I am new to bayesian statistics and am running brms in R (version 2.21.2) on Windows 10.
I have a fairly simple dataset of seedsets of seven different plant species, which I collected from four different elevations on a mountain. I have created pollen limitation indexes from these seedset (an index to assess whether a plant has enough pollen to produce the maximum amount of seeds). The index ranges from 0 to 1 (0 means no pollen limitation and 1 indicates maximum possible pollen limitation). All the pollen limitation indexes are elevation and species specific.
The question which I set out to answer is whether (and how significantly) does the amount of pollen limitation vary between individual elevations, with species set as a random factor. With a quick look at a histogram it is apparent that I would have to use some zero-one inflated beta distribution, since both the 0’s and the 1’s are important in my research question.
I decided to try my luck with brms and after learning about the joys af bayesian statistics for a week, the best model which I could come up with was this:
zoib_model10 <- brm(
PL.index ~ elevation + (1|species),
phi ~ elevation + (1|species),
zoi ~ elevation + (1|species),
coi ~ elevation + (1|species)
data = PL.indexes,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99,
max_treedepth = 15),
chains = 4, iter = 2000, warmup = 1000,
seed = 1234,
family = zero_one_inflated_beta(),
init = 0,
backend = "cmdstanr",
file = "zoib_model10"
The adapt_delta and max_treedepth are set pretty high, yet I am still getting some errors:
#*Warning: 2 of 4000 (0.0%) transitions ended with a divergence.
#*Warning message: There were 2 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.99 may help
For the first warning, I have already tried increasing the max_treedepth up to 20, but the same warning still persists. For the second warning, I cannot set the alpha_delta higher.
Are these two warnings of concers, or can I ignore them and analyze my model?
I have understood from the blogs here, that even if I could, that setting the delta higher would not necessarilly be better and that it would be preferable to set priors. However, I am not sure that I can…
Maybe this is more of a question about how to interpret the priors. I have no expectations about the data, since no similar studies looking at pollen limitation in these conditions exist. And since I have such zero-one inflated data, I cannot set any normal priors, since that would be innacurate. Or is it best to set priors which would be similar to the histogram, which I uploaded above? If so, how could I do this? I have not found anywhere what would be proper priors for my distribution of data.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.