Supress all output in brms using cmdstan backend and update()

Hi all,
I can’t figure out how to turn off all screen output in brms, when working with cmdstan backend and update().
This is what I’ve tries so far:

fit_prior = c(
    prior = "normal(0,0.2)",
    class = "b",
    coef = "Intercept"

model_empty <- brm(y ~ 0+Intercept+ (1 |subject),
                   data   = generate_df(10,10,individual_parameters),
                   prior  = fit_prior,
                   backend= "cmdstanr",
                   chains = 1,
                   silent = 0)

model <- update(model_empty,
                  newdata   = df,
                     prior  = fit_prior,
                     backend= "cmdstanr",
                     iter   =1100,
                     warmup =1000,
                     chains = 10,
                     silent = 0,
                     refresh = 0,

I still get a lot of print out. Anyone found a way to deal with this?
Thank you!

Try silent=2 (0 is not silent at all, and 1 is suppressing only some messages)

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