Please see below code and error message. I believe sum of type real can be initiated as 0 so I don’t know what went wrong. Could someone please help?
In addition, is there a way to vectorize the mixture model specification to some like below.
log_mix(lambda[start:end], poisson_lpmf(y_slice | pe[start:end]),poisson_lpmf(y_slice| pc[start:end]))
I only came across one example when the weight is same (i.e. a scalar rather than a vector) across every observation like in below example, however there seem to be some recent discussion even if this is legit or not.
rstan:::rstudio_stanc(“vitiligo anticipated pooled multi thread.stan”)
Error in stanc(filename, allow_undefined = TRUE) : 0
Semantic error in ‘string’, line 5, column 4 to column 10:
Ill-typed arguments supplied to assignment operator =: lhs has type and rhs has type int
functions {
real partial_sum(int[] y_slice,
int start, int end,
vector pe, vector pc, vector lambda){
for (i in 1:(end-start+1)) {
sum += log_mix(lambda[i+start-1], poisson_lpmf(y_slice[i] | pe[i+start-1]),poisson_lpmf(y_slice[i] | pc[i+start-1]));
return sum;
data {
int<lower=0> n; // number of participants in blinded trials
vector <lower=0> [n] r; // randomization ratio in blinded trials (experiment:control)
array[n] int<lower=0> y; // vector of events in blinded trials
vector <lower=0> [n] t; // vector of exposure in blinded trials
int<lower=0> yctc; // events in completed trials control arm
real <lower=0> tctc; // exposure in completed trialscontrol arm
int<lower=0> ycte; // events in completed trials experiment arm
real <lower=0> tcte; // exposure in completed trials experiment arm
int<lower=1> n_thetac; // number of components for historical mixture prior of control arm
vector<lower=0, upper=1> [n_thetac] pwc; // mixture components prior: weight
vector<lower=0> [n_thetac] pac; // mixture components prior: alpha
vector<lower=0> [n_thetac] pbc; // mixture components prior: beta
// now potential different rand ratio with different blinded trials
transformed data {
vector <lower=0, upper=1> [n] lambda;
lambda=r./(r+1) ;// prob. being in active arm
parameters {
real<lower=0> thetac;// mean control arm blind trial hazard rate (unit time count)
real<lower=0> thetae;// mean experiment arm blind trial hazard rate (unit time count)
transformed parameters {
vector<lower=0> [n] pc; // blind trial control: adjusted by exposure time
vector<lower=0> [n] pe; // blind trial active arm: adjusted by exposure time
pc=t*thetac; // adjusted by exposure time for subject
pe=t*thetae; // adjusted by exposure time for subject
model {
vector [n_thetac] lp_thetac;
// a mixture gamma prior for control;
for (i in 1:n_thetac) {
lp_thetac[i]= gamma_lpdf(thetac|pac[i],pbc[i]);
target += log_mix(pwc, lp_thetac);
// likelihood for completed trial data
//blind trial a mixture poisson distribution;
int grainsize = 1;
target += reduce_sum(partial_sum, y,