Hey Stan Community!
I am pretty new but quite hooked to coding with Stan. I am building Stan models for Rescorla Wagner models currently, similarly to hBayesDM does it. In essence, we are trying to sample for the hyperparameters of the model outputting a sequence of decisions (0 or 1, depending on the response was “Go” or “NoGo”).
My model is running fine during sampling, but I keep getting this error every now and then (mostly for every chain, a few times):
Ey3kLfskBNPFiYnTrx8Kx3-output-4.csv: Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
Ey3kLfskBNPFiYnTrx8Kx3-output-4.csv: Exception: bernoulli_logit_lpmf: Logit transformed probability parameter is -nan, but must be not nan! (in ‘/project/3017083.01/behavioral_study/scripts/matlab_scripts/RescorlaWagnerModel/stanModels/DynamicMotivationalBiasModel.stan’, line 95, column 16 to column 94)
Ey3kLfskBNPFiYnTrx8Kx3-output-4.csv: If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
Ey3kLfskBNPFiYnTrx8Kx3-output-4.csv: but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
It comes up systematically, so I am unsure whether I should ignore this or not. This is my model:
data {
int<lower=1> nTrials;
int<lower=1> nBlocks;
int<lower=1> nSubjects; // When doing model parameter retrieval, this is 1.
int<lower=1, upper=4> state[nSubjects, nBlocks, nTrials]; // initialize with lower and upper bounds
int<lower=0, upper=1> action[nSubjects, nBlocks, nTrials];
int<lower=-1, upper=1> feedback[nSubjects, nBlocks, nTrials];
transformed data {
vector[4] initQ; // specify init values for Q
initQ = [0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5]';
parameters {
vector[4] mu_pr; // define location of prior distribution of ep and rho
vector<lower=0>[4] sigma; // define spread of prior distribution of ep and rho
matrix[nSubjects, nBlocks] ep_pr; // learning rate epsilon, prior
matrix[nSubjects, nBlocks] rho_pr; // rho, feedback sensitivity, prior
matrix[nSubjects, nBlocks] goBias_pr;
matrix[nSubjects, nBlocks] pi_pr;
transformed parameters {
// Define actual epsilon and rho.
matrix<lower=0, upper=1>[nSubjects, nBlocks] ep;
matrix<lower=0>[nSubjects, nBlocks] rho;
matrix[nSubjects, nBlocks] goBias;
matrix[nSubjects, nBlocks] pi;
// Generate epsilon values based on priors.
for (s in 1:nSubjects) {
for (b in 1:nBlocks){
ep[s, b] = Phi_approx(mu_pr[1] + sigma[1] * ep_pr[s, b]);
// Confine rho to a strictly positive range (exp() does that)
rho = exp(mu_pr[2] + sigma[2] * rho_pr);
goBias = mu_pr[3] + sigma[3] * goBias_pr;
pi = mu_pr[4] + sigma[4] * pi_pr;
model {
// Sample the mu_pr vector and sigma vector for priors.
mu_pr[1:2] ~ normal(0, 1.0);
mu_pr[3:4] ~ normal(0, 10.0);
sigma[1:2] ~ normal(0, 0.2);
sigma[3:4] ~ cauchy(0, 1.0);
for (s in 1:nSubjects) {
// individual parameters w/ Matt trick
// Reparameterization
ep_pr[s] ~ normal(0, 1.0);
rho_pr[s] ~ normal(0, 1.0);
goBias_pr[s] ~ normal(0, 1.0);
pi_pr[s] ~ normal(0, 1.0);
for (b in 1:nBlocks){
// Reset for every block (closest to how people might perceive it)
vector[4] w_g; // action weight for go
vector[4] w_ng; // action weight for nogo
vector[4] q_g; // Q value for go
vector[4] q_ng; // Q value for nogo
vector[4] pGo; // prob of go (press)
vector[4] sv;
// Init column vectors.
w_g = initQ*rho[s, b];
w_ng = initQ*rho[s, b];
q_g = initQ*rho[s, b];
q_ng = initQ*rho[s, b];
sv = initQ*rho[s, b];
for (t in 1:nTrials){
w_g[state[s, b, t]] = q_g[state[s, b, t]] + goBias[s, b] + pi[s, b] * sv[state[s, b, t]];
w_ng[state[s, b, t]] = q_ng[state[s, b, t]];
// Equivalent to bernoulli(logit_inv()).
action[s, b, t] ~ bernoulli_logit(w_g[state[s, b, t]] - w_ng[state[s, b, t]]);
sv[state[s,b,t]] += ep[s, b] * (rho[s, b] * feedback[s, b, t] - sv[state[s, b, t]]);
if (action[s, b, t]) { // update go value
q_g[state[s, b, t]] += ep[s, b] * (rho[s, b] * feedback[s, b, t] - q_g[state[s, b, t]]);
} else { // update no-go value
q_ng[state[s, b, t]] += ep[s, b] * (rho[s, b] * feedback[s, b, t] - q_ng[state[s, b, t]]);
} // end of if clause
} // end of t loop
} // end of b loop
} // end of s loop
} // end of model block
I am coding in Matlab, using MatlabStan. The data I feed into the model is of the following form:
d =
struct with fields:
nTrials: 320
nBlocks: 8
nSubjects: 1
state: [1×8×320 double]
action: [1×8×320 double]
feedback: [1×8×320 double]
Since this regards the bernoulli_logit function, which should output 1 if the “coin flip” is Go, and 0 if it isn’t:
“action” is originally a matrix, filled with 1 for “Go” and 2 for “NoGo”. I map every 2 to 0, so that "action is filled with 1’s and 0’s, depending on “Go” or “NoGo”.
I am happy to provide more details if necessary. I don’t fully understand why the bernoulli_logit function would produce nans. This has occured even in my simplest models, so I guess it is something with my prior definition for the action matrix?
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!