Please share your Stan program and accompanying data if possible.
I’ve been away from stan for a bit. I’m trying to write what should be a straighforward, simple program to sample a binomial where the parameter for probability of success R follows a beta distribution with known parameters, alpha and beta. I use Rstan. Apparently I cannot figure out how to declare the random outcome integer variable M correctly. Here is the .R file and the .stan file:
#Beta-Binimial models preparatory for Jolly-Seber-Lincoln-Petersen
#N0 = 1000; #number marked and released
#A =399; #Beta alpha param, # prior successes from genetic assignment
#B = 97; #Beta beta param, # prior failures from genetic assignment
stanDat <- list(N0 = 1000, A = 399, B = 97)
#sample posterior:
BetaBin1fit <- stan(file=“BetaBin1.stan”, data = stanDat,iter = 100, chains = 1)
int<lower = 0> N0;
real<lower = 0> A;
real<lower = 0> B;
vector[] M;
real<lower = 0.70, upper = 0.95> R;
model {
R ~ beta(A,B);
M~binomial(N0, R);
where should I put the declaration for M and how should it be written. I have tried several approaches but none work.