNF01  0.371080844 0.3185510
A11EL5LWS2L1HX         0.777962631 0.3447570
A11FGDHNWN992         -0.101970878 0.3148764
A11W7R2O4RQSSS         0.053732996 0.3227204
A12HWPFXQPITHD        -0.451984143 0.3328879
A136K9Y7E4C3G         -0.356130051 0.3250725
A143J3H0S644SM        -1.196870099 0.3499684
A149ROBL26JWPJ        -0.612378394 0.3133993
A14JGIN4ZXXLGD        -0.349630320 0.3104822
A14OPFM8OFA4WF        -0.547000772 0.3223195
A14WLAP6TCEKO0         0.162021582 0.3175215
A15PHPJA7AWCS3         1.038265935 0.3521565
A15SUPIZ05ZFCD         0.390561793 0.3249729
A16HSMUJ7C7QA7        -0.668446792 0.3150295
A16OH8XXYY0AAS         0.431366339 0.3173261
A16QR0D9MVFMS7        -0.322289247 0.3310838
A16UI9RHNATNUB         0.088464194 0.3080496
A17D6BK59S31BM        -0.228463182 0.3087004
A17QHU5Q0FS3GW        -0.011715514 0.3261253
A183WYXN12P2TJ        -0.006651259 0.3147305
A188SHJZPHE8BA         0.590514240 0.3286264
A18E16UFE351U6         0.893589652 0.3361299
A18SXC3JEN1O0U        -0.730738985 0.3288425
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A1AFOBARMIFUSW         0.630946571 0.3323570
A1BBJJHGM0ADN7        -1.344016743 0.3574439
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A1DK0O56F7GXKB         0.129594788 0.3143252
A1DM0HNMZAC1E8        -0.115317946 0.3127427
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A1H5Q9HRH4RPZU        -0.409764550 0.3199550
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A1HGAHZSM14YTV        -1.021650843 0.3408418
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A1HQ94T9O4AV39        -0.233130093 0.3191831
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A1IEAOCJNSPVRX         1.057639292 0.3602266
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A1PEUJ23G02GUZ         0.650541308 0.3261558
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A1PUHCEBSOWETV         0.093437253 0.3161576
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A1SUNOPZGPARCY         0.327773459 0.3150535
A1T9VHNIS0BETZ         0.034825969 0.3136161
A1TLNLB9D87H6          0.679675981 0.3323200
A1TLQ6BTDQX7US         0.626945187 0.3288096
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A2541C8MY0BYV3         0.275419999 0.3160092
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A26NGLGGFTATVN        -0.521369251 0.3145018
A26WJPE2RS98NM         0.176501403 0.3054157
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A27SMEOPKV84VI         0.169408048 0.3129353
A28RGK00V59HVE        -0.180819069 0.3104163
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A2B227N1NQYS56         0.781679465 0.3469109
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A2BW6WD7LZ9EGV         0.768188685 0.3519023
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A2CK0OXMPOR9LE        -0.002854115 0.3123109
A2CWNRI11XJ7WX         0.456927738 0.3326601
A2DNLHS1RSTF5R        -0.213044768 0.3033579
A2DVV59R1CQU6T         0.824622287 0.3340141
A2EI075XZT9Y2S        -0.308617073 0.3160673
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A2ESE3IBTNAEB7        -1.303931917 0.3574427
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A2H6K1XIK4LY7O        -0.306822499 0.3212096
A2HA7R3TR3TR1A        -0.132749867 0.3141777
A2HSCKH5NKN5LP        -0.358239572 0.3172893
A2HWV497VIPO4I        -0.090531331 0.3232485
A2I960JYUZ8KAV         1.030305742 0.3521737
A2IE9322Z6HYC7         0.297284054 0.3270950
A2INXY39KBM92F         0.764656461 0.3417094
A2IOCN8EW1E3VE        -0.128016155 0.3239452
A2IVGLOBFOT67M         0.359114302 0.3063282
A2JCHN90PRUWDH         0.515045893 0.3274330
A2JOHICL072IY3        -1.302802221 0.3630228
A2JSIDRTDGDC7T         0.144932719 0.3097970
A2K53OHEY92410        -0.166591783 0.3070824
A2LMQ4497NMK3S         0.784010704 0.3531967
A2LPP288NK76W4         0.479417754 0.3249392
A2MKXI4KCRRI7Y        -0.672976150 0.3360432
A2NBBQ3DKW5MV3        -0.476643135 0.3087610
A2NEFRREWF33YP         0.379618388 0.3228569
A2NGMLBFZ3YQP5         0.825451451 0.3447888
A2NHY01ZTYMYX4         0.135770534 0.3145815
A2NJ6AR78O07FD        -1.210491940 0.3532507
A2O7LNRIBPIHAF        -0.263687763 0.3066609
A2O8L681OIZGPV        -0.214281970 0.3313759
A2P8V5SKYLL5I4         0.299609977 0.3209902
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A364CZ890UVP15        -1.920290750 -0.5266096000
A36A780ODXBDEH        -0.139952850  1.1351637500
A36ESW7AECVHK3        -1.913191750 -0.5298058250
A3774HPOUKYTX7         0.322791150  1.7236667500
A377LTGWJKY2IW        -0.928226725  0.3194300250
A37EV8RZ82WT8E        -2.047494250 -0.6067243000
A37S96RT1P1IT2        -0.476805450  0.7373187500
A37WDOIQH6JM6V        -0.938994750  0.2927608500
A381ETCY4H4WI6        -0.782547825  0.4322311250
A381XY4G5P1VCH        -1.229410000 -0.0009030366
A397QMUM40C4SH        -0.579178525  0.6330701250
A3AELT3Y5E6X7U        -2.078294000 -0.6399085500
A3ANJRMHMVC97K        -0.210008800  1.0456937500

The first block, headed by

, , Intercept

is telling you the effect of each question when undocumented=0. The following subheading, ,,undocumented, shows you the effect of each question when undocumented=1. The final block, headed by

, , Intercept

gives the participant-level intercepts.

Remember that these tables are summaries of draws from the joint posterior distribution. There is a lot of richness here for visualization and understanding of uncertainty. Solomon’s blog post has some ideas for how you might want to visualize these group-level effects. The excellent tidybayes package is another great resource for visualization.