Operating System: Scientific Linux 6
Interface Version: cmd_stan-2.17.0
Compiler/Toolkit: g++
I’m trying to compile the recent version of cmd_stan on a cluster so i can compile my *.stan files there. Whenever I try make build I get the following error.
Reading the makefile, I believe it should check that clang isn’t installed on my cluster and default to g++ but that doesn’t seem to be happening. Is there a work around I can use?
A little google-ing indicates that this has to do with the C++ version and should probably be adjusted to c++14. Is this correct? And if so, what file would I have to update?
oh my. changing the default to c++14 didn’t work either. checking the version of gcc installed on the cluster it appears to be 4.4.7. i think that’s going to be the bigger issue here.