Hi all,
I’m writing with a question about fitting a multilevel logit model to a dataset with ~300,000 observations. The data is cross-national survey data where individual respondents are nested within countries and years. I’m including group-level covariates to predict country and year varying intercepts, like the county-level uranium variable in the radon example or state-level variables in Gelman et al’s Red State Blue State project.
Even after using reduce_sum (huge thanks to the Stan developers for this), this model takes about 7 days on a computer with 8 cores and 32GB of RAM. Looking at the code below, is there any way I could speed this up? Would writing the model differently by putting the group-level variables straight into the individual level regression in partial_sum speed things up? The non-centered parameterization of both sets of intercepts is necessary, as far as I can tell.
Can write the model as
where in two group level regressions that include a constant in the data matrices G and Z:
Stan program here. Country intercepts are indexed with S, while year intercepts are indexed with T. The group-level regressions are in the transformed parameters block.
functions {
real partial_sum(int[] y_slice,
int start, int end,
matrix X, vector beta,
int[] state,
vector alpha_state,
int[] year,
vector alpha_year,
real alpha) {
return bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y_slice | alpha +
alpha_state[state[start:end]] + alpha_year[year[start:end]] +
X[start:end, ] * beta);
// data
data {
int<lower = 0> N; // number of individual obs
int y[N]; // outcome
int<lower = 0> S; // number of state-year obs
int<lower = 1, upper = S> state[N]; // state indicator
int<lower = 0> T; // number of year obs
int<lower = 1, upper = T> year[N];
int<lower = 1> I; // number of individual variables
matrix[N, I] X; // individual-level reg matrix
int<lower = 1> J; // number of state-year groups
matrix[S, J] Z; // state-year reg matrix
int<lower = 1> L; // number of system-year groups
matrix[T, L] G; // year/system reg matrix
// parameters.
parameters {
real alpha; // overall intercept
// real<lower = 0> sigma; // outcome variance
vector[S] alpha_state_std; // state intercepts- noncenter
real<lower = 0> sigma_state; // state var. hyperparam
vector[T] alpha_year_std; // state intercepts- noncenter
real<lower = 0> sigma_year; // state var. hyperparam
vector[I] beta; // individual coefs
vector[J] gamma; // state-year coefs
vector[L] lambda; // alliance-year coefs
transformed parameters {
vector[T] mu_year;
vector[T] alpha_year; // year intercepts
vector[S] alpha_state; // state intercepts
vector[S] mu_state;
// regression models of state and year varying intercepts
mu_year = G * lambda; // year/system level
mu_state = Z * gamma; // state-year level
// non-centered parameterization of state intercepts
for(s in 1:S)
alpha_state[s] = mu_state[s] + sigma_state * alpha_state_std[s];
// non-centered parameterization of year intercepts
for(t in 1:T)
alpha_year[t] = mu_year[t] + sigma_year * alpha_year_std[t];
// model
model {
// define grain size (automatic selection)
int grainsize = 1;
// define priors
alpha ~ std_normal();
// state parameters
sigma_state ~ normal(0, 1); // half-normal
alpha_state_std ~ std_normal(); // state intercepts non-centered
// year paramters
alpha_year_std ~ std_normal(); // year intercepts non-centered
sigma_year ~ normal(0, 1); // half-normal
// regression coef priors
// robust priors for indiv params and
//weak info normal for state-year level
beta ~ student_t(7, 0, 1);
gamma ~ normal(0, 1);
lambda ~ normal(0, 1);
// split outcome w/ reduce sum
target += reduce_sum(partial_sum, y,
X, beta,
state, alpha_state,
year, alpha_year,