To get myself used to stan, so that I can code up a complex model I’m trying to fit in the future, I’m trying to get a basic linear mixed effects model running in stan. However I’ve run into trouble when I try to extract the random effects that relate to each individual. I’ve included the code so far below, but this will not run yet.
What I am trying to do is create an array of length N
of vectors of length 2
in b2
. I then want to extract, using an integer id number held in integer array idnum
, the relevant part of b2
. The array idnum
will be of length M
and will take unique values 1...N
When I try to do this using code:
linpred_y = X_l*beta1 + Z2_l*b2[idnum,];
I get the following error message (with extra lines deleted):
No matches for:
matrix * vector[ ]
No matches for:
vector + ill-formed
I’d really appreciate any advice how to extract vectors from a vector array, using id values held in an integer array, such that I can multiply a design matrix, and the extracted vector, to make up part of a linear predictor. Code below:
data {
//dimensions of data
int<lower=1> M; //number of longitudinal observations
int<lower=1> N; //number of individuals
//id variables
int<lower=1> idnum[M]; //long id variable
//values for priors
real<lower=0> sigmaBeta;
real<lower=0> AU;
real<lower=0> Aeps1;
vector[M] y1; //longitudinal outcome
matrix[M,3] X_l; //design matrix long fixed
matrix[M,2] Z2_l; //design matrix long indrand
transformed data{
vector[2] zeroVec;
zeroVec = rep_vector(0,2); //used for mean vector for random effects
vector[3] beta1; //fixed effects for longitudinal component
vector[2] b2[N]; //individual specific random effects
real<lower=0> sigmaEps1;
corr_matrix[2] Omega_Dl;
vector<lower=0>[2] tau_Dl;
transformed parameters{
vector[M] linpred_y;
matrix[2,2] Dl;
linpred_y = X_l*beta1 + Z2_l*b2[idnum,];
Dl = quad_form_diag(Omega_Dl, tau_Dl);
tau_Dl ~ student_t(3,0,AU);
Omega_Dl~ lkj_corr(1);
beta1 ~ normal(0,sigmaBeta);
sigmaEps1 ~ student_t(3,0,Aeps1);
y1 ~ normal(linpred_y,sigmaEps1);
b2 ~ multi_normal(zeroVec,Dl);
generated quantities{
Thanks in advance