Where the most appropriate solution (given I can’t order by group) seems to be that proposed by @jonah to pass an array an integer arrays into Stan containing the indexes for each group.
I’m struggling to determine how to pass this array of arrays into Stan though, when the integer array of each group is a different length? Given I believe I have to define consistent dimensions of the array in the data block of Stan. Perhaps this is not even yet possible in Stan?
Thanks @bgoodri. Is it ok to put inf values in integer arrays? (as the padding option).
Would this method work as a simplified example of getting the inf values out of the vector before using the integer values to index a vector?
data {
int N; //num observations
int Ind[N, 5]; //Array of N integer arrays of length 5 padded with Inf (at the end when total non-inf values < 5)
vector[20] Vals; //vector to subset
model {
for (i in 1:N) {
int IndCurrRow[5] = Ind[i,1:5]; //select integer array for current row
int NumNonInfs = sum(!is.inf(IndCurrRow)); //count number of non-infinity values in array
int IndNoInf[NumNonInfs] = IndCurrRow[1:NumNonInfs]; //create integer array of length equal to non-Inf values in current integer array
vector[NumNonInfs] SubsetVals = Vals[IndNoInf]; //subset Vals with indexes from IndNoInf
Thanks @bgoodri so adjusting the code above to now use -1 as the padding value, I now get (and hopefully you think this looks sensible):
data {
int N; //num observations
int Ind[N, 5]; //Array of N integer arrays of length 5 padded with -1 (at the end when total non-Neg values < 5)
vector[20] Vals; //vector to subset
model {
for (i in 1:N) {
int IndCurrRow[5] = Ind[i,1:5]; //select integer array for current row
int NumPositive = sum(IndCurrRow >= 0); //count number of positive values in array
int IndPositive[NumPositive] = IndCurrRow[1:NumPositive]; //create integer array of length equal total positive values in current integer array
vector[NumPositive] SubsetVals = Vals[IndPositive]; //subset Vals with indexes from IndPositive