Hi all,
I am trying to fit a model using reduce_sum
via cmdstanr, and I’m getting behavior that I don’t understand. If I compile the model via cmdstan_model("filepath", threads = F)
, everything runs as I’d expect. However, if I compile the model with threads = T
things get a bit weird. Irrespective how many threads I set with set_num_threads
, the model runs in parallel as long as I use grainsize of at least one fourth the size of my dataset. Otherwise, sampling fails immediately with:
Chain 1 Exception: Exception: bernoulli_logit_lpmf: Random variable has dimension = 0, expecting dimension = 4; a function was called with arguments of different scalar, array, vector, or matrix types, and they were not consistently sized; all arguments must be scalars or multidimensional values of the same shape. (in ‘/var/folders/j6/dg5l3gl11xb9v8w61w99ngh80000gn/T/RtmpMutOFK/model-6fba47b8ffe9.stan’, line 27, column 16 to line 28, column 77) (in ‘/var/folders/j6/dg5l3gl11xb9v8w61w99ngh80000gn/T/RtmpMutOFK/model-6fba47b8ffe9.stan’, line 37, column 8 to column 23)
If I use grainsize = 1, sampling fails without an informative error message. Again, this happens irrespective of how many threads I’ve set.
I’ve built a relatively lightweight reproducible example (boiled down from a more complex example, so the code might not be as elegant as it otherwise might be). Stan code is below, followed by R code for data simulation and analysis.
This is cmdstan 2.23.0 on Mojave. A colleague confirmed that the same issues also arose on a Linux cluster, but has not yet run the specific reproducible examples provided below.
Really appreciate any help here–presumably I’m missing something fundamental.
Stan code
real partial_sum(int[,] det_slice,
int start, int end,
vector b0,
vector d0,
vector d5,
row_vector[] vis_cov1,
int[] id_sp,
int[] Q) {
// indexing vars
int len = end - start + 1;
int r0 = start - 1;
vector[len] lp;
vector[len] logit_psi;
row_vector[4] logit_theta[len];
for (r in 1:len) {
// calculate psi & theta
logit_psi[r] = b0[id_sp[r0+r]];
logit_theta[r] = d0[id_sp[r0+r]] + d5[id_sp[r0+r]]*vis_cov1[r0+r];
// likelihood
if (Q[r0 + r] == 1)
lp[r] = log_inv_logit(logit_psi[r]) +
bernoulli_logit_lpmf(det_slice[r0 + r] | logit_theta[r]);
else lp[r] = log_sum_exp(
log_inv_logit(logit_psi[r]) +
log1m_inv_logit(logit_theta[r, 1]) +
log1m_inv_logit(logit_theta[r, 2]) +
log1m_inv_logit(logit_theta[r, 3]) +
log1m_inv_logit(logit_theta[r, 4]),
return sum(lp);
data {
// dimensions
int<lower=1> n_visit; //fixed number of visits
int<lower=1> n_species; //number of species
int<lower=1> n_tot; // nrows in df
// indexing variables
int<lower=1> id_sp[n_tot];
int<lower=0, upper=1> Q[n_tot]; // species:cluster
// data & covariates
row_vector[n_visit] vis_cov1[n_tot]; // visit covariate 1
int<lower=0, upper=1> det_data[n_tot, n_visit]; // detection history
// grainsize for reduce_sum
int<lower=1> grainsize;
parameters {
real mu_b0;
real<lower=0> sigma_b0;
vector[n_species] b0_raw;
real mu_d0;
real<lower=0> sigma_d0;
vector[n_species] d0_raw;
real mu_d5;
real<lower=0> sigma_d5;
vector[n_species] d5_raw;
transformed parameters{
// occupancy
vector[n_species] b0 = mu_b0 + b0_raw * sigma_b0;
// detection
vector[n_species] d0 = mu_d0 + d0_raw * sigma_d0;
vector[n_species] d5 = mu_d5 + d5_raw * sigma_d5;
model {
target += reduce_sum(partial_sum, det_data, grainsize, b0, d0, d5, vis_cov1, id_sp, Q);
// Hyper-priors:
mu_b0 ~ normal(0,10);
mu_d0 ~ normal(0,10);
mu_d5 ~ normal(0,10);
sigma_b0 ~ normal(0,10);
sigma_d0 ~ normal(0,10);
sigma_d5 ~ normal(0,10);
//Random Effects
b0_raw ~ normal(0, 1);
d0_raw ~ normal(0, 1);
d5_raw ~ normal(0, 1);
R code
library("cmdstanr"); library("dplyr"); library("posterior")
num_chains <- 1
# Define data size ----
n_point <- 20
n_species <- 10
n_visit <- 4
# Define covariates
vis_cov1 <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n_point, ncol = max(n_visit))
for(i in 1:n_point){
vis_cov1[i, ] <- runif(n_visit) - .5
# Define parameters ----
# Hyperparameters
occ.hyper <- list(b0 = c(0, .5))
b0 <- rnorm(n_species, occ.hyper$b0[1], occ.hyper$b0[2])
det.hyper <- list(d0 = c(-2, .5), d1 = c(0, 1))
d0 <- rnorm(n_species, det.hyper$d0[1], det.hyper$d0[2])
d1 <- rnorm(n_species, det.hyper$d1[1], det.hyper$d1[2])
# Simulate parameters from hyperparameters
logit.occ <- psi <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_point, ncol = n_species)
for(i in 1:n_point){
for(k in 1:n_species){
logit.occ[i, k] <- b0[k]
psi[i, k] <- boot::inv.logit(logit.occ[i, k])
logit.det <- theta <- array(NA, dim = c(n_point, max(n_visit), n_species))
for(i in 1:n_point){
for(j in 1:n_visit){
for(k in 1:n_species){
logit.det[i, j, k] <- d0[k] + d1[k]*vis_cov1[i,j]
theta[i, j, k] <- boot::inv.logit(logit.det[i, j, k])
# Simulate data ----
Z <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_point, ncol = n_species)
for(i in 1:n_point){
for(k in 1:n_species){
Z[i, k] <- rbinom(1, 1, psi[i, k])
det_data <- array(NA, dim = c(n_point, max(n_visit), n_species))
for(i in 1:n_point){
for(j in 1:n_visit){
for(k in 1:n_species){
det_data[i,j,k] <- Z[i, k] * rbinom(1, 1, theta[i,j,k])
Q <- apply(det_data, c(1,3), function(x){return(as.numeric(sum(x) > 0))})
stan.data_J <- list(n_point = n_point, n_species = n_species,
n_visit = n_visit,
det_data = det_data,
Q = Q,
vis_cov1 = vis_cov1)
# Format for Stan ----
det_df <- apply(det_data, 3, as_data_frame) %>%
bind_rows(., .id="id_species") %>%
rename(det_1 = V1, det_2 = V2, det_3 = V3, det_4 = V4) %>%
mutate(id_species = as.numeric(id_species),
id_point = rep(1:n_point, n_species),
vis_cov1_1 = vis_cov1[id_point, 1],
vis_cov1_2 = vis_cov1[id_point, 2],
vis_cov1_3 = vis_cov1[id_point, 3],
vis_cov1_4 = vis_cov1[id_point, 4]) %>%
mutate(Q = rowSums(select(.,det_1, det_2, det_3, det_4)) > 0) %>%
arrange(desc(Q), id_species, id_point)
stan_data <- list(
n_visit = n_visit,
n_species = length(unique(det_df$id_species)),
n_pt = length(unique(det_df$id_point)),
n_tot = nrow(det_df),
id_sp = det_df$id_species,
vis_cov1 = as.matrix(det_df[,paste0("vis_cov1_", 1:n_visit)]),
det_data = as.matrix(det_df[,paste0("det_", 1:n_visit)]),
Q = det_df$Q,
grainsize = 200)
num_chains <- 1
# Unthreaded version
mod_R <- cmdstan_model("stan_files/occupancy_problems_reproducible.stan", threads=F)
time_R <- system.time(samps_R <- mod_R$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
# Threaded version
mod_P <- cmdstan_model("stan_files/occupancy_problems_reproducible.stan", threads=T)
# Run 1 thread
time_1 <- system.time(samps_1 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
stan_data$grainsize <- 50
time_1.1 <- system.time(samps_1.1 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
stan_data$grainsize <- 49
time_1.2 <- system.time(samps_1.2 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
# Run 4 thread ----
stan_data$grainsize <- 50
time_4 <- system.time(samps_4 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
stan_data$grainsize <- 49
time_4.1 <- system.time(samps_4.1 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
# Run 5 thread ----
stan_data$grainsize <- 50
time_5 <- system.time(samps_5 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
stan_data$grainsize <- 49
time_5 <- system.time(samps_5 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))
stan_data$grainsize <- 40
time_5 <- system.time(samps_5 <- mod_P$sample(data = stan_data,
num_chains = num_chains,
num_cores = num_chains))