Error message:"index: accessing element out of range" when using reduce_sum

Hi! I am trying to use reduce_sum to speed up my model. In my case N = 50181, but I got a error message IndexError("Exception: Exception: array[uni, ...] index: accessing element out of range. index 31363 out of range; expecting index to be between 1 and 24 (in '/scratch/httpstan_8i6uk942/model_c5ende56.stan', line 34, column 6 to column 43). I guess this is from my X_slice but I can not see where 1 and 24 comes from. Should I specify the start and end somewhere? Thanks you for your help in advance!

functions {
	int mapping(int D, int S, int U){
		int I = (S - 1)*16 + (D - 1)*4 + U;
		return I; 
	real partial_sum_log_term(int[] X_slice,
                        int start, int end,
                        matrix theta,
                        vector[,,,] u,
                        vector[,,,] d,
                        vector[] r,
                        int K,
                        int T,
                        int[] doc,
                        int[,] D_array,
                        int[] S_array,
                        int[,] U_array,
                        int[] I_array
        real base_rate;
        real mutation_rate = 0;
        real log_term = 0;
        print("start is ", start);
        print("end is ", end);
        for (n in start:end){ 
		    for (k in 1:K){
			    base_rate = 1;
			    for (t in 1:T){
				    base_rate *= d[t, k, D_array[n, t], S_array[n], D_array[n, t+1]]*u[t, k, U_array[n, t], S_array[n], U_array[n, t+1]];
			    mutation_rate += theta[k, doc[n]] * r[k, I_array[n]] * base_rate;
		    log_term += X_slice[n]*mutation_rate;
        return log_term;
data {
        int<lower = 1> K;   //number of sigs
        int<lower = 2> C;	//number of pairs of flanking bases excluding single-based substitutions
        int<lower = 1> N;	//Total number of non-zero entries
        int<lower = 1> doc[N];	//sample ID
        int<lower = 1> X[N];    // mutational counts for each substition in each sample
		int<lower = 1, upper = 4> D_array[N, C];	//downstream index array starting from d_0
		int<lower = 1, upper = 6> S_array[N]; 	// single-base substitution array
		int<lower = 1, upper = 4> U_array[N, C];	//upstream index array starting from u_0
        real<lower = 0> alpha;   // hyperparam for signature rates
        real<lower = 0> beta;    //hyperparam for up/downstream bases rates
        real<lower = 0> gamma0;  // hyperparam for shape parameters
        real<lower = 0> gamma1;  // hyperparam for shape parameters
        real<lower = 0> delta0;  // hyperparam for mean loadings
        real<lower = 0> delta1;  // hyperparam for mean loadings
transformed data{ 
    int<lower = 1> grainsize = 1;
    vector<lower = 0>[96] alpha_array = rep_vector(alpha, 96); //Dirichlet params for signatures
    vector<lower = 0>[4] beta_array = rep_vector(beta, 4);
	int<lower = 1> J = max(doc);	// Total number of samples
	int<lower = 1> T = C - 1; //number of pairs of flanking bases excluding d_0 and u_0
	int<lower = 1, upper = 96> I_array[N];	//tri-nucleotide index array
	for (n in 1:N) {
		I_array[n] = mapping(D_array[n, 1], S_array[n], U_array[n, 1]);

parameters {
    vector<lower=0>[K] nu; //inferred shaped parameters for loadings
    vector<lower=0>[K] mu; // inferred mean loadings
    matrix<lower=0>[K, J] theta;	//inferred loadings 
    simplex[4] u[T, K, 4, 6];	//inferred upstream bases
    simplex[4] d[T, K, 4, 6];	//inferred downstream bases
    simplex[96] r[K];	//inferred sigs K by I

model {

	for (k in 1:K) {
		nu[k] ~ inv_gamma(gamma0, gamma1);
		mu[k] ~ inv_gamma(delta0, delta1);
		r[k] ~ dirichlet(alpha_array);
	for (j in 1:J){
		for (k in 1:K){
			theta[k, j] ~ gamma(nu[k], nu[k]/mu[k]);
	for (t in 1:T)
		for (k in 1:K)
			for (u0 in 1:4)
				for (s in 1:6){
					d[t, k, u0, s] ~ dirichlet(beta_array);
					u[t, k, u0, s] ~ dirichlet(beta_array);
	target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_log_term, X, grainsize, theta, u, d, r, K, T, doc, D_array, S_array, U_array, I_array);
	target += -sum(theta);

That X_slice you get from reduce_sum is X[start:end] but note that slicing shifts the indexing so that X_slice[1] is X[start], X_slice[2] is X[start+1] and so on.
You probably want

int s_idx = 1;
for (n in start:end){ 
  for (k in 1:K){
    base_rate = 1;
      for (t in 1:T){
        base_rate *= d[t, k, D_array[n, t], S_array[n], D_array[n, t+1]]*u[t, k, U_array[n, t], S_array[n], U_array[n, t+1]];
      mutation_rate += theta[k, doc[n]] * r[k, I_array[n]] * base_rate;
  log_term += X_slice[s_idx]*mutation_rate;
  s_idx = s_idx + 1;

Hi nhuurre, thanks for the reply. It works but I am a bit confused why we need another index s_idx for shifting instead of shifting using for (n in start:end)?

reduce_sum only slices the first argument; the others remain at their original indexing. If you want to use a single index you can offset the index of X_slice

for (n in start:end){ 
  for (k in 1:K){
    base_rate = 1;
    for (t in 1:T){
      base_rate *= d[t, k, D_array[n, t], S_array[n], D_array[n, t+1]]*u[t, k, U_array[n, t], S_array[n], U_array[n, t+1]];
    mutation_rate += theta[k, doc[n]] * r[k, I_array[n]] * base_rate;
  log_term += X_slice[n - start + 1]*mutation_rate;

or slice the others to keep them in aligned with X_slice

int L = end - start + 1;
int C = size(D_array[1]);
int doc_slice[L] = doc[start:end];
int D_slice[L,C] = D_array[start:end];
int S_slice[L] = S_array[start:end];
int U_slice[L,C] = U_array[start:end];
int I_slice[L] = I_array[start:end];
for (n in 1:L){ 
  for (k in 1:K){
    base_rate = 1;
    for (t in 1:T){
      base_rate *= d[t, k, D_slice[n, t], S_slice[n], D_slice[n, t+1]]*u[t, k, U_slice[n, t], S_slice[n], U_slice[n, t+1]];
    mutation_rate += theta[k, doc_slice[n]] * r[k, I_slice[n]] * base_rate;
  log_term += X_slice[n]*mutation_rate;

One model has

log_term += X_slice[n]*mutation_rate;

and the other has

target +=  X[n] * log(mutation_rate);

I’m not sure if PyStan detects threads automatically but I think it might.

Thank you @nhuurre , I also forget setting mutation_rate to be 0 for each iteration, which made the dismatched log densities. Now it works nicely!
I noticed that the threading support for pystan is quite old, and the compile function for pystan 3.7 does not have the argument extra_compile_args anymore, are there any instructions about setting threads in pystan 3.7?