Running Stan notebooks using Google Colab

I’ve written a report/case-study on how to create sharable Jupyter notebooks for teaching Stan.
this report also introduces CmdStanR and CmdStanPy to the wider world.
I’d appreciate feedback and comments before blogging about this on Andrew’s blog




Do you think we could create a github repo that contains the latest CmdStan binaries (for Google Colab)? It could automatically (?) update itself when CmdStan is released?

this should be doable and if so, it should be done.
I’m curious as to difference between transfer time between GitHub and Colab and Google S3 buckets and Colab. but otherwise, putting it with the other release tarballs makes perfect sense.
as long as Colab keeps same VM.

An update is due here, as I just went through this. The instructions still largely work, save the URLs now spell colab with two ls. Hence,

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many thanks for checking this over! will fix and update with links to more notebooks.
does this work for you in the classroom?

w/r/t releases - colab should be spelled with 1 ‘l’.
I think this is a problem with the release scripts - will check with @WardBrian and the release devs.

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Sure did, thanks.

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This is indeed a misspelling. @serban-nicusor manages the notebook which builds these, hopefully he can update it for future releases.

In my opinion going back and renaming older ones is not worth it, since this will only break existing links in notebooks.

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It’s my bad! I’ll keep this in mind for future releases.

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