Thanks! I’ll try profiling and @rok_cesnovar and @wds15 's suggestions. I have tried getting rid of all the for loops, it takes more than one hour to finish which is far slow than the 2 minutes than on cpu.
The updated model is
data {
int<lower=0> N_CONDITION;
int<lower=0> N_TREATMENT;
int<lower=0> N;
//int<lower=0, upper=N_TREATMENT> disease_condition_seg[N_CONDITION+1];
//int<lower=0, upper=N> treatment_seg[N_TREATMENT+1];
matrix<lower=0, upper=1>[N_TREATMENT, N_CONDITION] treatment_condition_onehot;
matrix<lower=0, upper=1>[N, N_TREATMENT] observation_treatment_onehot;
vector<lower=0, upper=3>[N] concentration;
vector[N] y;
parameters {
real mu_overarch_0;
real mu_overarch_1;
vector[N_CONDITION] mu_condition_0;
vector[N_CONDITION] mu_condition_1;
vector[N_TREATMENT] mu_observation_0;
vector[N_TREATMENT] mu_observation_1;
real<lower=0> sigma_overarch_0;
real<lower=0> sigma_overarch_1;
real<lower=0> sigma_treatment_0;
real<lower=0> sigma_treatment_1;
real<lower=0> sigma_obs;
// vector<lower=0, upper=2>[N_CONDITION] sigma_overarch_0;
// vector<lower=0, upper=2>[N_CONDITION] sigma_overarch_1;
// // vector<lower=1, upper=50>[N_CONDITION] nu_overarch_0;
// // vector<lower=1, upper=50>[N_CONDITION] nu_overarch_1;
// vector<lower=0, upper=2>[N_TREATMENT] sigma_treatment_0;
// vector<lower=0, upper=2>[N_TREATMENT] sigma_treatment_1;
// // vector<lower=1, upper=50>[N_TREATMENT] nu_treatment_0;
// // vector<lower=1, upper=50>[N_TREATMENT] nu_treatment_1;
transformed parameters {
// vector[N_TREATMENT] mu_treat_0;
// vector[N_TREATMENT] mu_treat_1;
// vector[N] mu_obs_0;
// vector[N] mu_obs_1;
// vector[N] mu_obs;
// vector[N] nu_obs;
// vector[N] sigma_obs;
// treatment_condition_onehot with shape (N_TREATMENT, N_CONDITION)
// mu_treat_0 = treatment_condition_onehot * mu_condition_0;
// mu_treat_1 = treatment_condition_onehot * mu_condition_1;
// observation_treatment_onehot with shape (N, N_TREATMENT)
// mu_obs_0 = observation_treatment_onehot * mu_observation_0;
// mu_obs_1 = observation_treatment_onehot * mu_observation_1;
// sigma_obs = observation_treatment_onehot * sigma_treatment_0;
// mu_obs = mu_obs_0 + mu_obs_1 .* concentration;
// mu_obs = observation_treatment_onehot * mu_observation_0 + (observation_treatment_onehot * mu_observation_1) .* concentration;
model {
// mu_overarch_0 ~ normal(0, 1);
target += normal_lpdf(mu_overarch_0 | 0, 1);
// mu_overarch_1 ~ normal(0, 1);
target += normal_lpdf(mu_overarch_1 | 0, 1);
//sigma_overarch_0 ~ inv_gamma(1, 1);
target += inv_gamma_lpdf(sigma_overarch_0 | 1, 1);
// sigma_overarch_1 ~ inv_gamma(1, 1);
target += inv_gamma_lpdf(sigma_overarch_1 | 1, 1);
// sigma_treatment_0 ~ inv_gamma(1, 1);
target += inv_gamma_lpdf(sigma_treatment_0 | 1, 1);
// sigma_treatment_1 ~ inv_gamma(1, 1);
target += inv_gamma_lpdf(sigma_treatment_1 | 1, 1);
// beta_0
// mu_condition_0 ~ normal(mu_overarch_0, sigma_overarch_0);
target += normal_lpdf(mu_condition_0 | mu_overarch_0, sigma_overarch_0);
// mu_observation_0 ~ normal(mu_treat_0, sigma_treatment_0);
// target += normal_lpdf(mu_observation_0 | mu_treat_0, sigma_treatment_0);
target += normal_lpdf(mu_observation_0 | treatment_condition_onehot * mu_condition_0, sigma_treatment_0);
// beta_1
// mu_condition_1 ~ normal(mu_overarch_1, sigma_overarch_1);
target += normal_lpdf(mu_condition_1 | mu_overarch_1, sigma_overarch_1);
// mu_observation_1 ~ normal(mu_treat_1, sigma_treatment_1);
// target += normal_lpdf(mu_observation_1 | mu_treat_1, sigma_treatment_1);
target += normal_lpdf(mu_observation_1 | treatment_condition_onehot * mu_condition_1, sigma_treatment_1);
// beta_0 + beta_1 * concentration
// y ~ normal(mu_obs, sigma_obs);
// target += normal_lpdf(y | mu_obs, sigma_obs);
target += normal_lpdf(y | observation_treatment_onehot * mu_observation_0 + (observation_treatment_onehot * mu_observation_1) .* concentration, sigma_obs);
Thus, there isn’t transformed parameters anymore.