Dear colleagues,
from the code you will see that I am a new to stan (pystan) and I run into problems when I want to fit the model (compiling works).
I very often get a message that the matrix for the Choleski decomposition is not positive definite and sure it should be positive definite.
Message: “Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue: Exception: cholesky_decompose: Matrix m is not positive definite (in ‘model_03_multivariate_ln.stan’ at line 68)”
I warmly welcome any helping advice.
With kind regards.
Here is the model: It is about a vehicle with 4 axe. With axe load data I want to create a stan model.
// MODEL 03
// 4 axes vehicle
data {
int < lower = 1 > data_n; // number of values
int < lower = 1 > axes_n; // number of axes
vector[data_n] A1; // data values of axe loads
vector[data_n] A2; // data values of axe loads
vector[data_n] A3; // data values of axe loads
vector[data_n] A4; // data values of axe loads
// some constraints
real < lower = 0 > prior_mu_mu_Ax; // prior for mu of mu_Ax (mean of axe load)
real < lower = 0 > prior_sigma_mu_Ax1; // prior for the sigma of mu Ax (diagonal elements)
real < lower = 0 > prior_sigma_mu_Ax2; // prior for the sigma of mu Ax ( non diagonal elements)
real < lower = 0 > upper_sigma_Ax1_sqrt; // constraint
real < lower = 0 > upper_variance_value; // constraint
parameters {
// rho
real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho_12;
real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho_13;
real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho_14;
real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho_23;
real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho_24;
real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho_34;
vector[axes_n] mu_Ax;
// This is to restrict the covariance matrix for Ax
real<lower=0 , upper=upper_sigma_Ax1_sqrt> sigma_Ax1_sqrt;
real<lower=0 , upper=upper_sigma_Ax1_sqrt> sigma_Ax2_sqrt;
real<lower=0 , upper=upper_sigma_Ax1_sqrt> sigma_Ax3_sqrt;
real<lower=0 , upper=upper_sigma_Ax1_sqrt> sigma_Ax4_sqrt;
transformed parameters{
vector [ axes_n] Ax[ data_n]; // data values loads all Axis
vector [ axes_n] mu_mu_Ax; // mean of prior of axes loads
matrix <lower=-upper_variance_value, upper=upper_variance_value> [ axes_n, axes_n ] sigma_Ax; // covariance of the axle loads
matrix <lower=-upper_variance_value, upper=upper_variance_value> [ axes_n, axes_n ] sigma_mu_Ax; // covariance of mean of the axle loads
matrix [ axes_n, axes_n ] L_Ax; // Cholesky of the axle loads
matrix [ axes_n, axes_n ] L_mu_Ax; // Cholesky of mean of axle loads
sigma_Ax[1,1] = sigma_Ax1_sqrt;
sigma_Ax[1,2] = sqrt(sigma_Ax1_sqrt) * sqrt(sigma_Ax2_sqrt) * rho_12;
sigma_Ax[1,3] = sqrt(sigma_Ax1_sqrt) * sqrt(sigma_Ax3_sqrt) * rho_13;
sigma_Ax[1,4] = sqrt(sigma_Ax1_sqrt) * sqrt(sigma_Ax4_sqrt) * rho_14;
sigma_Ax[2,1] = sigma_Ax[1,2];
sigma_Ax[2,2] = sigma_Ax2_sqrt;
sigma_Ax[2,3] = sqrt(sigma_Ax2_sqrt) * sqrt(sigma_Ax3_sqrt) * rho_23;
sigma_Ax[2,4] = sqrt(sigma_Ax2_sqrt) * sqrt(sigma_Ax4_sqrt) * rho_24;
sigma_Ax[3,1] = sigma_Ax[1,3];
sigma_Ax[3,2] = sigma_Ax[2,3];
sigma_Ax[3,3] = sigma_Ax3_sqrt;
sigma_Ax[3,4] = sqrt(sigma_Ax3_sqrt) * sqrt(sigma_Ax4_sqrt) * rho_34;
sigma_Ax[4,1] = sigma_Ax[1,4];
sigma_Ax[4,2] = sigma_Ax[2,4];
sigma_Ax[4,3] = sigma_Ax[3,4];
sigma_Ax[4,4] = sigma_Ax4_sqrt;
L_Ax = cholesky_decompose( sigma_Ax );
for (i in 1 : data_n){
Ax[i,1] = A1[i];
Ax[i,2] = A2[i];
Ax[i,3] = A3[i];
Ax[i,4] = A4[i];
mu_mu_Ax[1] = prior_mu_mu_Ax;
mu_mu_Ax[2] = prior_mu_mu_Ax;
mu_mu_Ax[3] = prior_mu_mu_Ax;
mu_mu_Ax[4] = prior_mu_mu_Ax;
sigma_mu_Ax[1,1] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax1 ,2 ) ;
sigma_mu_Ax[1,2] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[1,3] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[1,4] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[2,1] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[2,2] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax1 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[2,3] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[2,4] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[3,1] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[3,2] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[3,3] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax1 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[3,4] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[4,1] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[4,2] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[4,3] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax2 ,2 );
sigma_mu_Ax[4,4] = pow( prior_sigma_mu_Ax1 ,2 );
L_mu_Ax = cholesky_decompose( sigma_mu_Ax );
model {
// prior
mu_Ax ~ multi_normal_cholesky_lpdf(mu_mu_Ax, L_mu_Ax);
Ax ~ multi_normal_cholesky_lpdf( mu_Ax, L_Ax );