I’m trying to build a work flow to accommodate running a model once and then post-stratifying (or doing something in the generated quantities block) in a separate cmdstan run, using standalone generate quantities. I’ve got some related questions:
What’s produced in the csv by the standalone step? Does it replicate the parameter draws or just produce draws for the variables in the generate quantities block?
If only the GQ variables are produced, how does this work with shinystan? That is, how would I explore model parameters and GQ variables in the same shinystan session?
Do I have to do the standalone run once for each csv (chain) produced by my original run or is there some way to specify multiple “fitted_params” files to cmdstan to do it all at once? (I suspect the answer here is “no” since it’s related to my previous question about multiple input data files. If the parser can’t handle lists there, then it can’t handle them here either. Seems like another good case for it, though, since most users of standalone GQ probably want to use all the draws from all the chains…)
In general, any pointers to how people use this feature would be appreciated!
These are all good questions and sorry they haven’t been answered yet. I think @mitzimorris should know the answers.
ShinyStan is just going to work with whatever parameter draws you give it, so that’ll depend on what standalone generated quantities produces.
I’ve sorted it all out, though it was a bit of work. The standalone GQ produces only the GQ bits so I had to merge the parameter sampling csv files with the GQ csv files. Which is, the way I did it anyway, somewhat memory intensive.
And you do have to run it once per sampled chain.
Once it works, it’s a nice workflow: run the model once and then do all the log-likelihood, posterior predictions, post-stratifications after, and relatively quickly.
I still think it would be useful if cmdstan supported this directly since it’s a bit fussy in the details and lots of downstream tools won’t work otherwise. But I don’t know how hard that is or how many people need that feature.
[quote=“adamConnerSax, post:3, topic:25754”]
I still think it would be useful if cmdstan supported this directly since it’s a bit fussy in the details and lots of downstream tools won’t work otherwise. But I don’t know how hard that is or how many people need that feature.
for the record, it would be possible to produce merged output consisting of the sampler vars columns from the input drawset plus outputs from write_array
method. it would take a little work to add in the first set of columns. I think that shinystan et al expect to see lp__
etc - is this correct?
I think so! But I know such a limited corner of the stan tools space. Someone with more expertise should chime in! There’s shinystan and the various loo related tools and lots more from what I can see…
Thanks for following up!