Stan’s standalone generated quantities service stan::service::standalone_gqs
now takes as input the fitted parameter values on the constrained scale, i.e., as output by the sampler. This means that it should be relatively simple to plumb calls to this service through the interfaces.
I’ve updated the cmdstan issue here: Add standalone generated quantities options to cmdstan · Issue #594 · stan-dev/cmdstan · GitHub
Here’s what it says:
function requires as inputs:
- the model
- the data used to fit it
- the set of draws from the posterior.
The command line arguments required for this feature are:
- method = proposing new option:
- data = same dataset as before
- fitted_param_values = a new sub-option which specifies a single input file containing the fitted parameter values
- output = name of output file
- seed = specify random seed - optional
The input file of fitted parameter values can be in one of the following formats
- Rdump
- csv (?) needs investigation
thoughts on workflow for RStan and other interfaces welcome ,