Use the output of a user-defined _rng function into the Model block


I need help with the following problem. To put it simply, I have a sample of observed pairs (m_1,..,m_n; s_1,..,s_n) where s_i acts as a constant, and the observation model depends on unobserved quantities y_1,..,y_n. Theoretically, their true but unobserved model is y\sim F(y;\mu_y,\phi_y) and I’m interested to estimate the parameters using m and s. Although unobserved in practice, I know they can be drawn from a Beta distribution with parameters \lambda_i and \sigma_i (in the code below, Res), which are computed using the observed data m_i and s_i.

In practice, what I’am trying to write down is a Gibbs-style sampler for the model parameters. Now, my question is simple: Where should I incorporate the information y \sim Beta(y; g(\lambda,\sigma)) in the Stan workflow? My naive solution (see code below) isn’t working (probably because I’m placing y in the wrong block as I have no y at all).

Note: I could get samples for y_i at each iteration given \mu_y and \phi_y using the following user defined _rng function:

real conditional_y_rng(real m, real s,vector pars,vector sigma0){
  vector[2] res = dpi_y_approx_case1(m,s,m,sigma0,pars);
  return beta_rng(res[1]*res[2],res[2]-res[1]*res[2]);

Thank you in advance!

  #include eqsModel.stan
  #include innerFunctions.stan

  int n;
  int maxIter;
  vector[n] m; 
  vector[n] s;
  //vector<lower=0,upper=1>[n] y; 
  real<lower=0> alphas;
  real mus;
  vector[maxIter] sigma0;

  real muy;
  real<lower=0> phiy;

transformed parameters{
  matrix[n,2] Res; //lambda and sigma for each observation
  for(i in 1:n){
    Res[i,] = dpi_y_approx_case1(m[i],s[i],m[i],sigma0,[muy,phiy]',maxIter)';

  vector[n] y;
  for(i in 1:n){
        y[i] ~ beta(Res[i,1]*Res[i,2],Res[i,2]-Res[i,2]*Res[i,1]);
        s[i] ~ gamma(alphas,mus/alphas);
        m[i] ~ beta(y[i]*s[i],s[i]-s[i]*y[i]);

It is not possible to use an rng in the model block. I think you would want to declare y in your parameters block, then it should be possible to use the loop in your model block.

Hi, @antcalcagi:

Welcome to the Stan forums. You can’t do Gibbs sampling within Stan—we fit continuous parameters using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. If you try to call a random number generator in the model or transformed parameters block, you should get an informative message saying that you can’t use that in the model or transformed parameter block.

You define a function called conditional_y_rng, but I don’t see it used anywhere.

Rather than trying to define your own Gibbs sampler, the thing to do in Stan is declare the parameters you would Gibbs sample as parameters in Stan and then just include their log density along with the rest of the model. Then they just get sampled by HMC jointly with everything else, which should be as efficient if not more efficient than doing custom Gibbs.