Hi all,
A quick question regarding interpreting parameter values given by BRMS.
I use the following model:
Outcome ~ 1 + Timepoint + Weight + Timepoint:Weight + (1|subject)
Timepoint has 2 categorical values, t1 and t2, and weight is continuous. In the output for the main effects and interactions, I get estimates for the following parameters:
My question is pretty basic but I just wanted to confirm so as not to make a silly mistake.
Is the parameter “Timepointt2:Weight” simply the estimate of the effect of Weight at timepoint t2, or is it the difference from the effect of Weight at time 1 (so that the effect of Weight at t2 is actually “Weight” + “Timepointt2:Weight”).
If anyone can clarify this it would be great!
- Operating System: MacOS 10.12.6
- brms Version: 2.8.0