Hello Dear Expert Community
I hope my message finds you well
I am using the brms package to conduct a Bayesian multivariate multilevel model for my PhD thesis, a cross-national study in 7 countries. My aim is to discover how subjective well-being can affect the modes of unconventional political participation. In addition, I use the country’s score of voice and accountability as a moderator.
IVs : Life satisfaction (5 ordinal levels), financial satisfaction (5 ordinal levels), health (4 ordinal levels), happiness(4 ordinal levels), free choice (5 ordinal levels).
DVs: signing petition, joining peaceful demonstration, joining strike, joining boycott. all are 3 ordinal levels: (Would Never Do, Might do, Have Done)
Control Vs: Employed, Retired, Student, Unemployed, Male, careful_trust, age. (all are dummies, except age: interval)
Country-level Variable: country’s score of voice and accountability. (labeled as var)
Data: World Value Survey, I merged the last 2 waves.
Number of Observations is 13000.
Priors: non-informative priors, using the default settings.
The reason for using Bayesian approach is the small number of countries.
In order to get most reliable and certain results, I followed Prof. @paul.buerkner guidance in writing the code and model generalization
in his works:
- Ordinal Regression Models in Psychology: A Tutorial
- brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using Stan
generalization for ordinal models according to these two works is done by fitting:
1- Adjacent category logit model.
2- Adjacent category logit specific effects model.
3- Cumulative logit model.
4- Cumulative logit with unequal variances model.
I have two issues relevant to this generalization, and I deeply seek help:
1- Cumulative model with unequal variances works with a single outcome variable when I add the threshold = “equidistant”, but this did not work with multivariate model, is there any special syntax for the multivariate model.
Here is my (not-working model):
fit_happiness2 ← brm(
mvbind(sign_pet, join_boycott, attend_demo, join_strike) ~
happiness * var,
data = scaled,
family = cumulative(link = “logit”, threshold = “equidistant”),
chains = 4,
cores = 4,
iter = 2000,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99, max_treedepth = 15)
Print the summary
2- for my multilevel multivariate model, do I have to use cse() or cs() for specific effects model.
fit_happiness3 ← brm(
mvbind(sign_pet, join_boycott, attend_demo, join_strike) ~
cs(happiness * var) +
(1 || country),
family = acat(“logit”),
data = scaled,
chains = 4,
cores = 4,
iter = 2000,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99, max_treedepth = 12)
Print the summary
I have used cs() function, it works pretty well, but I have a concern that I may should have used the cse() instead
Mohammed Darkhalil