Hey y’all! I am trying to run a hierarchical Bernoulli logit model with a multivariate normal prior on the coefficients with priors on the mean and covariance of the multivariate normal. I am running into initialization issues (“Initialization failed” in pystan) when using the Cholesky factorization of the covariance matrix (yet I was not running into these issues when using the inverse wishart prior, but that has been extremely slow so far). Additionally, I am not entirely sure if the model is specified correctly as I am fairly new to stan. Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated as I am working on my masters thesis and these computational issues are really getting in the way and stressing me out!! Cheers
data {
int<lower=1> D; //Number of individual predictors
int<lower=0> N; //Number of data points
int<lower=1> P; //Number of levels
int<lower=0, upper =1> y[N]; //Classification
int<lower=0, upper = P> ll[N]; //levels of each data point
row_vector[D] x[N]; //Matrix of individual predictors
matrix[D,D] identity; //Identity matrix used as a prior
vector[D] zeros; // Vector of zeros used as a prior
parameters {
vector[D] mu; //Mean vector of multivariate normal
vector[D] beta[P]; //Coeficients for each of the various levels
cholesky_factor_corr[D] L_Omega; //Cholesky correlation
vector<lower=0, upper=pi()/2>[D] tau_unif; //cholesky scale
transformed parameters {
vector<lower=0>[D] tau; //cholesky scale
matrix[D,D] Sigma_beta; //Covariance matrix defined from cholesky
for (d in 1:D) {
tau[d] = 2.5 * tan(tau_unif[d]);
Sigma_beta = diag_pre_multiply(tau, L_Omega); //Calculation of covariance from cholesky
model {
mu ~ multi_normal(zeros, identity); //Prior on multivariate normal
L_Omega ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(3);
tau_unif ~ normal(0,1);
for (p in 1:P){
beta[p] ~ multi_normal(mu, Sigma_beta);
vector[N] x_beta_ll;
for (n in 1:N) {
x_beta_ll[n] = x[n] * beta[ll[n]];
y ~ bernoulli_logit(x_beta_ll);
Thank you so much in advance!