The following is my Stan program I am using
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of games
int<lower=1> P; // number of players
int<lower=0> y[N]; // number of games won by player i
int<lower=0> N_ij[N]; // total number of games played
int<lower=1> i[N]; // player i index
int<lower=1> j[N]; // player j index
int<lower=0,upper=1> white[N]; // indicator if player i played white
parameters {
vector[N] gamma_white; // player ratings for White players for each game
vector[N] gamma_black; // player ratings for Black players for each game
vector[N] W; // adjustment factor for White player advantage for each game
model {
// Priors
gamma_white ~ normal(0, 1);
gamma_black ~ normal(0, 1);
W ~ normal(0, 1);
// Likelihood
for (n in 1:N) {
real eta;
if (white[n] == 1) {
eta = gamma_white[n] - gamma_black[n] + W[n];
} else {
eta = gamma_black[n] - gamma_white[n] + W[n];
y[n] ~ binomial(N_ij[n], inv_logit(eta));
The R script using the stan script is as follows:
# Load necessary libraries
# Set the working directory
# Load data_list
# Compile the Stan model
stan_model <- stan_model("chess_model.stan")
# Fit the model using MCMC
fit <- sampling(stan_model, data = data_list, iter = 2000, chains = 4)
# Convert the fit object to an mcmc.list object
# Extracting samples for each parameter
gamma_white_samples <- extract(fit, pars = "gamma_white")$gamma_white
gamma_black_samples <- extract(fit, pars = "gamma_black")$gamma_black
W_samples <- extract(fit, pars = "W")$W
# Combine all chains for each parameter into mcmc objects
gamma_white_mcmc <- as.mcmc(gamma_white_samples)
gamma_black_mcmc <- as.mcmc(gamma_black_samples)
W_mcmc <- as.mcmc(W_samples)
# Create an mcmc.list object
mcmc_list <- mcmc.list(gamma_white_mcmc, gamma_black_mcmc, W_mcmc)
# Calculate summary statistics for each parameter
summary_stats <- summary(fit)$summary
# Autocorrelation plot for the first element of each parameter
mcmc_acf(as.array(fit), pars = c("gamma_white[1]", "gamma_black[1]", "W[1]"))
# Check for divergent transitions
stan_trace(fit, pars = c("gamma_white[1]", "gamma_black[1]", "W[1]"), inc_warmup = FALSE)
# Print warnings or errors
# Ensure required libraries are loaded
# Convert gamma_white and gamma_black samples to data frames
gamma_white_df <-
gamma_black_df <-
# Add an Iteration identifier to the data frames
gamma_white_df$Iteration <- 1:nrow(gamma_white_df)
gamma_black_df$Iteration <- 1:nrow(gamma_black_df)
# Melt data frames for plotting
gamma_white_melt <- melt(gamma_white_df, id.vars = "Iteration", = "Player", = "Gamma_White")
gamma_black_melt <- melt(gamma_black_df, id.vars = "Iteration", = "Player", = "Gamma_Black")
# Combine melted data frames for plotting
combined_df <- merge(gamma_white_melt, gamma_black_melt, by = c("Iteration", "Player"))
# Scatter plot of latent positions
latent_positions_plot <- ggplot(combined_df, aes(x = Gamma_White, y = Gamma_Black)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.3) +
labs(x = "Gamma White (Latent Position)", y = "Gamma Black (Latent Position)",
title = "Scatter Plot of Latent Positions (Gamma White vs. Gamma Black)") +
# Save the plot as a PNG file in the current working directory
ggsave("latent_positions_plot.png", plot = latent_positions_plot, width = 10, height = 8)
ggplot(gamma_white_melt, aes(x = Gamma_White)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 50, alpha = 0.6, fill = "blue") +
labs(title = "Distribution of Gamma_White", x = "Gamma_White", y = "Count") +
ggplot(gamma_black_melt, aes(x = Gamma_Black)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 50, alpha = 0.6, fill = "red") +
labs(title = "Distribution of Gamma_Black", x = "Gamma_Black", y = "Count") +
# Extract gamma_white samples
gamma_white_samples <- extract(fit, "gamma_white")$gamma_white
# Extract gamma_black samples
gamma_black_samples <- extract(fit, "gamma_black")$gamma_black
# Extract W samples
W_samples <- extract(fit, "W")$W
# Convert each set of samples to an mcmc object
mcmc_gamma_white <- mcmc(gamma_white_samples)
mcmc_gamma_black <- mcmc(gamma_black_samples)
mcmc_W <- mcmc(W_samples)
# Plot the trace plots for each variable
par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) # Set the layout to 3 rows and 1 column
traceplot(mcmc_gamma_white, main = "Trace Plot for Gamma White")
traceplot(mcmc_gamma_black, main = "Trace Plot for Gamma Black")
traceplot(mcmc_W, main = "Trace Plot for W")
#acfplot(fit_mcmc[, "gamma_white[1]"], main = "Autocorrelation for Gamma_White[1]")
The Latent Position Model model which will be examined in this dissertation is as follows:
\log\left(\frac{\Pr(y_{ij} \text{ games won by } i)}{\Pr((N_{ij} - y_{ij}) \text{ games won by } j)}\right) = \gamma_i - \gamma_j + W_i
for i, j \in \{1, \ldots, N\}.
Y_{ij} is a binomial random variable with parameters p_{ij}, the success probability of player i winning, and N_{ij}, the total number of games between player i and player j .
I have 3 latent variables but how can I create the latent positions for them? I am unsure whether I am doing the correct approach.
#LatentSpaceModel Modeling techniques RStan
[edit: escaped code (triple back ticks) and LaTeX ($).]