Using loo to compare nested hierarchical models with missing observations

Dear Stan community,

I’m modelling some outcome data from a moderately successfully conducted randomized trial of psychotherapy. The goal is to evaluate a moderator hypothesis - that the effect of treatment allocation is conditional on the level of a proposed moderator variable. I have a baseline and an outcome score, with the outcome scores having a substantial proportion of missing data. There are two treatment conditions being compared, and a baseline measure of a proposed moderator. I have done this as a series of nested models with hierarchical intercepts, and was planning to compare the moderator model with the simpler models using loo to evaluate the moderator hypothesis. I do imputation for the missing outcome data as part of the model. There is also an IRT measurement model for the moderator variable with some imputation as well, and a fair bit of index fiddling.

My question concerns using loo for comparing the nested models. Should I calculate the log-likelihood of each observation conditional on the model, or the joint log-likelihood of the two observations for each patient? If the latter, what should I do about the observations for those who have only one? As I am doing it now, I take the log-likelihood of each observation and use those for loo. From what I understand from, that might be valid for evaluating model fit. At the same time, the prediction task is really whether the moderator is useful for predicting differential response to treatment, for a new patient, so that might suggest leaving one patient out, and take the joint log-likelihood of the two observations. But what to do then about those patients having only one observation (at baseline)?

data {
  int N;
  int nmis_oc_dep;
  int id[N*2];
  vector[N*2] treat;
  vector[N*2] time;
  vector[N*2-nmis_oc_dep] dep;
  int<lower=1, upper=6> mod;
  int<lower=1, upper=4> informant;
  vector[5] pred_levels;
  int ind_obs_cbq[N,4]; 
  int ind_mis_cbq[N,4];
  int nmis_cbq[4];
  int nobs_cbq[4];
  int cbq_items;
  int nn[4];
  int cbq[N*cbq_items,4];
  int rs_cbq[N*cbq_items,4]; //case index of cbq
  int qs_cbq[N*cbq_items,4]; //question index of cbq

transformed data{
  int mis[4] = {1, nmis_cbq[1]+1, sum(nmis_cbq[1:2])+1, sum(nmis_cbq[1:3])+1};
  int obs[4] = {1, nobs_cbq[1]+1, sum(nobs_cbq[1:2])+1, sum(nobs_cbq[1:3])+1};

 // IRT parameters
  vector[cbq_items] cbq_beta_raw;
  real cbq_beta_mu;
  real<lower=0> cbq_beta_sigma;
  vector<lower=0>[cbq_items] cbq_alpha;
  vector[sum(nobs_cbq)] cbq_obs_theta;
 // Imputation parameters
  vector[sum(nmis_cbq)] cbq_mis_theta;
  vector[nmis_oc_dep] oc_imp;
  cholesky_factor_corr[4] conflict_corr;
 //Regression parameters
  vector[mod+1] beta;
  vector[N] alpha_id_raw;
  real<lower=0> alpha_id_sigma;
  real<lower=0> sigma;
  real<lower=1> nu;
transformed parameters{
  vector[cbq_items] cbq_beta = cbq_beta_raw * cbq_beta_sigma + cbq_beta_mu;

  vector[4] conflict_all[N];

  for(j in 1:4){
    for(i in 1:N){
      if (ind_obs_cbq[i,j] > 0) {conflict_all[i,j] = segment(cbq_obs_theta, obs[j], nobs_cbq[j])[ind_obs_cbq[i,j]];}
      else if (ind_mis_cbq[i,j] > 0) {conflict_all[i,j] = segment(cbq_mis_theta, mis[j], nmis_cbq[j])[ind_mis_cbq[i,j]];}

 // Regression priors
  beta ~ normal(0, 1);
  sigma ~ student_t(3,0,1);
  nu ~ gamma(2,0.1);
  alpha_id_raw ~ std_normal();
  alpha_id_sigma ~ student_t(3,0,1);
 // IRT priors
  cbq_beta_raw ~ std_normal();
  cbq_beta_mu ~ normal(0,3);
  cbq_beta_sigma ~ student_t(3,0,1);
  cbq_alpha ~ gamma(2,.5);
  conflict_corr ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2); // weakly informative prior on the correlation matrix
  conflict_all ~ multi_normal_cholesky(rep_vector(0,4), conflict_corr); // implicit scale of 1 on the latent trait parameters as the cholesky factored correlation matrix is supplied directly as the covariance matrix
 // IRT model
  for(j in 1:4){ // [1:nn[j],j] extracts the correct index from the array containing indexes for all informants (actually ragged, but filled out with 99s to rectangular).
    cbq[1:nn[j],j] ~ bernoulli_logit(cbq_alpha[qs_cbq[1:nn[j],j]] .* (segment(cbq_obs_theta, obs[j], nobs_cbq[j])[rs_cbq[1:nn[j],j]] - cbq_beta[qs_cbq[1:nn[j],j]]));
  { // Mixed regression model for treatment outcome, with models for prediction and moderation by conflict
  vector[N*2] mu;
  vector[N*2] alpha_id = alpha_id_raw[id] * alpha_id_sigma;
  vector[N*2] intercept = rep_vector(1.0, N*2);
  vector[N*2] conflict = to_vector(conflict_all[,informant])[id]; //extracts the conflict variable of the informant models are fitted to and multiplies it up

    if(mod==6) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + conflict * beta[5] + time .* conflict * beta[6] + treat .* time .* conflict * beta[7] + alpha_id;} //conflict as moderator
    if(mod==5) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + conflict * beta[5] + time .* conflict * beta[6] + alpha_id;} //conflict as predictor
    if(mod==4) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + conflict * beta[5] + alpha_id;} //constant effect of conflict
    if(mod==3) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + alpha_id;} //treatment outcome
    if(mod==2) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + alpha_id;} //treatment group difference
    if(mod==1) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + alpha_id;} //effect of time

  append_row(dep, oc_imp) ~ student_t(nu, mu, sigma);

generated quantities{
  vector[N*2-nmis_oc_dep] log_lik;
    vector[N*2] mu;
    vector[N*2] alpha_id = alpha_id_raw[id] * alpha_id_sigma;
    vector[N*2] intercept = rep_vector(1.0, N*2);
    vector[N*2] conflict = to_vector(conflict_all[,informant])[id];
    if(mod==6) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + conflict * beta[5] + time .* conflict * beta[6] + treat .* time .* conflict * beta[7] + alpha_id;} //conflict as moderator
    if(mod==5) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + conflict * beta[5] + time .* conflict * beta[6] + alpha_id;} //conflict as predictor
    if(mod==4) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + conflict * beta[5] + alpha_id;} //constant effect of conflict
    if(mod==3) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + treat .* time * beta[4] + alpha_id;} //treatment outcome
    if(mod==2) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + treat * beta[3] + alpha_id;} //treatment group difference
    if(mod==1) {
      mu = intercept * beta[1] + time * beta[2] + alpha_id;} //effect of time
    for(i in 1:N*2-nmis_oc_dep){
        log_lik[i] = student_t_lpdf(dep[i]|nu, mu[i], sigma);
} //end generated quantities

Acknowledging that I’ve seen this, and I’ll answer at latest on Monday.


It’s ok that when doing leave-one-group-out that different groups have different number of observations. This corresponds to a prediction task where in the future you would also observe one or two observations per patient. If you assume something else then you need to consider also if the number of observations per patient depend on covariates.

Thanks for a clear answer, then I think I know how to proceed. I’ll run k-fold cv with all the patients, irrespective of number of observations.

As to the prediction task, I would not expect to consistently succeed in measuring all patients post-treatment in the future. But at the same time I do believe there are covariates that are associated with the number of observations. My goal in using crossvalidation is to evaluate whether it is likely to make sense outside of this sample to consider the moderator variable for treatment choice.

The estimates I’m getting now imply that the simplest model (effect of time only) fits best, and clearly better than all of the other models, except the moderator model, where the SE of the difference is larger than twice the difference in elpd. I’m interpreting it as these data being somewhat consistent with a moderator model (parameter estimates also support this conclusion), but that there is a lot of uncertainty about whether it is likely to replicate - crossvalidation neither supports nor rejects the moderator model. If that sounds unreasonable, I’d be happy to have it pointed out.

Also, thank you for your time, and Hyvää joulua!

Note that the SE estimate can be optimistic and twice the difference is not that much. This hold especially with small data or bad model misspecification.

Thanks, it was good and relaxing.

Yes, I’ve seen that you recommend four or five times the SE to really trust a difference in elpd between models. In this case, the difference between the simple effect of time model and the moderation model is actually only 0.5 SE, so I’m not interpreting the results of cross-validation to support one model over the other.

I’ve been considering to use Pseudo-BMA weights to quantify the probability of each model giving the best predictions on new data, as I’ve understood Stacking weights to be somewhat inappropriate for nested models like these. But the CV results may work just as well.