Stan: The Gathering, Weekly meetings you can join, Thursdays 11 am EST

Here is a post to make people aware of Stan: The Gathering. The meeting is designed for everyone to attend and everyone should feel welcome to attend, the more the merrier.

Every week there is an announcement with a link to join the meeting and instructions. Additionally, those posts include the weekly agenda.


Hi all,

Here’s the link:

Hangouts Link: 3

Instructions: Ask to attend in the hangouts interface and someone should let you in in the first 10 minutes of the meeting. Email breck @ if you have problems or want to attend the physical meeting in New York City when they start again.


And historically the format is that it starts with everyone (who wants to) gives a 1min rundown of what they’ve been working on recently related to Stan development or usage, after which any longer topics of discussion are addressed.


Hi all,

I recently joined Stan forum and I was wondering if these weekly meetings are still ongoing?

yes. Stan the Gathering: Jan 13, 2022, 11am EST

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Welcome @irenegfsr! Yes, see you tomorrow 11AM EST. We are currently using Zoom. The thread that @mitzimorris linked (This: Stan the Gathering: Jan 13, 2022, 11am EST) is the one we are currently using.

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What is the link and timetable for these meetings this year? Seems it has changed from the last time I attended. :)

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It’s still 11 AM US Eastern Time on Thursdays, but maybe the link changed. I believe this is the current Zoom link: