Ah just wrote a example so here you go, with some basic plots. Warning that it takes a while to run… and actually I ran it outside of rstan b/c for some reason rstan wasn’t working… so a few key lines at the end are commented out. It makes a design matrix from a 2-D b-splines but that’s a detail and since the matrix is huge and pretty sparse it uses the sparse matrix multiplication.
linear model using the (sparse) design matrix:
data {
int N;
vector[N] y;
int n_w;
int n_v;
int n_u;
vector[n_w] w;
int v[n_v];
int u[n_u];
int n_knots_m;
int n_knots_p;
vector[n_knots_m] knot_points_m;
vector[n_knots_p] knot_points_p;
parameters {
vector[n_knots_m * n_knots_p] knot_weights;
real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
sigma ~ gamma(4, 10);
knot_weights ~ normal(0, 1);
y ~ normal(
csr_matrix_times_vector(N, n_knots_m * n_knots_p, w, v, u, knot_weights),
Here’s the script for running it:
n_knots_m <- 10
n_knots_p <- 18
n_knots_in_grid <- n_knots_m * n_knots_p
knot_points_m <- seq(from=0, to=100, length.out=n_knots_m)
knot_points_p <- seq(from=0, to=180, length.out=n_knots_p)
knot_mu <- 0
knot_sd <- 2
knot_value_grid <- matrix(data=plogis(rnorm(n_knots_in_grid, knot_mu, knot_sd)),
nrow = n_knots_m, ncol = n_knots_p)
knot_value_long <- knot_value_grid %>% data.frame %>%
`colnames<-`(paste0(1:n_knots_p)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(M=as.numeric(1:n_knots_m)) %>%
tidyr::gather(P, value, -M) %>%
dplyr::mutate(P=as.numeric(P)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(m=knot_points_m[M], p=knot_points_p[P]) %>%
dplyr::arrange(P, M)
measure_points_m <- seq(from=0, to=100, length.out=200)
measure_points_p <- seq(from=0, to=180, length.out=200)
measurements_long <- expand.grid(m=measure_points_m, p=measure_points_p)
bs_m <- splines::bs(x=measurements_long$m, knots=knot_points_m, degree=5,
Boundary.knots=c(knot_points_m[1] - diff(knot_points_m)[1],
knot_points_m[n_knots_m] + diff(knot_points_m)[n_knots_m-1]))
bs_p <- splines::bs(x=measurements_long$p, knots=knot_points_p, degree=5,
Boundary.knots=c(knot_points_p[1] - diff(knot_points_p)[1],
knot_points_p[n_knots_p] + diff(knot_points_p)[n_knots_p-1]))
is <- vector(mode='numeric')
js <- vector(mode='numeric')
xs <- vector(mode='numeric')
for (m in 1:n_knots_m) {
for (p in 1:n_knots_p) {
j <- (m - 1) * n_knots_p + p
y <- bs_m[,m] * bs_p[,p]
is_ <- which(y > 1e-8)
js_ <- rep(j, length(is_))
xs_ <- y[is_]
is <- c(is, is_)
js <- c(js, js_)
xs <- c(xs, xs_)
bs_p_m <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=is, j=js, x=xs,
dims=c(nrow(measurements_long), n_knots_in_grid))
measurements_long <- measurements_long %>%
dplyr::mutate(surface = as.vector(bs_p_m %*% knot_value_long[,'value']),
observation = surface + rnorm(n=n(), mean=0, sd=0.2),
prediction = as.vector(bs_p_m %*% MatrixModels:::lm.fit.sparse(bs_p_m, observation)))
picks <- sample(1:nrow(measurements_long), 200)
pl <- ggplot(data=measurements_long) +
aes(x=m, y=p, fill=observation)) +
aes(x=m, y=p, colour=prediction), size=2.5, shape=15) +
aes(x=m, y=p), colour='black', size=2.5, shape=0)
stan_data <- rstan::extract_sparse_parts(bs_p_m)
stan_data[['N']] <- nrow(measurements_long)
stan_data[['y']] <- measurements_long[['observation']]
#stan_data[['m']] <- measurements_long[['m']]
#stan_data[['p']] <- measurements_long[['p']]
stan_data[['n_w']] <- length(stan_data[['w']])
stan_data[['n_v']] <- length(stan_data[['v']])
stan_data[['n_u']] <- length(stan_data[['u']])
stan_data[['n_knots_m']] <- n_knots_m
stan_data[['n_knots_p']] <- n_knots_p
stan_data[['knot_points_m']] <- knot_points_m
stan_data[['knot_points_p']] <- knot_points_p
rstan::stan_rdump(list=names(stan_data), file='data.rdump',
#m <- rstan::stan_model(file='sparse-lm.stan')
#s <- rstan::sampling(m, data=stan_data, chains=1, iter=100, warmup=200,
# thin=1, seed=12, verbose=TRUE)
s <- rstan::read_stan_csv(csvfiles='output.csv') %>%
a <- apply(s$knot_weights, 2, mean)
plot(a, MatrixModels:::lm.fit.sparse(bs_p_m,
measurements_long$observation), ylim=c(0,2), xlim=c(0,2))