Hi everyone,
I am trying to figure out how to set initial values when sampling with Stan.
I am following the example from the documentation but I cannot verify that the initial values are indeed set. I would expect that the posterior samples all start from the same value (as set from the initialization function). What am I missing?
#### example 2
#### the result of this package is included in the package
excode <- '
transformed data {
real y[20];
y[1] = 0.5796; y[2] = 0.2276; y[3] = -0.2959;
y[4] = -0.3742; y[5] = 0.3885; y[6] = -2.1585;
y[7] = 0.7111; y[8] = 1.4424; y[9] = 2.5430;
y[10] = 0.3746; y[11] = 0.4773; y[12] = 0.1803;
y[13] = 0.5215; y[14] = -1.6044; y[15] = -0.6703;
y[16] = 0.9459; y[17] = -0.382; y[18] = 0.7619;
y[19] = 0.1006; y[20] = -1.7461;
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0, upper=10> sigma;
vector[2] z[3];
real<lower=0> alpha;
model {
y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
for (i in 1:3)
z[i] ~ normal(0, 1);
alpha ~ exponential(2);
## examples of specify argument `init` for function stan
## define a function to generate initial values that can
## be fed to function stan's argument `init`
# function form 1 without arguments
initf1 <- function() {
list(mu = 1, sigma = 4, z = array(rnorm(6), dim = c(3,2)), alpha = 1)
# generate a list of lists to specify initial values
n_chains <- 4
init_ll <- lapply(1:n_chains, function(id) initf2(chain_id = id))
exfit0 <- stan(model_code = excode, init = initf1, iter = 10)
ps <- extract(exfit0, pars=c('mu'), permuted = F, inc_warmup = T, include = T)
> ps
, , parameters = mu
iterations chain:1 chain:2 chain:3 chain:4
[1,] 2.37772786 1.14155529 0.486704005 -0.31841303
[2,] 2.37772786 1.14155529 0.486704005 -0.31841303
[3,] 2.37772786 1.14155529 0.299312252 -0.31841303
[4,] 1.99967744 -0.58364386 -0.689715122 0.51011513
[5,] 1.76674347 -0.33900943 0.782739260 0.73774654
[6,] -0.39387133 -0.16359783 -0.089862952 0.40964769
[7,] 0.61154738 0.30488430 0.209121992 0.20777764
[8,] -0.02478551 0.23869682 0.224947809 0.14306751
[9,] 0.25515937 -0.53618807 -0.002487997 -0.03148008
[10,] 0.29128538 0.03305439 0.178000276 -0.01576988
Thank you in advance for the help!