Here’s a short summary of what we talked about in the meeting.
Jonah reported in about further MRP developments and that its almost ready to be tested by users
he’s just working on some more testing and documentation.
There were also some additions to Bayesplot that Aki had come up with that should be implemented soon.
Charles mentioned working more on laplace with autodiff and that it’s still a little hard to work through.
Also, we talked about the possibility of moving from Slack to other services due to the increased number of slack users that repeatedly post.
Though, ultimately it looks like to be an issue for the SGB,
Ben brought up the idea of how to implement reduce sum with a GPU and what standard to support i…e. Open CL or CUDA
Rok, Simon, and Steve were able to point to some resources that seemed to help him out to understand how to implement it at with regard to low-level Open CL and something
called Sycle.
In terms of the conversation on PGM languages, Louis mentioned the the paper he had on extending deep learning with stan with num-pyro
and Ryan mentioned that he had done some work with regards to generating a factor graph that produces a visualization with graph viz from a stan program and I thought that was really cool.
I mentioned some Julia frameworks where people are implementing or trying to implement Bayesian networks like