Hi everybody,
I am stepping down as the community manger here. The main reason is that taking care of the forums is no longer compatible with my other commitments (as you may have notied by the increased lags of my responses here in the past few months). If you wonder what project could be so great that I would prefer it to working with the Stan community, it is mostly childcare - which I can recommend to anybody as a great case study on how hard it is to make good decisions in the context of a non-stationary, partially observable process :-D
We made some preparations with the SGB and you should expect an announcement looking for my replacement shortly. I will continue to fulfill the role as much as I can during the transition and I should be able to also do some onboarding of the next community manager.
There are a few projects I plan to finish during the transition:
- Restructuring the forums (Restructuring The Forums - Kick-off)
- A new guide for divergences and other Stan warnings (with Aki, Andrew and Jonah)
- Moving our tweaks for Discourse into a separate Git repository
All in all I had a great time as a community manager. Trying to help other Stan users has let me to learn a lot about all kinds of models people run and ways they can fail, which has definitely made me a better statistician. I hope to be able to still stay among the active users of the forums. I thank everybody who I’ve worked with over the time - there are so many great people pouring energy into making Stan and the community work well and I am very grateful for that.
I also did a bunch of mistakes in my role as a community manager. I didn’t manage to maintain good relationship with several prominent community members. I also did overreach a couple times, trying to exert control over situations where that wasn’t really a great idea. Additionally, after a period of growth, last year has seen the activity on the forums decline a little on basically all metrics available. Obviously, volume is less important than quality of forum content and it is quite possible one can blame part of the decline on the pandemic. However, we would probably treat increase in activity as a mostly good sign, so we must therefore also accept that decrease in activity is mostly a bad sign.
I hope the next community manager will be able to learn from my mistakes and do better than me in those regards.
Thanks again to everybody, I’ve been honored to be in your service.