[Re-Post] Rejecting Initial Value (Student_t distribution)

I accidentally withdrew from the previous post.
Here’s the link to the original post: Rejecting Initial Value (Student_t distribution)

I’ve edited the model section of the Stan code like this:

model {
  // Specify the model for the standardized data
  for(i in 1:(N-1)) {
//    for(j in 1:(T-1)) {
//      z_y[i,j] ~ student_t(nu, z_beta_0[i] + z_c[i,j] * z_beta_1[i] + z_a[i,j] * z_beta_2[i] + z_b[i,j] * z_beta_3[i], z_sigma);
      z_y[i,] ~ student_t(nu, z_beta_0[i] + z_c[i,] * z_beta_1[i] + z_a[i,] * z_beta_2[i] + z_b[i,] * z_beta_3[i], z_sigma);
//    }
    if(i == 1) {
  // Priors vague on standardized scale:
  z_beta_0 ~ normal(0, 4);
  z_beta_1 ~ student_t(1, 0, sigma_beta);
  z_beta_2 ~ student_t(1, 0, sigma_beta);
  z_beta_3 ~ student_t(1, 0, sigma_beta);
  z_sigma ~ uniform(1.0E-5, 1.0E+1);
  nu ~ exponential(1/30.0);
  sigma_beta ~ gamma(2.618,1.618); // mode 1.0, sd 1.0

No value is printing and I’m getting the same error as before :/

You are printing after the error occurs. Move the print statements up to the transformed data block.

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oh the transformed a,b,c matrices are nan…

    if(i == 1) {

I hate it when that happens

I’m new to Stan and modeling so I still don’t think I understand the issue correctly.
I’ve written the same codes for y,a,b and c - why is it that only y values are working properly?

This doesn’t have much to do with Stan modeling. It is just data processing. I suspect something is wrong with the data you are giving it. But another thing you can and should do is to create functions to do anything non-trivial. That way you can export them to R and verify that they are working correctly. So, something like

functions {
  row_vector standardize(row_vector x) {
    real xbar = mean(x);
    real s = sd(x);
    return (x - xbar) / s;

Then, in R do


Things like this will help you narrow down where the problem is.

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ohhhhh I see. That helped a lot thanks.
So now the transformed data block seems to be alright, but still the same errors…

Rejecting initial value:
  Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Exception: student_t_lpdf: Location parameter[1] is nan, but must be finite!  (in 'model99924c0e669e_model2_2' at line 67)

That means it is not alright yet.

Thanks so much for your help and patience :)