Could someone please confirm reduce_sum indexing is correct?y_slice it is indexed between (1: end-start+1); the rest of vectors as parameters (pe,pc,lambda) are indexed between start:end. They are all describing data or parameters of the same participant.
functions {
real partial_sum(array[] int y_slice,
int start, int end,
vector pe, vector pc, vector lambda){
real summ=0;
for (i in 1:(end-start+1)) {
summ += log_mix(lambda[i+start-1], poisson_lpmf(y_slice[i] | pe[i+start-1]),poisson_lpmf(y_slice[i] | pc[i+start-1]));
return summ;
model {
//blind trial a mixture poisson distribution;
int grainsize = 1;
target += reduce_sum(partial_sum, y,
I suggest you to test this by using the partial_sum function to add the total log likelihood in - say - 4 chunks to the model… or all at once. You should get matching results (so drop reduce_sum for doing that).
I think you might find it easier to verify correctness by taking slices and then using direct indexing.
real partial_sum(array[] int y_slice,
int start, int end,
vector pe, vector pc, vector lambda){
int len = size(y_slice); // == end - start + 1;
vector[len] lamba_slice = lambda[start:end];
vector[len] pe_slice = pe[start:end];
vector[len] pc_slice = pc[start:end];
real lp = 0;
for (i in 1:len) {
lp += log_mix(lambda[i],
poisson_lpmf(y_slice[i] | pe[i]),
poisson_lpmf(y_slice[i] | pc[i]));
return lp;
This looks like it’s going to be problematic because pe, pc, and lambda all vary per observation. In a standard mixture model, all of pe, pc, and lambda would be scalars with single values. Without something else going on in the likelihood, this is going to degenerate to lambda[i] going to 0 or 1 and one of pe[i] or pc[i] going to y_slice[i] (if both go to y_slice[i] then lambda[i] is not identified).