Cool! Thanks for sharing. There’s also the version on RStudio that pulls up an RStudio session on the web rather than Jupyter. @andrewgelman has been looking for these to show new users without having to install Stan.
I couln’t use library() function. I can install packages but I can’t use them. Do you know how to solve this?
I believe using :: notation works. But I am trying to write something like, as(myMatrix, “realRatingMatrix”) and it can’t do this. recommenderlab::as() also not working.
You may first have to reset your runtime by going to menu Runtime -> Reset all runtimes. After that, run Setup code. After 3 mins your runtime will be restarted. Now, go to Runtime -> Manage Session, and terminate your Session. Reconnect and skip the Setup code, run the R code.
Recently, Google Colab had secretly supported R notebooks. We don’t need to install R and R jupyter kernel ourself anymore. All we need is selecting “ir” jupyter kernel. This hints that Google has the intention to fully support R in Colab in a near future.
I’m using the notebook you created for R. It’s amazing. Everything works until i tried to install the package “rgl”, or better “ConsRank” which needs “rgl”.
Could anyone help me somehow? Please, i’m working for my PhD results :(
This is what appears:
Warning message in install.packages(“rgl”, repos = “”):
“installation of package ‘rgl’ had non-zero exit status”Updating HTML index of packages in ‘.Library’
Making ‘packages.html’ … done
also installing the dependency ‘rgl’
Warning message in install.packages(“ConsRank”, repos = “”):
“installation of package ‘rgl’ had non-zero exit status”Warning message in install.packages(“ConsRank”, repos = “”):
“installation of package ‘ConsRank’ had non-zero exit status”Updating HTML index of packages in ‘.Library’
Making ‘packages.html’ … done
I tried too but nothing changes. Is my problem in your opinion due to the fact i’m using a MAC Os? I guess there is a problem in managing the directory of the libraries, i have the same problem as you can see even in installing the library “ggmap”. I’m getting crazy
I am trying to run the set up code provided to run R on it. But my sessions are crashing again and again. I have reset the runtime session but still it is not running.