Rstan Versioning


please ignore the Github listed versions, that have not been regularly updated (I went ahead and removed the listing of releases on Github). Here is the rundown:

  • RStan 2.21 is available on CRAN and can be installed using:
remove.packages(c("rstan", "StanHeaders"))
install.packages("rstan", repos = c("", getOption("repos")))
  • There is an experimental branch of rstan available on github, that is up-to-date with current Stan version, but I would not install that if you are not trying to work on rstan source code or if you do not have experience with installing packages from source and dealing with any R-package related issues

  • Stan (the backend of rstan) is currently at version 2.29. That is available through other interfaces like CmdStan (and its CmdStanR/Py wrappers) and PyStan3

If you do not need to use the CRAN version of rstan (some companies only allow installing CRAN packages), I would suggest installing rstan 2.26 as it is faster, more up-to-date and has additional bugfixes, one of the most pronounced ones is the beta_binomial_lpmf function, which was faulty for the 2.21 release.

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