When calling function stan_glm, stan_lm, etc. by default there is provided a sampling status update every 200 iterations. I’d like to completely suppress this output generally. This can be achieved by adding refresh=0
to the function call as additional parameter e.g.
stan_glm(Sepal.Length~Species, data=iris, refresh=0)
However I’d like to have this set as default for all respective functions (stang_glm, stan_lm, …) instead of having to provide it with every single call.
How can I do this without having to create separate wrapper functions for every single one of the above to include the parameter in the call?
Seemingly the refresh=0
gets passed on in the dotlist (“...
”) and is not a part of the functions named above themselves.
There is also not contained anything in stan_options
with this regard. Is there some central place, where I – after loading the rstanarm package – could set this like e.g.
formals(xxx)$refresh <- 0
with “xxx” denoting the name of this universally called function?