Hi Staniacs, The following Stan model implements a somewhat more complicated generalization of a logistic regression. I’m trying to use reduce sum (partial sum) to slice on both the bernoulli likelihood and it’s mean (probability) vector, named ptilde
. So, I have included the generation of the mean vector, ptilde
, inside the partial sum function. If I compile with multithreading turned off the model estimates well, though there are some early nan warnings about the mean vector ptilde
that resolve. Once I compile with multithreading turned on, however, it won’t sample because it estimates nan for the mean vector ptilde
; in particular, I receive the following error message:
Chain 1 Exception: Exception: bernoulli_lpmf: Probability parameter[1] is nan, but must be in the interval [0, 1] (in 'C:/Users/SAVITS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpG4hURT/model-4f6c533d56d3.stan', line 83, column 4 to line 84, column 65) (in 'C:/Users/SAVITS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpG4hURT/model-4f6c533d56d3.stan', line 197, column 1 to line 199, column 96)
Here is the Stan model. I know it’s rather long and difficult to parse (pun intended), so I;d appreciate your expert comments from focusing on my partial sum user-defined function. I’m using cmdstanr and the current production version of cmdstan.
vector build_b_spline(vector t, vector ext_knots, int ind, int order);
matrix build_mu(int start, int end, int n, int K_sp,
matrix X, matrix[] G, matrix beta_x, matrix[] beta_w);
vector build_b_spline(vector t, vector ext_knots, int ind, int order) {
// t: the points at which the b_spline is calculated
// ext_knots: the set of extended knots
// ind: the index of the b_spline
// order: the order of the b-spline
vector[num_elements(t)] b_spline;
vector[num_elements(t)] w1 = rep_vector(0, num_elements(t));
vector[num_elements(t)] w2 = rep_vector(0, num_elements(t));
if (order==1)
for (i in 1:num_elements(t)) // B-splines of order 1 are piece-wise constant
b_spline[i] = (ext_knots[ind] <= t[i]) && (t[i] < ext_knots[ind+1]);
else {
if (ext_knots[ind] != ext_knots[ind+order-1])
w1 = (to_vector(t) - rep_vector(ext_knots[ind], num_elements(t))) /
(ext_knots[ind+order-1] - ext_knots[ind]);
if (ext_knots[ind+1] != ext_knots[ind+order])
w2 = 1 - (to_vector(t) - rep_vector(ext_knots[ind+1], num_elements(t))) /
(ext_knots[ind+order] - ext_knots[ind+1]);
// Calculating the B-spline recursively as linear interpolation of two lower-order splines
b_spline = w1 .* build_b_spline(t, ext_knots, ind, order-1) +
w2 .* build_b_spline(t, ext_knots, ind+1, order-1);
return b_spline;
matrix build_mu(int start, int end, int n, int K_sp,
matrix X, matrix[] G, matrix beta_x, matrix[] beta_w){
matrix[n,2] mu_x;
for( arm in 1:2 )
mu_x[start:end,arm] = X[start:end,] * to_vector(beta_x[,arm]); /* n x l for each arm */
// spline term
for( k in 1:K_sp )
mu_x[start:end,arm] += to_vector(beta_w[arm][,k]' * G[k][,start:end]); /* n x 1 */
} /* end loop k over K predictors */
}/* end loop arm over convenience and reference sample arms */
// enforce sum to n constraint for p[,2]
vector[n] pi_r;
real max_pir;
pi_r[start:end] = inv_logit(mu_x[start:end,2]);
pi_r[start:end] = (pi_r[start:end] / sum(pi_r)) * n;
max_pir = max( pi_r );
if( max_pir > 1 )
pi_r = pi_r / (max_pir + 1e-5);
mu_x[start:end,2] = logit( pi_r[start:end] );
return mu_x;
} /* end function build_mu */
real partial_sum(int[] s,
int start, int end, real[] logit_pw, int K_sp, int n_c, int n,
matrix X, matrix[] G, matrix beta_x, matrix[] beta_w,
real logit_h, real logit_q, real logit_t, real phi_w) {
matrix[n,2] p;
vector[n] p_tilde; // this pseudoprobability must be in [0,1]
real ratio_h = expm1(-logit_h) + 1; // (1-h)/h
real qdt = inv_logit(logit_q) / inv_logit(logit_t);
real fred;
matrix[n,2] mu_x = build_mu(start, end, n, K_sp, X, G, beta_x, beta_w);
for( arm in 1:2 )
p[start:end,arm] = inv_logit( mu_x[start:end,arm] );
p_tilde[start:end] = p[start:end,1] ./ ( p[start:end,1] + (qdt * ratio_h)*p[start:end,2] );
fred = bernoulli_lpmf(s | p_tilde[start:end])
+ normal_lpdf( logit_pw | mu_x[(n_c+1):n,2], phi_w );
return fred;
} /* end function block */
int<lower=1> n_c; // observed convenience (non-probability) sample size
int<lower=1> n_r; // observed reference (probability) sample size
int<lower=1> N; // estimate of population size underlying reference and convenience samples
int<lower=1> n; // total sample size, n = n_c + n_r
int<lower=1> K; // number of fixed effects
int<lower=0> K_sp; // number of predictors to model under a spline basis
int<lower=1> num_knots;
int<lower=1> spline_degree;
matrix[num_knots,K_sp] knots;
real<lower=0> weights[n_r]; // sampling weights for n_r observed reference sample units
matrix[n_c, K] X_c; // *All* predictors - continuous and categorical - for the convenience units
matrix[n_r, K] X_r; // *All* predictors - continuous and categorical - for the reference units
matrix[n_c, K_sp] Xsp_c; // *Continuous* predictors under a spline basis for convenience units
matrix[n_r, K_sp] Xsp_r; // *Continuous* predictors under a spline basis for convenience units
int<lower=1> n_df;
} /* end data block */
transformed data{
// create indicator variable of membership in convenience or reference samples
// indicator of observation membership in the convenience sample
int grainsize = 1;
real logit_pw[n_r] = logit(inv(weights));
int<lower=0, upper = 1> s[n] = to_array_1d( append_array(rep_array(1,n_c),rep_array(0,n_r)) );
matrix[n,K] X = append_row( X_c,X_r );
matrix[n,K_sp] X_sp = append_row( Xsp_c,Xsp_r );
/* formulate spline basis matrix, B */
int num_basis = num_knots + spline_degree - 1; // total number of B-splines
matrix[spline_degree + num_knots,K_sp] ext_knots_temp;
matrix[2*spline_degree + num_knots,K_sp] ext_knots;
matrix[num_basis,n] G[K_sp]; /* basis for model on p_c */
for(k in 1:K_sp)
ext_knots_temp[,k] = append_row(rep_vector(knots[1,k], spline_degree), knots[,k]);
// set of extended knots
ext_knots[,k] = append_row(ext_knots_temp[,k], rep_vector(knots[num_knots,k], spline_degree));
for (ind in 1:num_basis)
G[k][ind,] = to_row_vector(build_b_spline(X_sp[,k], ext_knots[,k], ind, (spline_degree + 1)));
G[k][num_knots + spline_degree - 1, n] = 1;
} /* end transformed data block */
parameters {
real logit_h; // h = Pr(s_i = 1)
real logit_t;
real logit_q;
real<lower=0> sigma_h; // scale parameter for prior on logit_h
real<lower=0> sigma_t;
real<lower=0> sigma_q;
matrix<lower=0>[K,2] sigma_betax; /* standard deviations of K x 2, beta_x */
/* first column is convenience sample, "c", and second column is "r" */
matrix[K,2] betaraw_x; /* fixed effects coefficients - first colum for p_c; second column for p_r */
// spline coefficients
vector<lower=0>[2] sigma_global; /* set this equal to 1 if having estimation difficulties */
matrix<lower=0>[2,K_sp] sigma_w;
matrix[num_basis,K_sp] betaraw_w[2]; // vector of B-spline regression coefficients for each predictor, k
// and 2 sample arms
real<lower=0> phi_w; /* scale parameter in model for -1og(weights) */
} /* end parameters block */
transformed parameters {
matrix[K,2] beta_x;
matrix[num_basis,K_sp] beta_w[2];
// for scale parameters for interaction effects from those for main effects to which they link
for( arm in 1:2 )
beta_x[,arm] = betaraw_x[,arm] .* sigma_betax[,arm]; /* Non-central parameterization */
}/* end loop arm over convenience and reference sample arms */
// spline regression coefficients
for(arm in 1:2)
for( k in 1:K_sp )
beta_w[arm][,k] = cumulative_sum(betaraw_w[arm][,k]);
beta_w[arm][,k] *= sigma_w[arm,k] * sigma_global[arm];
} /* end loop k over K predictors */
} /* end transformed parameters block */
model {
// L_beta ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(6);
to_vector(sigma_betax) ~ student_t(n_df,0,3);
to_vector(sigma_w) ~ student_t(n_df,0,1);
sigma_global ~ student_t(1,0,1);
sigma_h ~ student_t(n_df,0,1);
sigma_q ~ student_t(n_df,0,1);
sigma_t ~ student_t(n_df,0,1);
phi_w ~ student_t(n_df,0,1);
to_vector(betaraw_x) ~ std_normal();
for(arm in 1:2)
to_vector(betaraw_w[arm]) ~ std_normal();
logit_h ~ student_t( n_df, logit(n_c/(n +0.0)), sigma_h );
logit_t ~ student_t( n_df, logit(n_r/(N +0.0)), sigma_t );
logit_q ~ student_t( n_df, logit(n_c/(N +0.0)), sigma_q );
/* Model likelihood for y, logit_pw */
// Sum terms 1 to n in the likelihood
target += reduce_sum(partial_sum, s, grainsize,
logit_pw, K_sp, n_c, n, X, G,
beta_x, beta_w, logit_h, logit_q, logit_t, phi_w);
} /* end model block */
generated quantities{
matrix[n,2] p;
matrix[n,2] mu_x;
for( arm in 1:2 )
mu_x[,arm] = X[,] * to_vector(beta_x[,arm]); /* n x l for each arm */
// spline term
for( k in 1:K_sp )
mu_x[,arm] += to_vector(beta_w[arm][,k]' * G[k][,1:n]); /* n x 1 */
} /* end loop k over K predictors */
}/* end loop arm over convenience and reference sample arms */
// enforce sum to n constraint for p[,2]
vector[n] pi_r = inv_logit(mu_x[,2]);
real max_pir;
pi_r = (pi_r / sum(pi_r)) * n;
max_pir = max( pi_r );
if( max_pir > 1 )
pi_r = pi_r / (max_pir + 1e-5);
mu_x[,2] = logit( pi_r );
for( arm in 1:2 )
p[,arm] = inv_logit( mu_x[,arm] );
// smoothed sampling weights for convenience and reference units
vector[n] weights_smooth_c = inv(p[,1]);
vector[n] weights_smooth_r = inv(p[,2]);
// inclusion probabilities in convenience and reference units for convenience units
// use for soft thresholding
vector[n_c] pi_c = p[1:n_c,1];
vector[n_c] pi_r_c = p[1:n_c,2];
// normalized weights
weights_smooth_c *= ((n_c+0.0)/(n+0.0)) * (sum(weights_smooth_r)/sum(weights_smooth_c));
weights_smooth_r *= ((n_r+0.0)/(n+0.0));
} /* end generated quantities block */